
Someone else

Author note.

Hello my dear readers, I just wanted to inform you that this story is coming to an end. Maybe ten to fifteen chapters are left. It's been a great journey with you guys. Thank you for the support and your comments.

After Unforgettable Night, I will start to update my third novel, It All Started With Hatred, Daily.

Please support and add the novel to your library, Don't forget the votes and the comments and please, Review the novel.

Thank you so much.








"When did you wake up?" Ina asked as she opened the refrigerator looking at the food, thinking about what she was going to eat. 

"Three hours ago, I didn't want to wake you up since he was doing fine." Damien said as he stood behind her warping his arms around her waist.

Ina was making a cheese sandwich with salad when she felt his hands circling her waist.

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