
A Gambit

For 11+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

" And 3+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

Check out my pat-reon/AnubisCreationz



Enjoy ;)


" " Speaking

' ' Thinking

< > Telepathy


East Side ( Floor 7)

Jean carefully brought her team through the base. Careful use of her Telepathy and Telekinesis kept them off, the base's security systems.

As they slowly worked their way further into the base, she noted that whoever had built this place had done the bare minimum. Most of the tunnels they were working their way through were rough cut rock. With poor lighting and ventilation.

As they moved through another hallway, a guard nodded at the group as if he recognized them with a slightly glazed look in his eyes and pointedly looked the other way as the group slipped on by.

Nearby cameras turned as they passed, only to return to their original positions as soon as they had passed.

She could feel the pain and despair that seemed to have soaked into the walls of this place. She was having a hard time keeping her shields in place.

The constant feelings of pain and fear seemed to radiate from all directions.

In the back of her mind, the Phoenix stirred.

She could feel its anger at what had happened here, and wanted to burn everything.

Taking a deep breath, Jean focused on the mission and tried to keep the Phoenix claim.

The last thing they could afford now was for her to lose control of herself.

< A'hm guys are we getting close? This place is seriously giving me bad vibes.> Rogue said, an unsettling feeling descending upon her.

< I agree. Something doesn't feel right> Illyana said, her magical senses blaring at her.

Eventually they all come to a halt in front of a very fancy pair of double doors, all dark polished wood with matte metal, that had the words legion written on it.

< I think this is the place.> Hank thought about the group.

Jean mentally nodded. < I'm going to break open the door. Stay back.>

Jean then laid her hand on the door, focusing inward. She opened a small door in her soul and let a small stream of fire flow through her soul.

She had been practicing this for years now with the Ancient One.

The fire responded eagerly to her command. Using the fire to boost her telekinesis, she gently pulled the door apart at the molecular level.

From the perspective of everyone else, the door seemed to waver for a few moments after Jean had put her hand on it and then just disappeared.

Carefully, Jean closed the door in her soul, which was much harder than usual. Her other half wanted to rampage, whispering soon that this place would be cleansed but they needed to get the innocents out.

The raging inferno that was her soul paused at her words and grew calm, she could feel the Phoenix watching carefully from the back of her mind. Waiting, watching.

Trying to dismiss why The Phoenix suddenly seemed so cooperative all of a sudden.

The team stepped inside the room, which was dimly-lit with only one flickering light bulb which left most of the room in shadow. The floor was covered by a thick rubber mat with only a thin mat in one corner.

In the far corner in the deepest shadow of the room sat a disheveled man with long black hair, ragged, thin, with hollow eyes staring off into infinity with a ragged blanket draped across his shoulders.

Jean carefully approached him, before crouching before him, in the path of his unfocused gaze.

David's eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling, seemingly unresponsive. Jean noted the power dampener around his neck similar to the ones they saw on the rest of the prisoners.

<Careful. > Hank warned.

Jean shook her head. < He has a power dampener collar on. I don't think he's much of a threat at the moment.>

" David. We are here to help you; can you hear me?"

She asked, making sure to keep her voice soft and non-threatening.

He was still staring in front of him, unfazed by what she said, as if her words didn't even register. Gently touching his shoulder this time, and with a gentle voice.

"Your father sent us to get you out. You're going to leave this place."

That seemed to evoke a response, if but a small one. David's eyes suddenly swiveled to fix upon the group before him, but after a moment looked away again as if disappointed by what he found.

Restraining a sigh, Jean watched as David slowly stood up and became fixated on one of the broken lamps on the wall, his hands rising to touch the cold, round casing.

The bulb flickered to life at his touch, and it did so quite suddenly, flashing white hues across his face.

" I don't think he's all there. We should probably leave. Our break in, probably triggered an alarm. We should get moving, before the guards arrive."

Hank said. Jean nodded.

"Illyana open a portal, let's get out of…"

That's when everything went wrong.


𝗡𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗦𝗶𝗱𝗲 (𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗿 𝟱)

Kitty punched in a few commands on the keyboard, and the machines hummed for a few moments before the image of several dozen power dampeners popped up on a map on the computer screen.

The collars were giving her more trouble than expected and it was pissing her off. It was too dangerous to try and remove them, without the proper shut down codes.

Kitty had quickly found out that all the collars were booby trapped with mini explosives set to go off if they were incorrectly removed without the proper shut down codes. And she hadn't wanted to risk phasing them off.

Luckily, Doug had fitted a hacking tool in her costume, integrated in her left forearm.

He seemed to get a kick out of calling it an Omni-tool for some reason.

Once she had figured that it was too dangerous to try and physically remove or phase the collars, she'd had to leave Kurt and Ororo back at the containment center and hurried towards the main control room. It didn't take her long to find it, evil experimentation facilities always had a habit of putting everything close together.

Seriously wouldn't it have been better, had they put the control room on another floor? She mused to herself.

A few taps on her Omni-tool, a pronged extension popped put out from her wrist, and she quickly connected it to the terminal in front of her.

Streams of code flickered on the screen, as the hacking tool did its thing and after a few minutes she was fully into the system.

"Storm. I'll have the collars deactivated in a few minutes, have Nightcrawler start teleporting people out as soon has I get the collars deactivated."

Kitty communicated over the comms.

" We'll be ready. Hurry back though. We're having a bit of trouble here, we ran into a mutant who was trying to set the rest of the prisoners free, but he wasn't exactly subtle about it. We're holding off a few dozen guards, but they seem to be cooking up someth…Oh Crap! What the hell are those?! Wait, no … Look out!"

The comms cut out, as the sound of a massive explosion going off rocked the whole base.

"Storm! Storm! What's wrong?"

Kitty yelled out alarmed. Cursing, Kitty quickly finished deactivating all the collars in the base. Pulled out her sling ring opening a portal to where everyone was supposed to be and leapt through with a combat spell at the ready.

Coming out of a combat roll, Kitty was met with the sight of Storm and a man with burning red eyes fighting what looks like very large, very angry murder bots.

They were both 5 meters tall, and their bodies were completely jet-black in color. Kitty watched has Storm threw a huge lighting bolt at one of the murder bots, staggering it back a few steps. Then it started to glow and then the robot to started to absorb all the energy from the lighting bolt, making it glow brighter at the joints.

Storm cut of the attack when she saw that her attack seemed to be feeding the robot. Glowing the robot responded by shooting out several energy blasts from it's hands and eyes leaving deep glowing red trenches in the rocks, as storm and the mystery man dodged the attack.

Kitty had a feeling if she was hit by one of those she wouldn't survive.

Quickly activating her power and running across the room phasing through several attacks, as the robots noticed her. Heading towards Storm who was defending the entrance.

"What the hell are those things!!!"

Kitty shouted out.

"I don't know, but that short guy over there called them Sentinels."

Storm said, pointing towards the far end of the room, surrounded by a dozen heverly armed men she noted a man in a well cut suit as he watched the fight with a calculating eye.

The man with the red eyes reached down picking up several stones. A few seconds later they were glowing red, dodging another energy attack he threw the stones at the robots heads.

Several large explosions rocked the room again, knocking them both off there feet and seemed to have stunned them for a few seconds. Looking towards Kitty, who was looking at him with a curious gaze.

" Ah' sorry love. Where are my manners? The name's Remy, but my friends call me Gambit."

He said as he wiped his hand on his shirt, before extending his arm for a handshake. Kitty gingerly took his hand and shook it.

"Uh nice to meet you I guess. Are you the prisoner that managed to escape before we got here?" She asked.

Gambit nodded before chucking out another rock he had picked up. Causing another explosion on one of the downed Sentinels, though she noted that it didn't seem to be causing any damage to the robot.

"Somthing they did to me forced my powers evolved while I was being tortured. I burned through the sedatives they were giving me to keep me docile, and I got loose. Then came here to free the rest of the prisoners when I bumped into Stormy over here. So you got a careful plan I can jeopardize, while you get the kids out?"

"Just keep them occupied while Kurt and I get the kids out." Kitty replied, before running off to the cells. Gambit shrugged.

"Fine be me. Hey, Tin can! Tell your boss I say hey."

He yelled as he hurled another a piece of explosive debris at the robots, to distract them from Kitty.

Trask frowned as he saw that white clad figure come in through some sort of portal and phase through several of his Sentinel's attacks.

He was taking his time letting the Sentinels collect combat data, since he didn't get many chances to test them in live combat situations like this often. But that new mutant's involvement ran the risk of jeopardizing his operation, especially if she managed to break out the prisoners.

" We have enough data. Disengage data collection protocols, engage the enemy at full capacity. Eliminate all mutants on site."

He ordered his Sentinels, through a communication device. The Sentinels stilled for a moment, as they received their new orders.

"Confirmed. Accessing collective database. Formulating optimal response."

A robotic voice sounded out of all the Sentinels in the facility.

The two sentinels fighting Storm and Gambit suddenly sprang into action, moving much faster than before landing amidsts the few mutants still remaining at the containment cells behind them.

One of the Sentinels focused on Storm and Gambit, while the other went after the mutants trying to escape. Kitty and Kurt were corralling those who were left as fast as they could through the portal.

They had started with the youngest, and only a few of the older mutants were still left. Those who were unable to move where being carried, and those old enough were also helping the younger ones.

"Watch out!"

Storm suddenly shouted as she dodged energy blasts and her hands glowed with electric energy. Kitty quickly grabbed one of the kids phasing them both just before the blast hit. Then pushing the still stunned kid though her portal.

"Kitty, Gambit, get everyone you can onto the jet!"

Storm shouted above the chaos as she started firing several powerful blasts of wind and lightning at the robots.

The lightning bolts bounced off the sentinels' armor ineffectively, and they continued to march forward, undaunted by her attack. Nightcrawler teleported to Storm's side. Storm managed to maintain her poise despite the situation.

"Kurt, we need to buy Kitty some time. Try to draw their fire."

Nightcrawler nodded in acknowledgment. Storm was about to take off, but Kurt put his hand on her shoulder lightly.

"May God protect you, Ororo,"

He said with quiet determination, then disappeared in a puff of smoke. Then Storm lifted into the air, firing useless blasts of electricity at the sentinels to distract them.

She was vaguely aware of Gambit still throwing his explosives at them as he and Kitty shepherded the last of the prisoners through the portal. Kurt was appearing and disappearing erratically around the sentinels, trying to draw their attention like Storm.


Kitty called over the comm, sounding frightened.

"We got everyone we could onto the jet. Get out of there!"

Storm tried very hard not to look at the still bodies of several young children on the ground with holes burned through them as she began flying back towards the portal.

"Where's Kurt?"

She shouted into her microphone.

"I'm on my way out."

Kurt answered over the comm.

"I've got another mutant with me. Unconscious but still breathing."

He said, before he teleported to the jet.

In the confusion of battle Storm was distracted for a moment. A Sentinel fired at Storm while her back was turned. There was no time to warn her, no time to doge.

The sudden whoosh of teleportation made Storm whirl around just in time to see Nightcrawler's eyes widen in pain and then fall to the ground. The smoke from his teleportation had barely cleared, but he was solid enough to take the deadly blast in her stead.


There was a sudden blur and a flash of blue light and suddenly the Sentinel's arm fell off, a clean slice exposing internal circuitry.

It had only a moment to process this before the flash struck again and again, slicing off more pieces every time.

In a matter of seconds all of it's appendages were laying on the floor next to it.

The bright flashing finally resolved itself into Cypher, one hand holding a shining blade of light the other holding the Sentinel up by it's chest plate.

Red pulsing energy flowed from his glove and channeled into the machine, within moments overloading the whole thing. Dropping the burned out robot with a massive crash.

Still not satisfied with the damage he had done, he channeled the Reality stone's power again turning it's Adamantium armor to glass, and with a casual punch the whole thing shattered.

Wolverine then came crashing into view, wrangling a now much more banged up Sentinel.

The thing had several bits of plating ripped off. Big as it was, the thing just wasn't built to handle logan's enchanted claws. It lashed out with it's arms with an overhead meant to crush him into the ground, but he nimbly dodged to the side as the fist punched into the ground. Before he leapt back at the limb slicing through the arm before the Sentinel could pull back.

There was the sound of screeching metal as the arm crashed to the ground. Without pause Wolverine moved onto one of the legs while it was off balance from the loss of it's arm.

Suddenly, three more Sentinels came crashing through one of the walls with a massive red beam of energy smashed them across the room embedding them into the rock walls, quickly a massive ice wall formed around them locking them into place.

Cypher threw his hands forward shouting of a string of several words. A dozen large red drills quickly formed in front of him before another word fired them all of at the Sentinels embedded in the wall.

The drills burrowed through several points in the robots with almost no resistance. Weakly he could seem them still struggling to break free from the wall and ice they were trapped in.

Tutting to himself and mildly impressed at there durability, all the remaining Sentinels transformed into glass statues. A second later they all shattered.

Trask who was watching all of this go down, couldn't believe his eyes. Five of his Sentinels had been taken down in less than a minute, their defenses by passed and their absorption abilities rendered useless. All done by this man, who was dressed in a futuristic looking suit of amour.

The man, then started to approach that blue mutant's body, and crouched down beside him. A green pulse of energy glowed around his hand and over the gaping hole in the center of the blue mutant's chest.

Trask had witnessed healing factors before, or those with healing powers, but this seemed different some how though he couldn't say how.

The blue mutant's body seemed to pull itself back together in less than a minute the damage was gone, even his clothes had been repaired.

It almost seemed as if time was turning back on itself. The blue Mutant took a deep breath coughing.


( Chapter End)


Big shout out to my friend PhotoStorm Photography. Had fun collabing on this chapter. 😊👍


For 11+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

" And 3+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

Check out my pat-reon/AnubisCreationz

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