


Ice cream parlor

I opened the door to the ice cream shop stepping out into the sulky street. I look back at Bakugou happily with my f/f ice cream in my hands. "Aren't you glad we stopped?! Even Ryder got a ice cream!" He steps out taking a lick from his own ice cream. "I guess. Let's just fucking go back." I nod and we begin our walk back to UA.

My mind was filled with happy thoughts, instinctively trying to get itself off what happened earlier. "Y/n." Bakugous voice breaks our comfortable silence. I look up at him. I hum in response. "What happened earlier?" I could feel his nervousness rise. I felt guilty for making him uncomfortable. "It was nothing just a slip up." I look ahead of me a small smile on my face. "Y/n that could've fucking killed you. Do you always slip up?" I chew the inside of my cheek.

"Not anymore."

And with that the topic was dropped. "Did you like your ice cream though? I loved mine it was delicious! Ryder finished his the second he got it too." He hums. "It was alright but it could've been better. I prefer spicy food." I nod.

"What's your favorite season?" I shove my hands in my pockets, taking a glance at the weirdly calm dog. "Spring. The flowers look beautiful." My eyes widen nudging him slightly. "Awww little Bakugou is such a softieee~" I tease giggling. He scoffs. "Do not. It really just looks nice, dumbass." I see UA come into view. "Awww you know you love me~" I nudge him again. "No I fucking dont." He looks ahead noticing UA too. "Yes ya dooo." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes."

And we continued our bickering until we arrived at our dorm doors. "Thanks for coming with me Bakugou. And for buying me ice cream." I look at him as he unlocks his door. "Hmm anytime." He says before opening his door and stepping halfway in before stopping. My smile widened. "Anytimeee???" I ask. He shakes his head. "I didn't say shit." He shuts his door and I go to it knocking. "Yes ya diddd. Imma hold you to that!" I exclaim before going over to my own door smiling at Bakugous door before entering my dorm with Ryder.

I smile at the thought of being able to hang out with Bakugou again. After feeding Ryder, I go to my room.

Eventually about 1 hour later I'm in my room in new clothes after a nice shower. I was bored out of my mind. "Might as well furnish." I say hopping off my bed. The bed burst into flames and all the dirt in the room went into a pile that I threw into a trash bag I made. Looking at the bland walls of my room I chose I would change everything.

I chose colors, making buckets of paint and trying each out on the wall. I chose

f/c for the walls and f/c for the carpet. I began painting but got interrupted by a knock on the door. I stood up and brush off my pants.

Opening the door I see Todo and Medoriya. "Hey guys. Whatcha need?" I ask leaning on the door. "Well we wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." Medoriya says. "Ah so you two were together earlier?" I was entertained by Todorokis flushes face. Medoriya nods. "Yeah. We were hanging out but we got bored." I smirk at Todoroki. "Well. You guys can join me in painting my room. I haven't gotten to decorating and I got bored." I raise my eyebrows at the boys and they nod. "Sure!" I move to the side. "Aight. Come in."

We enter my room that had only half of one wall covered. I look at the both of them. "You two." I point at the boys. "Can go do those two walls together and when you done you can help me finish." I say a quirky smile on my lips. "Yeah, ready Todoroki-kun?" Todorokis eyes widen when Medoriya turned around as he was staring at the boys broccoli hair. "Y-Yeah." Todoroki lets out both the boys going to their side of the room taking buckets of paint. The entire time I looked at them a fangirling smile on my face. I sigh happily. "Ah love." I breath out looking at my side of the wall. I begin painting and continue even with the sound of the other two flirting behind me.

When we finished painting I made some fans and opened my windows. The other two had fallen asleep on eachother when they were sitting down in the main room waiting for me to finish. I smile at the sight. A wave of water formed into a bed and I carefully placed the two lovebirds on it. I covered them with a blanket then looked at the tiny dog that had fallen asleep while he watched us paint. I placed him on the corner of the bed I made and I looked at the three that slept peacefully.

Imagine having a boyfriend???? I laugh at my thoughts. In the other corner of the main room I made a couch as it was the only thing that would fit. I sat down the air in the room making a blanket for me. I sighed the events of today making my eyes heavier. I slept and like every other night had a nightmare. But it was a harmless one. I hope.


Y/N's dorm room

I wake up when my body hit the hard floor. I groan opening my eyes. I look up to see the couch I was supposed to be on. I sigh rubbing my eyes and sitting up. Standing up I stretched my muscles popping. I had to excersize, I felt so lazy. Well, more than usual.

Going to the kitchen I fed the dog giving him a pet as he yawned shaking his body before jumping off the bed.

I look in my fridge thinking of what I should make. I hear a rustle from the bed and look to see lil ol broccoli waking up. Even though I had placed them separately last night, through the night Todoroki had wrapped his arms around broccolis waist and Medoriya had snuggled up to him like a puppy. When he woke up the first thing broccoli saw was the opening in Todorokis button up shirt, giving him a view of Todos chest. His face flushed red and I could feel his heart rate from where I stood. I smiled.

"Hey lover boy. What do you want to eat?" I catch his attention and his head whips over to me. His movements woke Todoroki up and his reaction was surprising. Where's the Grammy award for the best actor???

Though Todorokis face was red and his eyes shined, his facial features looked unaffected. "Ah morning Medoriya." He says calmly and I widen my eyes at him. "Morning T-Todoroki-k-kun." Medoriya let's out and Todoroki removed his arms from broccolis waist sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

Trying to act hot now??? I go back into the kitchen fangirling at the boys. Since nobody answered my question I was going to make what ever the fuck I wanted.

I made f/f and served it on three plates. When I entered the living room the two had managed to get out of bed and I saw broccoli buttoning Todos shirt. I smile at them. "Breakfast is ready." I announce the three plates in my arms. They look at me smiling happily. "Thanks." Broccoli says walking over. "Do you want us to move the bed? So you can mane a table?" Todoroki asks but I shake my head. "No need."

The bed and couches shapes soften and rush town as a small wave of water getting my floor and all of our feet wet. I make a table and chairs in the room from fire the two boys sitting down slightly uncomfortable. Then the water evaporated and they seemed to ease. I made a fan so that it wasn't so humid and we began to eat.

When broccoli finished he put his plate in the sink. "Thank you for the food Y/n! I'll be going to get ready for our trip. Bye Todoroki-kun!" He exclaims before shutting my door.

The second he shut the door Todo looks at me and sends a glare as I just took a sip of my drink. "What did I do?" He raises an eyebrow. "You made us sleep like that didn't you? It was so hard to not just kiss him right there!" Todoroki scolds as I put my cup down. I look at him. "All I did, was put you two in the same bed. When I out you guys in the bed you were at least two feet away. And if you kissed him I don't think broccoli would have a problem." I shrug taking the last bite of my plate. Todoroki's eyebrows furrow and I stand up walking to the kitchen. I place my plate in the sink and begin washing.

"What do you mean?" He asks. "I mean, little one broccoli head has a crush on you Todo." I say over the running water. I put my dish to dry and shake my hands to dry themselves. Walking into the main room I see Todos eyes wide looking at me seriously. "Are you serious? Your not joking right?" I shake my head putting my hand on broccolis chair and it dissapears now apart of the air. "He didn't tell me anything but from the way he reacted and how his aura was when your around I'm pretty sure."

"Y/n you better be serious or ill kill you." He warns and k sigh stepping behind him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he stayed sitting down on the chair. I swayed us lightly.

"I'm completely serious. I wouldn't joke about this kind of thing to you. You should ask the veggie out."

We spent the rest of our small time together talking about him dating broccoli while I packed my bag. "Ok I'm going to go pack. See you y/n." He says giving me a hug before leaving my dorm, shutting the door. I put the last pair of pants inside my bag and zip it up. I look at my room. It was getting somewhere. I put on a black tanktop and a white hoodie on top with black ripped jeans that stopped at my calves. I wore my black and white Nikes putting my hair up into the best pony tail I could make with my short hair.

I opened my phone and looked at my contacts. Last night I had hired somebody to dog sit Ryder while I was on the trip. I texted them that I was on my way. Stuffing my phone in my pocket I grab my bag and whistle at the little devil.

He runs to me at the door and I open it the both of us stepping out. I had to be quick so I wouldn't be late for the bus that left this morning. I go to the elevator and see Bakugou inside. On our way down I talk to him.

"Bakugou Can you go me a favor?" I ask my body getting ready to run. He grunts looking at me bored. "The hell is it." The bell to the bottom floor dings. "Can you take my bag to school? Ok thanks pay you back." I say dashing out after tossing him my bag. On our way out of UA Ryder barked happily by my side. "Come on boy, we can't be late." And at that I ran faster to our destination.

I stopped at a coffee shop and picked up Ryder, my chest going up and down quickly. "Y/n?" A voice asks and I turn to my name. "Yes!" He smiles. "You hired me to watch your dog. My names Daniel." He says taking a hand out. I look at my watch shaking his hand. "Yes. His names Ryder he doesn't need a leash he eats anything and likes playing. If he doesn't like somebody he'll growl but won't bite. Umm I gotta go that should be all right?" I spill out handing him Ryder. He chuckles at me. "Yes, have a good day Y/n." He says and I dash to the door. "Thank you! You too!" And with that I leave the shop sprinting all the way back to UA.

When I arrive I saw the students loading into the bus. I rush into the line next to Bakugou. "Thanks...for...bag..." I pant out grabbing my bag. He looks at me weirdly. "Your fucking weird." I giggle at him. "I know that already." I skip to the back of the line, catching my breath.

Getting on the bus I sit in the only seat available. "The hell were you doing running around, dumbass." He asks and I look at him after putting my bag up on the top. "I had to go take Ryder to a guy that was going to take care of him." I say plopping down into my seat next to him. "Do you even know the dude? What if he kidnaps the mut?" He says his gaze on me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I've seen the guy before. I'll be able to find him. Plus he didn't have any bad thoughts either." Bakugous eyebrows furrow. "You fucking read the guys mind?" I look at him ready to protest against his true accusation. "I'm not going to leave my little devil with just anyone!" He chuckles at me. "At least you know he's a demon." I roll my eyes.

The bus hadn't even started moving but me and Bakugou were already fighting.

The thing is. I liked it.

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