
Intermission 19: Kingdom of Gauss: The queen who came from another world

Sitting at a table was a slender-bodied woman with long, wavy black hair, her name was Joan. The exquisite chandeliers with gold details and the various luxurious furnishings showed that she was no ordinary person and in fact, she is the queen of the kingdom of Gauss.

Picking up a small blue magic stone from the table, she inserted it into a rectangular gray plate about the size of the palm of a hand. On the other side of this rectangular plate, about two centimeters thick, is a crystal screen.

On the side of the rectangular plate there is a row of three buttons, and when Joan pressed the first button higher up, a beep sounded. The sound came out of some small holes in the bottom.

With about a second of waiting, the crystal screen lit up with white color and on it were some names written. The first name was Point 1, and following the same naming scheme, it went to point 10.

This small rectangular plate, although imperfect, is an attempt to recreate the cellular phones that Joan was used to using in her past life.

Selecting the point 10 with her index finger, she pressed the middle button and almost immediately, a beep sounded.

"Are you listening?" Joan asked.

"Loud and clear," a male voice came out of the cell phone replica. "This is fantastic, even if it doesn't have the same quality as communication tools in general, it still allows for mutual communication with low mana consumption. When we start sales, the kingdom's income will grow considerably."

Although happy, Joan denied, "It won't be as soon as I had hoped. The range of the cell phone is shorter than normal communicators. We still need a lot of signal diffusers to make communication stable."

"Look on the bright side, since we're the only ones who know how to do that, it's another profit factor."

"You're right," Joan laughed. "Let's make a lot of money, and when that happens, let's kick out those who are against me."

Those Joan intended to deal with were the people of the faction opposite to her own. Because she was reincarnated into a world where men make the rules, Joan faced many difficulties until she became queen. Even after that, some nobles below her still often caused trouble.

Just then, the door was opened and a stout bald man with a short beard entered carrying a folder in his hands.

"How were the tests?" the bald man, whose name is Vincent, asked.

"Even on the other side of the kingdom, the signal is still great." Answering Vincent, she continued, "You don't usually pay me visits at this hour, has something happened?"

"You said to pay attention to that guy, didn't you?"

Looking uncomfortable, Vincent dragged a chair over and sat down at the table facing Joan.

"Intelligence has discovered some new information," he said.

There were several 'guys' they had to pay attention to, but just by seeing Vincent's expression, Joan already knew who it was.

"What did he do?" she asked.

"Hosnein's military center opened a place called the hall of heroes. It's kind of like a museum where they put basic information of the warriors, life history and their achievements for the kingdom," Vincent said. "To my displeasure, that guy is described as the most important guy in the history of the kingdom."

"He saved them from being destroyed, from my point of view, I think that's quite reasonable," the male voice came out of the phone that was still on.

"Jack is right," Joan said. "But that's not the only reason you came, right?"

Placing the folder on the table, Vincent pushed it toward Joan.

"Take a look," he said.

Placing the cell phone on the table, she opened the folder and began reading the contents.

Still on the line, Jack said, "Share the information with me as well."

Surprised by what she read, Joan was silent for a moment and then shared the information aloud.

"In addition to the titles we already know about, he was classified as a legendary warrior and given another title, 'The Best Daddy in the World.'"

"Are you kidding me?" the voice of Jack sounded incredulous.

"I'm afraid not," she said. "I'll read you a little passage, 'Thrilled by the sayings of his offspring who called him 'The best daddy in the world' he accepted with honors such a title.'"

"Wow, that's pretty eccentric," Jack said.

"You call it eccentric?" Vincent grumbled. "What does King Franklin have in his head to accept such a ridiculous title? That guy is just a madman playing house."

"Despite the initial surprise, on a second thought, it's kind of cute in a way. I think he must really like his daughter. Besides, you don't have to be that antagonistic, Vin," Joan said. "Sian has never hurt us, and you know we owe him a lot, don't you?"

Without saying another word, Vincent just grumbled.

The point Joan was referring to in saying that they owe Sian a lot is somewhat intertwined with her unique skills. When she reincarnated, she was given a system and two unique skills. While one makes it possible for her to manipulate metals, the other allows her to idealize and design circuits.

With one skill boosting the other added to her knowledge, she began to develop things from her past life. She used her unique skills to create various tools that work without the need for magic.

His intention was to improve the quality of life of the population at a low cost. However, this almost ended up costing her own life.


***About four and a half years ago, Gauss's reign***

In a white carriage with gold ornaments, Joan came through the paved streets of medieval European style. She was returning from a visit she made at her brother's wedding two days ago.

After a full day of traveling, the sun was almost setting when they arrived at the gate to enter the palace walls. While they were waiting for the soldiers to open the gate, Joan noticed someone through the curtains of the glass window. It was a young man with dark skin and disheveled hair who was wearing a worn cloak with some patches.

"From the look in his eyes, he seems to want to get inside the walls," Joan said.

Sitting next to her, the stout bald man, Vincent also looked out the window.

"It's not like you think," he denied. "To look so openly like that, it's unlikely he wants to break in. He wants a job."

"How can you be so sure?" Joan asked.

"It's not uncommon for peasants with above average physiques to show up here wanting a spot in the army."

"His body is covered by the cloak, how do you know his physique is above average?"

"As someone who has trained most of his life, I recognize someone hardworking when I see one," Vincent said. "Look at his eyes, those are eyes of desire. Since he is looking intently at the wall, he probably longs to become a soldier and grow in life. That's every peasant's dream."

"Do you see yourself in it?" Joan joked.

"You got me," Vincent laughed. "I had those eyes too, and look where I got to? I am married to the queen and control the entire army of the kingdom. That made me become an inspiration to many of the new generation."

Reaching into the inside pocket of his overcoat, Vicente pulled out a gold coin. Approaching the small window, he opened it and threw the coin at the young man, who held it without even turning his face away.

"Looks like my senses weren't wrong. Good reflexes, kid," Vincent complimented. "Use that money well and buy some decent clothes. Go to the military center in two days, if you're clean, they'll let you in to be evaluated."

It is not because someone is strong that he will immediately be added into the army. To ensure the integrity of the army, there is screening with the applicants and a partial background check.

At that moment, the gate opened and the coachman led the horses through the castle walls.

Although the young man seemed like an ordinary person, something was bothering Joan and she couldn't help but ask Vincent.

"Don't you find that strange? Even though he is a peasant, he didn't get down on his knees even after seeing the carriage with my coat of arms on it or even thanked you for the gold coin."

"He's just a peasant, he must have been very nervous. I've been there," Vincent smiled as if remembering the past.

"Why are you holding that coin?"

As the carriage drove along, a voice seemed to approach the young man. Although those inside the carriage could not see, they knew it was a woman because of the voice.

"I got it from a bald man who passed by in the carriage," the young man said in an apathetic voice.

"Isn't that the queen's carriage?" With a short pause, the woman continued, "You extorted them?"

"I wouldn't bother for only one gold coin," the young man said. "More importantly, where have you and the girls been until now? You took too long. I was about to leave you behind and go in."

"It's almost night, let's eat first," the woman said. "Becca found a place with good food, I'm sure you'll like it."

"If you say so, then fine, let's eat," the young man said.

At that moment, the gate behind the carriage closed.

"Maybe it's because I'm tired from the trip, but don't you think that conversation was a little suspicious?" Joan asked. "It gave me the impression that they are planning to invade the castle."

"Not at all," Vincent denied. "Do you really think that if that was the case, they would plan it in public? Or rather, in front of the queen's carriage?"

"You have a point, but it still makes me worry."

Even though she had enormous confidence in Vincent's judgment, Joan was skeptical.

"Even if they try, we have many experts here to protect the castle and the research center. If they want you, they'll have even worse luck."

Flexing his arm with muscles visible through his overcoat, Vincent placed his hand on his biceps.

"I have the confidence to stop anyone who comes along."

Vincent's confidence was not unfounded, he had recently earned the title of Epic Warrior. He was the first Epic Warrior in the kingdom of Gauss after many years.

Even if this was not the title given to the strongest warrior, it was in the top half of the titles. The titles start from exemplary, formidable, superior, epic, heroic and finally legendary.

Although the first three titles had no strict criteria for being awarded, the others are different. There are many factors to be judged before one receives one, and only those considered geniuses are able to acquire them. This was exactly the case for Vincent.

Even though he was born of humble origins, through his own strength he rose through the ranks of the army. At that time, when Joan, who was not yet queen, took a liking to him and supported him with resources, he grew stronger by leaps and bounds.

He is not the only strong warrior in the castle, there are several elite warriors who serve under the queen, they made up her royal guard. Their biggest task was to prevent any intruders from entering the castle perimeter, as Joan has many secrets to keep hidden.

Having only recently become queen after an arduous battle, only then did she hold the power to create the research center she desired. Thanks to this, her people finally managed to develop a method of replicating things from another world without the help of her unique skills.

Although people weren't sure what it really was, there were already many rumors going around about the research center. Since there was research, prototypes and products there that she reproduced with her unique abilities, she was doing her best to keep it a secret.

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