


"Yes, Ma! No chocolate for the twins. Got it."

I closed the door and sighed. The twins were getting their regular check-ups with the dentist the next day. I chuckled at my mum's serious face and got back to my studying. 

I don't remember getting regular dentist check-ups and my teeth turned out fine.

I looked at the stack of worksheets I had been assigned over the past week and gulped. There were at least twenty-three of them. I had to submit all of them by the end of this week. 

God, what do the teachers think we are?

Some sort of robots?

I sighed and got up to check if the twins were still asleep. I peeked into their room and they were sound asleep.

Snoring lightly, actually. 

I chuckled and got back to my seat. I guess, I really had no more excuses left. I had to get into these assignments and complete them. I took the first one and cringed when I saw the subject.

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