

"Alright, I will assign you all into different groups and you guys must help each other with the project. I want everyone to do their task without fail and I would like to see amazing projects from all of the groups."

As the teacher began to instruct and assign groups everyone hoped that they would get into a group with the person they wanted and so did Park Ji Sang.

Park Ji Sang wanted to be in a group with Kim Yeon Ah who was his crush ever since his 9th grade. He wanted to express his feelings to her but he never got the courage to do so.

While girls went crazy over him, he couldn't understand why Kim Yeon Ah never once spoke to him.

And he felt that all his prayers were answered when he heard the teacher saying that he and Kim Yeon Ah would be in the same group. He was elated.

"Wonderful!" He exclaimed as he went and sat beside her. He waved at her and she waved him back.

Ji Sang was taken aback by Yeon Ah's beautiful looks. He had always thought of her as pretty but he never got to see her from up close. Today when he sat beside her and saw her from close, he realized how beautiful she was. He felt that he had no words to say to her.

She had big green eyes, a small nose and pink lips which he wanted to know how they would taste. But he felt that he was going too far thinking it that way. He had just sat beside her and he was already thinking of feeling her lips. How absurd?

"Shall we..."

As he heard her soft melancholic voice, he didn't focus on what she was telling instead of that he stared at her with his chocolaty brown orbs with a stupid smile on his face.

Only when she poked his shoulder, did he focus on her.

"Yes?" He asked being baffled.

As he heard her again, he began to lose his focus yet he focused on her by shaking his head. "Sorry. What were you saying?" He asked her with a sheepish smile on his face.

When he saw her opening her mouth to speak, he heard the bell ring. "There goes the bell. Let's discuss later, alright?" Seeing her smile, he dumbfoundedly gave a nod and saw her walk away towards the teacher.

As Ji Sang saw Yeon Ah leave behind the teacher, he grunted.

He never was so speechless in front of a girl but he became speechless when he was with her. Uggh! He really wanted to say her how he feels about her.

Today, Ji Sang felt that God was helping him cause later after school got over, he and Yeon Ah were assigned the cleaning duties for the classroom. As he saw her mopping the floor in her uniform, he couldn't help but stare at her, AGAIN!

This time he was lost in his own world not realizing that Yeon Ah was calling him.

As he came back to his own world, he saw her walking out of the class.

"Excuse me!" He called out and saw her turn. The way her long brown hair touched her cheek, he wished that the cheek was him. Ahh! He would have felt her beautiful long hair on his skin.


"Can I get your number?" The moment this question escaped his mouth, he regretted saying it.

Because she looked at him with a different look which he had never seen before. He felt a chill run down his spine and he scratched his head trying to explain.

"I... want it for the... project discussion. I don't attend class sometimes so..." He looked at her and just upon seeing her body in the tight uniform, he felt his face turning red.

The white shirt and blue checked mini skirt showed how beautiful she was. Although she had worn stockings, he couldn't help but stare down at her legs.

Then somehow, he travelled his eyes back to her face only to see her giving a disgusting look.

"I'm sorry! I am really sorry. I didn't mean to look at you. You are pretty." And Oh god! Why the f*ck could he not stop blabbering at all. He felt that he messed up and quickly walked out of the classroom.

With this embarrassing memory fixed in his brain, he just wasn't feeling right to come to school the next day. Yet he came due to her and also the project.

There were only the two of them in the group and he felt that, he should keep his feelings aside and focus solely on the project. As he opened his mouth to speak, he saw a note being given to him by her.

He looked at her being confused and she signaled him to open it and see. And he saw... that there were a string of numbers written in that white piece of paper.

"That is my number." He heard her mutter and when he turned around to see her, he noticed that she was already gone.

He sighed! Another down day but atleast he got her number.

A week passed and their project submission date came. He wasn't worried because he had done his best for the project only in the hopes of impressing her.

And yes, their project was selected by their teacher as the best project. Thanks to Yeon Ah, a student like Ji Sang who only got an E or F for his grades, fortunately got an A for his project work and also his studies.

Because after their project work, Yeon Ah was still helping him with his studies. He was only doing this so as to impress her.

Yet no matter how many days they spent together studying, Park Ji Sang was never able to express his feelings towards her.

And days passed like this and everyone, including Ji Sang and Yeon Ah got graduated with good results. He was happy to get into the same university as her but he wasn't happy to just be her friend. He wanted to be more than friends but he never got the courage to express his feelings and they remained as friends, best of the best friends!

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