
"Caramel Vanilla"

The Head Scientist's secretary looked at Lia worriedly. She was thinking that if Lia rejected the food and drink, she might be ordered to go back to the pantry, which she didn't want to do.

"Miss, I promise, it's really good," Safina said, "The green tea is imported and expensive, and the caramel vanilla cake came from one of the most famous bakeries in the country. I'm sure you will like it."

"Oh, is that so?" Lia told her. She looked at the secretary's face and judging by the motion of her eyebrows, she's already annoyed. "I'll… I'll dig in."

Lia grabbed the fork and ate a small portion of the cake. She then sipped the green tea from the cup. "It's good, and these two complement each other. I should recommend this combo to my roommate."

"I'm glad you like it," Dr. Logan said with a kind smile. He then gestured to his secretary to step out of the room and close the door. When she did, he then opened up a topic, "Lia, how do you like it here?"

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