
One Last Stretch

We stepped outside the cave to be met with the smell of wet earth and fresh air. The sunlight shone from between the clouds. It dyed the entire forest golden as we watched. A short moment later, leaves turned green and the sky blue.

"Well," Asher glanced at the sky. A few rare raindrops still dribbled as he smiled. "This is a nice view after yesterday's storm."

I nodded. "Especially after spending the entire night in a cave." Lucius added. He stretched his legs and glanced at the peak, now somewhat visible through the clouds. "Looks like it gets quite steep." His grin disappeared as understanding dawned on him. "Wait, we're not going to fly, are we?"

I couldn't help but laugh. A powerful and skilled fighter like him was so terrified of heights. It kind of reminded me of Alex and her arachnophobia. My smile faded as I remembered Alex's collapsed state.

"Anyways," I said, looking away. "Let's go." I didn't want to think about the dead and dying right now.

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