

"ID Create: God Eater" Kira said as the world around him and the other's changed, they all was in the middle of what seemed to be a destroyed city, scattered around Kira seen all type's of different monster's roaming around

"All of you, move out and kill everything, i want to see what the boss can do" Kira said as he started to walk forward

"Hahahahaha, you know, you're starting to act more like a saiyan right?" Ban

"Hmm, so it would seem, anyway come on we got work to do" Kira said as he began charging forward alerting the surrounding monster's to his position

Some of the beast started to charge at Kira, to which Kira repaid with speeding up his charge as he arrived at the first beast, the beast seemed to be some type of robot? It had sword's for hand's as well as what Kira thought to be booster's for leg's.

Kira and the beast soon arrived in front of each other, the beast swung it's arm at Kira to which he simply caught with his left hand, he then brought his right fist and smash trough it's arm making the beast reel back while screeching, but Kira didn't stop his assault as he disappeared from his position and arrived in front of the beast face to which he simply grabbed ahold of it an drove it in to the ground causing a huge crater as well as a dust cloud to appear, while Kira was fight this beast more of them arrived just in time for Kira to kill it

Soon the dust cloud cleared and Kira could be seen standing over the beast mangled corpse, Kira looked up at the other beast as he seen more was approaching, but Kira couldn't help but crack a smile as he seen that all the monster's seemed to charge at him all at once, but it's not like he minded, Kira dropped his causal stance and took on his {Renewal Taekwondo} stance, and started the fight with a <Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Kick> as he sent out the attack it immediately started to rip through some of the beast, leaving multiple body's torn apart. Once his foot touched the ground a beast jumped at him from behind, Kira twisted his waist as he kicked the beast at the temple of it's head <Renewal Taekwondo: 3rd Stance Hwechook>. Kira had made three after image's of himself, as the next moment Kira appeared behind the beast as it's head exploded from impact.

Turning around Kira seen at least a hundred monster's still charging at him, this just made Kira's smile even bigger as he began to charge at the group of monster's as he felt like this was the most fun he had since he fought Ban, even though he was holding back to try and enjoy the fight

---POV: Ban---

"Is he serious" I asked the other's as we stood on a piece of ruble overlooking Kira who seems as if he's having the time of his life 'fighting' a group of around fifty Beast, we've been waiting here for him to finish as we all already took out the rest of the beast in the surrounding area, when i got here Itachi was already watching Kira, saying that he's been toying with them to try and feel some excitement and actually use his {Renewal Taekwondo}, so when the other's arrived we all just sat here and waited

He managed to drag the fight out for another five minute's, but he finally killed the last beast, me and the other's headed down there to regroup with him

---POV: Ban End---

Kira had just finished the last Beast off as he seen the other's heading in his direction, noticing them he turned in there direction and smiled

"Sorry for the wait, i was have to much fun" Kira

"Yeah we know, we've bee-" Ban was saying but was cut off as the boss of the dungeon appeared and started to head towards them

Ayano told them that the beast was named 'Ra', Ra is an Ash Aragami with a body that looks to fuse a bird's head with a celestial globe and human. It carries fire balls in both hands and burns anyone who approaches it to ashes. It usually moves while floating along leisurely, but when it finds a target, it uses the boosters on its back to rush forward and swoop down on its enemy, it stands at around eighty feet.

"Ooh imma enjoy killing this one" Kira said as he charged at it at full speed creating a crater where he once stood, he appeared in the titan's face and used one of the most deadly {Renewal Taekwondo} Skill's

"Renewal Taekwondo: Mach Punch" Kira punches moved so fast they broke through the sound barrier, the attack left hole's all over the Ra's body, instantly killing it

"Oh, well damn i didn't think it would go down so easy" Kira

"Hmm, are you going to revive it?" Itachi

"Nah, it seemed pretty weak to be honest" Kira said as he had gotten the loot from the dungeon and exited it, just then he had gotten another notification from the system

[New Dungeon unlocked: Rwby AU Dungeon]

"Rwby AU? Like alternate reality's?" Kira questioned

[Exactly, in this dungeon you can fight alternate version's of all you're favorite character's, you are able to unlock AU version's for all of you're Dungeon's after you clear them enough] Ayano

"Huh, why didn't you tell us before we went into the God Eater Dungeon" Kira

[That's because you didn't give me any time] Ayano

"Oh, sorry about that, well everyone let's try out this new Dungeon" Kira said receiving nod's from the other's

"Ok ID Create Rwby Au" Kira said as he and the other's were now in the middle of a burning village

"Oh, that's new" Kira said as he started to walk around to find some Grimm, but what he found was Grimm's in the shape's of human's

"Ok, Alpha, Omega go and rip them to shred's" Kira ordered to his two new member's

"Rrrrraaaaggghhh" Alpha roared out as he took to the sky and started to torch any Grimm it came across

"Rragh" Omega screeched as it started to go around and tear any thing it found to pieces, it took around three minutes for them to finish the Grimm off

"Ok so, where is the boss" Kira said as he looked around to see where it would be coming from, but he just got tapped on the shoulder by Ban

"Uuuuhhh, Kira we got a problem" Ban said causing Kira to turn around

"Hmm, what is i---- ah fuck" Kira said as he noticed what Ban was talking about, standing across from us was a group of four female's

"Mmm, you're quiet cute, how about you come over here and let me eat you up" Said the one with blond hair

"I'm good" Kira

"That's adorable, you think you have a choice" She said once again

"Yang, control yourself, he's not like the rest" The red head said

"Hmm, now that you mention it, he does seem to radiate a different aura than the rest" The Yang look alike said

"Nope nope nopity nope nope" Kira said as he turned around

"Wait what do you mean nope, we have to fight then there the bosses of the Dungeon" Ban

"Bro, one of them is my girlfriend" Kira said as he threw his hand's up in the air

"Wait what" The Yang look alike said

"Bro she might look like Ruby but it isn't her" Ban

"I know but, i don't think i can kill her" Kira

"Wait i'm you're girlfriend? when did this happen" The Ruby look alike

"Bro don't be a little bitch, just kill her" Ban


[New Mission: Kill The Grimm Version Of Team Rwby]


[Unique Summoning Ticket]

[Skill Book]


"Are you fucking serious Ayano" Kira

[I just thought i'll give you a little push] Ayano

"HEY, what did you mean you're dating Ruby" The Weiss look alike finally spoke up

"Ugh, listen i'm dating her in a different reality" Kira

"Wait what" The Weiss look alike

"Alright it doesn't matter you're about to die anyway" Kira said as he stepped forward

"Bout damn time" Ban said as he began to step forward but was stopped by Kira

"What?" Ban

"Stay back, imma handle them" Kira

"You say that as if you stand a chance" The Blake look alike

"Hehehe, well we'll see wont we" Kira said as he dropped down into his {Renewal Taekwondo} Stance

"Hehe, you're serious about thi-" The Yang look alike was about to say but she was cut off as Kira appeared right infront of her face

"<Renewal Taekwondo: 3rd Stance Hwechook" Kira said as three after image's appeared around yang all to which they were kicking her head, Kira the appeared behind her as her head exploded

"Damn, i even tried to hold back so i didn't have to see that" Kira said as he wiped some blood off of his face

"YANG" Ruby, Black and Weiss yelled out

"Don't worry, you'll be meeting her soon enough" Kira said as he charged at the still shocked 'Ruby', <Renewal Taekwondo: Arang>, Kira dug his elbow into 'Ruby's' stomach causing her to be sent flying backwards into a abandoned building while spiting up a mouth full of blood

"RU-" 'Weiss' was about to say but couldn't as she was suddenly covered in hole's, completely ripping her to shred's

"BASTARD" 'Blake' Screamed at Kira as she whipped at him with her arms? But Kira didn't care as he caught them and pulled them to get her closer, <Renewal Taekwondo: Mach Punch> Kira delivered the deadly attack to 'Blake' finishing her before she had a chance

"Woah" Ban

"Bastard, i'll kill you" 'Ruby said as she came out of the abandon building and charged at Kira with her scythe in hand to which Kira could only sigh, he twisted around once she had gotten in range <Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Kick> Kira sent a kick to her abdomen kicking her completely in have causing him to wince when he did so


[Mission Complete: Kill The Grimm Version Of Team Rwby]


[Unique Summoning Ticket]

[Skill Book]


"You okay buddy, you wanna lay down" Ban

"I-i've won, but at what cost" Kira

"It's ok, we'll go get some ice cream to cheer you up" Ban

"Imma revive them" Kira

"Wh- wait think this through, if they get seen by someone were fucked" Ban

"I'll deal with that problem when it come's" Kira said as he walked over to 'Ruby's' Corpse first

"Arise" Kira then walked to the other's corpse's and revived them all as they started to regenerate, after about a minute they all were there kneeling in front of Kira

[Pick a Name]

[Pick a Name]

[Pick a Name]

[Pick a Name] Kira had gotten multiple notification's telling him to Name his new Member's

"They can keep there name's" Kira

"Wont that be confusing" Ban

"Naw" Kira (A/N Ok so for now on they will be referred to as Ruby (G) Yang (G) etc.)

"It's a pleasure to serve you my lord!" All of team Rwby (G)

"Huh? Oh right there's no need to do all that, just call me Kira" Kira said as he gathered the loot they had dropped, the Dungeon then started to close around them, Kira then spent the rest of his time Grinding and getting to know his new Member's


After Kira had excited his ID and went to immediately take a shower as he hadn't in a week, since there's no shower in the ID, after that he walked out of the bathroom to his room filled with his summons

"Ooh look at you" Ruby (G) Said as Kira walked out of the Bathroom, ever since Kira revived her she's been flirting with him, Kira asked why and she said it's because he's already dating a version of her so why not

"Back off" Kira

"Oh come on, i was jok-" Ruby (G) was saying but was cut off when a knock on the door was heard

'Knock Knock Knock'

"Kira, are you in there" Ruby's voice came through the door

"De-summon your self's now" Kira said as they all did so

"Coming" Kira walked up and opened the door, and what he seen shocked him, it was ruby in a black hoodie with a beowolf skull on the hood and a tail coming down the back side

"What are you wearing?" Kira

"It's my Halloween costume, What you don't like it" Ruby

"Oh, it's that time of the year all ready" Kira

"Yep, now get dressed and meet me in my team's room, were throwing a party, it's my team, team JNPR and you, so hurry up" Ruby said as she began to go back to her room

'Wow, this version of me is so innocent" Ruby (G)

"Hehe, you can say that again" Kira said as he began to get ready


Kira was now outside of team Rwby's room, he decided to go to the party as a vampire since he has his devil form he just made his wing's disappear, since his devil form has red eye's

'Knock Knock Knock'

"Coming" Ruby's voice came through the door

"OH come on in Kira" Ruby said as she pulled Kira into the room, Kira began to look around and saw everyone else was already there,

'Ruby was a Beowolf, Yang was a Dog faunus, Weiss was a angel which was bullshit, Blake was a witch, Jaune dressed as Pyrrha, and Pyrrha was dressed as Jaune, it seems he took my advise. Next is a Castle? And last but not least Ren was dressed as.... wait the fuck up is he dressed up as fucking Zuko, but how does he know who that is, d-did he just fucking wink at me' Kira was pulled from his thought's as Ruby dragged him towards her bed where they both sat and talked for the night, but all thing's must come to an end as Kira noticed that the Punch they had tasted funny, going to take a whiff of it he could only say one thing

"Ah fuck" Kira said as Ruby latched on to him from behind and dragged him downwards onto the bed with her

...... Well here y'all are


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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