
What Is Wrong With Her?

"I would've hit you but we are right next to the Emperor," Jinghua (Doctor) said through clenched teeth and a smile.

"What?" Yang Qui (3rd Prince) asked her.

"I just told you that my patient of three years died and you are smirking."

Yang Qui pulled the smirk off his lips and turned his eyes to his friend. "I wasn't listening."

Jinghua hardened her eyes at him but the smile didn't leave her lips. "I tried to resuscitate him that was why I was late. But… he was gone."

Yang Qui pursed his lips, trying to stop his laughter. "I feel sorry," he said. "Truly, I do. But if you keep that face up, I'm going to burst into laughter. You look like you haven't crapped for five days."

Jinghua laughed exageratedly, drawing the attention of the nearest group of people. She did not stop. It was her threatening laughter. It was the "be thankful you're a prince or I would've already cut you open" laugh.

Jinghua gave him another forced smile. "You're so funny."

Yang Qui settled back on his seat, relaxing. His eyes tried to count the soldiers that was inside the room. These were the only ones well enough to attend. When his eyes drifted to the far right side of the room, he saw the silver head, standing out from the rest of the dark ones.

What is wrong with her? Yang Qui asked himself. Princess Yingyue never dared to look at him. She had always belonged to Xiaodan (2nd Prince) ever since they were young. So why was she looking at him earlier?


Tianshi Xue was taken to a seat. Prince Xiaodan gave her a glass of water and she slowly slipped on it. "Are you feeling better?" he asked as he soothed her back.

"Yeah, I am," she smiled at him, thankful that he was at her side in probably one of the most embarassing things that has ever happened in her life. All because Prince Qui looked at her.

How pathetic.

She was disgusted at the thought of how much he affected her.

"Are you ready to go back?" Prince Xiaodan asked her. She handed the glass to a waiting servant and rose with the prince.

Everyone was worried about her at first, but she eased back to the conversations soon enough. These people liked to talk about art, movies, and songs. The things that only rich people could problematize about.

"Oh, sounds like a good show!" she remarked when one of the women mentioned a crime show that Tianshi Xue had been following for quite a while.

She sighed. It hadn't even been 48 hours but she already missed her Linker (the hologram phone in Heping). Honestly, how did the princess survive not being able to keep up with what was everyone was doing? 

"Right?!" asked the same woman. "Oh, have you heard about that actress? The one that drowned?"

The hairs on her arms stood up and her heart seemed to stop beating. "S-sorry?"

"There was a huge exclusive wedding that happened on a yacht she had been invited to and apparently, she got too drunk and fell overboard! She drowned! It was only until the party was over and the yacht had come ashore that they realized she was gone! They had to drag the lake to find her. They found her after two days! Poor woman."

Tianshi Xue felt like she was going to faint. It was like all the air had been sucked out of the room.

"What was her name again?" asked the woman to the older lady beside her.

"I think it was something Tianshi—"

"Right, her name was Tianshi Xue." The woman's face turned sad, causing lines to form on her head. "I had been watching her in Ace of Hearts. Good actress. Really convincing. Such a shame that she's dead." The woman paused. "Darling, are you alright?"

The woman made a move to hold her but she got behind Prince Xiaodan. "Yes, I'm fine," she said. "I just need to go to the restroom. Excuse me."

Prince Xiaodan tried to reach for her but she was already speeding off. She didn't go to the restroom. She went out of one of the many open doors. They left it open to let the cool summer air in. But the air was not enough for her. She almost stumbled to her knees. She ran the balcony's length until she was out of the guests' sights.

She fell down the floor and she held her self up on her hands, making sure that the floor was steady. Her throat closed up.

So that was what happened to her body.

They dragged the lake, she repeated in her mind. They thought she was drunk. They thought that she died stupidly.

A shiver ran through her.

No, she did not die. She was still alive. She was just in another woman's body.

She gasped.

If she left the princess's body, she would go back to her own.

Yeah, that's how it works, she convinced herself.

She pulled herself to a standing position and faced the moon. The wind blew her hair backwards and dried the sweat on her forehead.

"I have to die now," she told herself. She needed to get back to her body before it withers forever. Who knows, maybe they hadn't embalmed her body for funeral yet.

She climbed the railing. "Oh God, her legs are short," she thought, struggling to pull herself. The railing was less than a foot thick and Tianshi Xue almost fell as she balanced herself. She had to curl her feet.

"Shit, shit, shit," she was whispering under her breath.

Questions began to hunt her, the air wanting to push her off into the air. "What if I die permanently this time? What if I don't return to my body?"

She shook her head.

"I'm gonna do it," she said, almost feeling like she wanted to cry.

"I'm gonna do it!" she shouted, clearing her mind, and she tilted her body forward.

She looked at the moon, right in the split second before she fell. If she was going to die for real, the least thing she could do for herself was look at something beautiful before she disappeared in this world forever.

She was in the air. She felt herself falling. She was weightless.

I'm finally going to go back to my body, she told herself. It's going to be okay.

Then she felt something hard tugged at the skirt of her dress, pulling her back to the princess' world.

"No!" she cried. "Let me go!"

But it was too late.

She fell into something hard. Like thick metal rods.

"Ow!" she exclaimed, opening her eyes and glaring.

"Oh come on, it didn't even hurt."

Tianshi Xue gasped as her body froze at the sight of him, his lips sneering at one corner.

It was Prince Yang Qui.

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