

Cole got ready for another day of school. He had learned enough about the alien race last night with the robot inside his head.

They had talked about all the possible kind of dangers that could be hailed upon the planet if one of them landed.

He asked as many questions he could. The holograms, were the most intriguing one he concluded. Then there were some invisible one.

They were not invisible but they did not fall under the visible range of humans which did not mean that they were very small or tiny in shape and structure.

In fact they were bigger and huge than human. He only wondered what more strange he could find out.

As usual, Mr. Evans waited outside of the house with his SUV parked in front of the gate. When he pressed the horn urging Cole to get out soon, he saw someone he never really thought he would ever see again.

There she was standing, looking at him with not much change. Her eyes still glowed....she did not get rid of them.

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