


"Do I have to go with you, Ma?"

My mum continued stuffing the bags as I stood in front of her, with my hands in my pockets. I just didn't like where this was going.

"Yes, Xavier. It's only for two days. Plus, it's your nana."

Every year, we visit my maternal grandmother who lived in Javea, Spain. My grandfather, Jon Kortajarena, owned a famous shoe business there. However, he passed away a few years ago. Leaving my mum, their eldest child, to look after the business. 

My mum couldn't look after it because she didn't live there. So, naturally, my uncle Pablo, took over. But, my mum remained the sole owner. So in these yearly visits, she got the time to look over the business and its progress.

I just didn't understand, why I had to go with her.

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