

Lying on his side with his elbow propped up on the bed, Sian slipped his hand gently over Emily's short wavy hair, which was sleeping.

Since she wasn't the only one drowsy after the meal, they immediately went upstairs to rest.

On the other side of the bed, Ophilia had a similar look to his as she also watched Emily fondly.

"When do you intend to tell her that you are her blood mother?" Sian asked in a low voice to Ophilia.

Perhaps because she wasn't expecting this question, she was surprised and hesitated before answering with a sad look on her face. "I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I'm afraid of her reaction."

"I don't think she'll mind that, she seems like a pretty understandable child." Sian said. "But I think it's okay, take your time. I just hope you don't take too long, otherwise it will only get harder and harder for you."

"I know..." after a few moments of silence, she said. "Remember when you said Badonis is no longer on Solaris? That just reminded me of something. When I was going to attend to you at the brothel, he specifically came to meet me and told me to please you."

"To please me? Well, I guess that would be a normal thing for a brothel owner to say, no?"

"Yeah, but not like that, and he seemed pretty nervous." Trying to imitate Badonis' voice, she made her voice sound hoarse and aged."'This customer may end up changing the course of your life, so do your best to please him, understand?', that's what he said."

"Hmm... Indeed, it looks a bit suspicious..."

"I think so too, but I hadn't said it before because I didn't think it was important. I thought it was just because you gave him a lot of money and that had stoked his greed, but it turns out that wasn't it... Do you think it's possible that he knew this would happen?"

"By this, you mean the fact that I fell in love and bought you?"

"Yes, but also the fact that you would take me to the orphanage and we would adopt Emily." Ophilia said.

"I think it's pretty unlikely, but it's not impossible." Sian mumbled. "It seems that the old man is hiding more than we imagine ..."


Stretching out after a brief afternoon nap, Sian got up, preparing to get back to work.

As he left the room, he spotted Illianna sitting at the table. She seemed to manipulate something in her hands, but since her back was turned to him, he couldn't see what it was. It wasn't as if Sian had forced her to stay there, he even told her to rest with them, but she refused saying that there was still too much to do.

Moving closer he noticed something strange, she had her eyes closed and there was nothing in her hands. She was simply moving and gesturing her hands in the void.

"If anyone saw you like this, they'd surely think you were crazy." He said.

Opening her eyes and stopping abruptly, she replied. "I usually don't bother with insults, but being called crazy is out of the question, you understand?"

"Is it some kind of trauma?"

"It's none of your business."

'Looks like I hit the nail on the head.' Sian thought.

"So, what were you doing?"

"I'm completing some magic tools." She replied. "Using my hands to manipulate is easier and less exhausting than mentally."

"I see." He said. "Well, get ready, we're getting back to work."

On the way, as they walked side by side, Illianna asked. "Have you decided what the name of the hotel is going to be?"

"I thought about putting Silia." He answered.

"Silia? Have you simply put your name together with Ophilia's?" She looked a bit incredulous.

"Yeah, but I'm not using that name." Sian replied.

"Less bad." Looking relieved, she continued. "Silia is not a suitable name for a hotel."

"Looks like we think the same thing." He nodded. "I think that name would be better suited to become a girl's name, so I decided to reserve it for when I have another daughter."

"To think like that, you must be pretty eager to have more children." She said. "You just won one and you're already planning the name of another."

"Nothing is impossible, so I'm just taking precautions."

"It's not like I care if you're going to have more kids or not." She shrugged before continuing. "But if you still can't think of a good name for the hotel, I can help with that."

"No need, I've already chose one." Sian replied. "It's Ophian, I think that's a pretty suitable name."

"So, all in all, it's still a combination of your name and Ophilia's." Illianna looked disappointed. "This is not a bad name, but it's very simple for a grand hotel. I think something more flashy would be better like Stargaze Hotel, Royal Paradise Hotel, Sunrise Summit Hotel, there are several options."

"Well, when I got the papers from the mayor, I named it as Ophian Inn and Restaurant."

Sighing, she said. "Even Tyrant's Hotel would have been better. But I guess I should be satisfied with the fact that it wasn't Silia."

Making some papers appear in his hand, Sian handed them to Illianna. "That's the hotel's register."

As she took her time to read, she said. "Instead of gross profit, here it says net profit."

"Is there a difference?" Sian asked. "I thought net profit was just a more sophisticated way of saying gross profit."

"I didn't really expect you to understand anyway." She then began to explain. "Normally, nobles charge a tax rate of at least 20% and can go up to 40% of the gross profit. But what's here is net profit, which is the income that remains after subtracting all the costs."

"In that case, does that mean it's very beneficial to us?" Sian asked.

"Exact- Hm?!" With a look of surprise, Illianna brought the papers closer to her face. "The tax you have to pay is 0%!"

"Really? 0%? Are you sure?"

"Didn't you read before you signed?" She asked incredulously. "Here's a note saying you received a special exemption, so you won't have to pay taxes."

"I didn't think it was necessary to read." Taking the papers from her hands, he read it carefully. "...It really is here, it seems my reputation was quite useful."

"Although it's not a good reputation." She said. "I heard that some nobles regularly spread your portrait among their subordinates, so they can be cautious of you. The Marquis' daughter is probably one of those who took such a precaution, and the mayor only did it so you couldn't be dissatisfied and start a mess."

"I wouldn't get mad over something so simple." He retorted.

"Normally I would have my doubts about that, but considering how docile you are around Ophilia, I believe you would behave."

"Speaking like that, you make it sound as if I were a wild monster and she is my tamer."

"It's still a truthful analogy, except you're rational and you're really falling for her."

Clearing his throat, he said. "Well, you're partially right."

"Speaking of Ophilia, at first I thought she was with you just for convenience, but it seems she really loves you." Illianna continued. "It's practically written in her expression when she's close to you."

"What about it?"

"Nothing." She shrugged. "I'm just surprised that there really is a person who loves you so much. Every time she talks to me, your name ends up coming out, no matter what the subject."

"Oh, are you jealous that you don't have anyone who likes you that much?"

"I don't need people to like me." Illianna retorted.

"You sound quite bitter." Sian looked at her. "How was your life like before you got reincarnated?"

"Horrible." She replied dryly.

"But didn't you say you were someone amazing?"

"I was referring to my abilities, not about my life." She retorted in a deep tone, with hatred permeating through her voice.

Realizing that this didn't seem like a pleasant memory for her, he decided not to ask anymore. Not that he didn't want to tease her, but he knew how painful it was to relive an unpleasant past.

Trying to change the direction of the conversation, he said with a sigh. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to enjoy alone with Ophilia today."

"Why not?" Illianna asked.

"Even if I want to, we still have a lot to do, so I can't make you go play with Emily and delay the whole build."

"Do not worry, I have everything under control." She said with a quiet expression. "When I took Emily to play at the orphanage yesterday, the kids liked me so much they wanted me to come back there every day. But since I would only be available at nighttime, I scheduled to go after dinner to tell stories for them."

With a respectful tone, Sian nodded. "As expected from an envoy of the Goddess Zenobia."

"Do not associate me with the Goddess of Lust." She retorted immediately.

As they chatted the rest of the way, they immediately noticed 3 figures standing at the entrance to the grounds.

"I had completely forgotten about them..." Sian muttered.

"Luckily they didn't need you to remind them." Illianna smiled. "These 3 really appeared at a timely moment, with that, we can concentrate more on our work and leave the simpler tasks for them."

After an afternoon of work, they returned to the inn and after dinner, Illianna had a brief conversation with Ophilia.

After that, she left taking Emily to the Orphanage, leaving Sian and Ophilia alone to enjoy a bit of the evening.

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