
Magneto's Revenge

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( Magneto POV)

It was strange to think that once upon a time. He and Charles were once on the same page, sharing common dreams of peace and equality for all mutants.

Now that it has been years, their ideas were no longer in sync.

Charles, ever the diplomat, wanted peace and unity, believing with all his heart that there would be a day when mutants and humans could live together in harmony.

He was different. He was more realistic. He knew no peace would never come, not as long hatred and ignorance still veiled the humans' eyes. The only way to wipe it was by sheer force.

The tension grew over the years, as their ideologies evolved, splitting it into two.

Some believed in Charles' dream of peace, others were on his side, waiting to repay the world with their own brand of justice.

His mind went back to the past, as he remembered the circumstances that shaped him. All the pain and anguish he had to go through and made him who he was today.

Like with Wanda, he had to go through something similar. An apotheosis of sorts.

Becoming a horseman meant forgoing your past, and rising above it. He admits he had many regrets over the years, but the greatest of them all was the day when his powers fully came into play.

It all started on that day in 1944, where Sebastian Shaw under the alias Dr. Klaus Schmidt posed as a scientist working for the Nazis.

He was present at the Auschwitz concentration camp, when his mutant powers first manifested and he was captured by the Nazis.

Shaw attempted to get him to show his power by pretending to be his friend and giving him some chocolate.

When he refused, Shaw urged him to move a coin that was on the table, but to no avail. He couldn't do it.

As if expecting this outcome, Shaw quickly called for 2 soldiers to bring his mother in.

He urged him once again to move the coin in front of him. All the while, a gun was pressed against his mother's temple.

Making the consequences of failure clear.

"No!" He screamed.

"Sweetheart," Mama tried to comfort him. She was just as shaken, just as terrified as he was, but attempted to hide her fear. "It's alright. You can do it."

"No. I can't." He glanced down at the gun with tear-leaked eyes. He curled his hands into fists, as if the movement of his fingers would move the coin.

"I am not a patient man, Erik." Shaw said.

He stared at the coin, putting all his energy, all his concentration into it. He tried to reach out to the metal. He tried to get it back to move.

The coin lay on the table, unmoving.

"I-I can't," he sobbed.

Shaw shook his head and sighed. "How unfortunate."


The gun went off, and his mother dropped onto the floor, mouth agape, eyes wide with shock and fear.

The echo of the gun rang in his ear like a siren. He felt the weight of his mouth as it fell and yet no sounds came out. Screams, curses, cries were tangled into a ball that wedged itself in his throat as he watched the blood leak from the bullet-hole marked on her head.

"Such a waste." Shaw's voice broke through the haze of the ringing, bringing him back to reality.

The shock crumbled his heart, and a wave of anger swept across his body, swirling around him like a tsunami.

It freely flowed throughout his body just as his screams were freely released, surging through every vein, vibrating through every cell.

Everything remotely made of metal crumbled in his vicinity. Just as the soldiers did after their metal helmets squeezed their skulls.

It was when he heard clapping that his anger ceased and the screaming stopped.

Shaw was smiling but this time it was a different smile.

It wasn't feigned or disappointed or even amused. It was a smile forged from pure joy, as if his pet had exceeded his expectations.

"Well done, Erik." Shaw's pride was as nauseating as his smiles, making his skin itch like it was being touched by leeches.

He lunged towards him to tear his throat out, to claw his eyes, to break that damn smile into millions of pieces.

More guards crept into the room, slipping behind him and pulling him back before he could accomplish the deed.

"Until then, Erik," Shaw waved as he was being pulled away. "Oh, and happy birthday."

Erik spat in his direction, and the guard on his left took a swing at him with his club, causing the world to go black.

When he came through, he was back in his cell, tossed onto the floor like he was trash, his mouth caked with dry saliva and blood.

It was when he was wiping away the bits of crimson that he remembered what happened.

He finally tapped into his powers. He commanded the metal. But not before his mother died first. Killed by Shaw's order. Because he hadn't tapped into his powers sooner.

Emotion poured into him, filling every inch of his body.

It wasn't fiery, explosive anger but sadness.

Sadness that weighed heavily on his body like a mountain, crushing his bones, crushing his heart. Or the remnants of it.

As heavy anguish was, it was also crippling, pinning him right on the ground. It was also cold, chilling every vein, freezing every cell, taking any trace of warmth he might have had.

His body was shaking, his eyes stinging. He clamped his mouth to keep the tears contained, to keep the sobs locked away.

And yet…drops leaked from his eyes. Hot, fat drops. One after the other until he was drowning in his tears.

Erik mourned for his mother until the tears were done and his body was hollow and he fell asleep. Lying on the cold hard floor of his cell.

Ever since that day things worsened in some ways. Since his last birthday, Shaw increased the number of tests, the hours into their meets and lessons, amped the tactics of his experimentation that shocked and almost broke him.

But, he promised himself that one day he will get his revenge. And, Shaw will rue the day that he met him.

(The X-Mansion)

After the events back at Canada, Charles was busy looking for legion using Cerebro.

Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be having much luck.

Scanning for every significant psychic signature he could find. Xavier was greatly alarmed when the words

" MUTANT DETECTED!" were flashing in bright red, a rotating picture of a woman clad in a black-red outfit.

The readout of her level, three simple words which Charles whispered softly in dread, "Omega level mutant…".

Slowly moving a hand to power down Cerebro before lifting the helmet from his head, his wheelchair turned as the doors slid open to reveal Wolverine and Storm.

Her usual kind expression was missing though, replaced by a worried look as she saw Xavier's grim expression.

"So what'cha find Chuck" Wolverine growled out, pressing the end of his cigar into his hand to stub it out.

"Assemble the team Logan, Ororo prepare the Blackbird, we've got an Omega Level Mutant on our hands."

A shudder ran down Orroro' spine at Charles's words. While Logan merely growled in annoyance.

The telepath placed his hands on his temples, sending out a psychic message to the X-men.

<All X-Men suit up and report to the hanger in five minutes. >

As the two adults turned to step out of Cerebro Xavier raised a hand, "Ororo I need to speak with you quickly". As the African goddess turned to her mentor he gave a small sigh, "Ororo, I need you to get in contact with Jean and Douglas."

"It's that serious, huh." She said.

"I'm afraid so my dear. There's a reason omega level mutants are so rare, it's because such power in anybody's hands could easily lead to catastrophe."

Normally, Charles would be reluctant to ask Douglas for help. Especially since he was the reason, Jean and Kitty had decided to leave and he even left a seed of doubt in his X-men.

He could see it in the way they'd be guarded around him. Always trying to keep their thoughts contained.Obviously uncomfortable by the idea, that he could potentially mess with their minds, it irked him to no end to be thought of in this way, especially when he could hear those thoughts.

Orroro nodding at this, her eyes falling, she quickly realized what this meant, "You want them to help us stop her, if she proves to be hostile." she said, the older man nodding again, hoping that they agreed to help them.

The X-Men began to assemble in the hanger bay, several of the X-men muttering or looking around in confusion as Logan and Xavier wheeled towards them, the telepath looking over the team with a serious expression.

"Cerebro detected a new mutant signature, it's in Egypt, Giza, the signature belongs to a woman named Wanda Maximoff, she's an Omega level mutant so we'll have to be cautious" seeing the worried expressions of his students, they all knew full well what an Omega Level mutant could do as they had all heard about when the Phoenix had first emerged in Jean's body.

"Not only that, she appears to be with four others, if it comes to a fight we'll be forced to neutralise her and bring her back with us, and it will take all of us to match her power"

( London, Hellfire Club)

Back in london, Shaw was already waiting with dozens of soldiers flagged by his sides, guns out and loaded.

As the leader of the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, Shaw started plans to dominate the world through force, money, and power.

After he discovered he was a mutant capable of absorbing energy. His power led him to believe that mutants were superior to humans and were meant to rule them.

His powers made him able to absorb energy in all its forms, proportionality augmenting all his physical parameters until finally metabolizing it.

This made him extremely difficult to defeat in battle, as all the kinetic force from an enemy's strike or projectile assaults is another form of energy that would ultimately be nullified while simultaneously strengthening him.

It even allowed him to keep his youth, and over the years he discovered the most his body metabolizes energy to rejuvenate his youth, thereby extending his youth, vitality, and overall lifespan proportionate to the accumulated energy.

With the continuous absorption of energy, he can practically live forever.

His connections to top officials of corporations and government, acquired via the club and through his position as CEO of Shaw Industries, made him a powerful enemy. But, against the threat he has been warned against he felt it prudent to take some precautions.

Frost had warned him something was coming for him, something powerful.

She picked up on a powerful psychic signature zeroing in on them a few hours ago, and ever since then she'd been feeling uneasy.

And, while their plan was for her to hide, and wait to ambush whoever shows up. The plan still left them vulnerable for attack.

Her senses screamed at her to escape, as the sense of foreboding increased.

" I'll be back in a few. I need a drink." She suddenly said, before getting up to leave.

Shaw barely acknowledged her as she went up stairs for a drink. His mind was still occupied with his thoughts, as he wondered who could be coming for him.

The club were they had their meetings was situated under a high-end club for the rich and famous. Making it an ideal place to hide their more nefarious activities.

It was a few minutes later, when he lifted his head as he heard footsteps.

He lifted his gaze, expecting Frost who should have gotten back by now, but instead he almost spit the whiskey he'd been sipping on.

He was surprised by the sight of them. Especially the blue alien looking one wearing armor. He momentarily tore his eyes away from him, as he scrutinized the man standing beside him.

He was a young man who looked to be in his mid-thirties. Wearing a helmet and cape. He looked eerily famaliar and after a few moments...

"Ah, long time no see, Erik. What a pleasant surprise. You look great for eighty . Come on tell me, what's your secret? "

He then shot Apocalypse a look. "I see you've made some new friends too. Is he from the blueman group by any chance? " Shaw said, as he got up to approach the duo.

Magneto gritted his teeth in anger as he finally laid his eyes on his mother's murderer.

All these years he has searched for him, and Shaw didn't even seem to age a day, since he has last seen him.

At his murderous look, Shaw responded with a regretful look. " Is this because about what happened in the camps? Well, I'm sorry Erik, I truly am. But everything I did, I did for you. To unlock your power, to make you embrace it."

Shaw's smile was as cold as his eyes.

Without taking his eyes off Shaw, Magneto took a step closer to him, as his mother's face flashed through his mind, blood spilling from the hole marked on her forehead.

Responding to Magneto's approach. Shaw gave a signal for his bodyguards to engage. The clicks of the guns rang like thunder.

"One." Magneto said, as he took a step.

The bullets boomed like canon-fire, setting off hundreds and hundreds of bullets.

Erik stepped in front of them, and stopped them with a wave of his hand, then sent them back with a forward thrust of his fist, piercing through the men's skin with their own weapons.

Each men fell, one right after the other, like dominoes. Shaw was the only left standing, seemingly unaffected by the barrage.

Shaw spun around, seemingly unconcerned by their deaths. " Ah... How regretful they were my best guys too."

"Two." Magneto said, as he took a second step forward.

Shaw shrugged. " Oh well, I guess it was too much to ask of them to go up against someone like you."

"Three." He said, with finallity.

" You can't hurt me, Erik. I made you." Shaw said.

"Everything you did made me stronger.

It made me the weapon I am today.

It's the truth. I've known it all along.

You are my creator. But, unfortunately for you. You created a monster." Magneto said.

With a flick of his hand a metal coin appeared in his hand. The same coin Shaw had told him to move all those years ago.

In his hand the coin shaprned to a razor edge, and before Shaw could react metal tendrils shot from the ceiling and restrained him.

"Now I'm going to count to three and I'm going to move the coin." He said, repeating the words Shaw spoke to him that day.

The coin began to move towards him, at an agonizingly slow pace. Shaw's weakness kinteticless assault: made it If someone does not apply any measure of force while attacking him, he can easily get injured or killed.

As Magneto started counting once again, the coin moved closer and closer towards Shaw.

Shaw's eyes could only widen in fear and panic, as he saw his demise approaching him. He never knew, Erik would know the secret to his defeat. That as long as he was restrained and was deprived from absorbing any kind of force, or kinetic energy. His powers would be near to useless.

" Erik, wait we can talk about this!" Shaw said, as he struggled trying to break free from the metal cables restraining him.

Magneto uncaring of Shaw's pleading and appeals continued moving the coin towards him, all whilst counting.

Shaw's whole body shook as the coin penetrated through his neck undedetered. With the coin moving at a very slow momentum, not applying any kinetic friction, whatsoever...

"I..." Blood was dripping down Shaw's chin. It was surreal to Erik seeing him like this. A man who made his life hell, someone he believed to be the devil's advocate so helpless and weak. "I made you strong."

"No," Apocalypse suddenly spoke. "I made him strong."

Without hesitation, the razor sharp coin sunk into the man's neck, breaking through skin and watching crimson flow from the wound.

Shaw tried to speak, but all that came out of his mouth were breathless, wet sounds of nonsense and more blood.

Erik swung back his fist and released, hitting the man right on the chest, knocking him to the ground.

He didn't take his eyes away. Even when Shaw started shaking, even when bloodstream gushed like a waterfall, even as he watched the life fade from his eyes.

"Erik," Apocalypse called for him. "Come on. Let's go."

When it was over, he turned back to Apocalypse, whose eyes shifted from the corpse over to him.

He smiled at him and walked over to corpse, a few minutes later... "His power shall serve us well. Come my horsemen, our guests await us." Apocalypse declared.

At Magneto's inquiring gaze, Apocalypse explained. " Our brethren seem to be impatient, I can sense them at our home."

A cold smile appeared on Magneto's face,

" Ah yes, I've been meaning to see an old friend."

( Chapter End)


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