

It's been two day's since Kira had arrived at his old 'Home', over the last two day's there hasn't been very many Grimm in the forest around him, so he decided to send his summons out to find more Grimm, so Kira was pretty happy when he woke up to a notification


[Mission complete: Kill One Thousand Grimm]


[35,000 System Point's]

[20 x Senzu Bean's]

[Weapon Ticket]


"Woo, haha so how long did it take y'all" Kira

"We finished at 3:00 a:m" Ban

"Oh, well damn, they must've really been avoiding this place like a plague" Kira

"Yeah, you have no idea" Erza

"Well any way, Ayano purchase the 'ID' skill please" Kira

[Right away] Ayano

[Skill Bought For 45,000 System Point's]

[Instant Dungeon Create (ID): This allows the host to create a Instant dungeon, so that the host can fight mobs and collect item's from it, this skill is a upgraded version of The Gamer Han Jihan's Version. This version allows host to create a dungeon that will have character's from different anime's in it]

"Woo we did it, hahaha, so Ayano do i have to level this up the same way the Han Jihan did?" Kira

[No, The Gamer, had to level up the skill to be able to make a dungeon in it, yours came with a dungeon already with it] Ayano

"Oooh really so what is it" Kira

[It came with Empty ID, Zombie ID, Ghost ID, Combined ID, and a Rwby ID, since that the world you started in, this Dungeon will spawn every type of Grimm, as well have chance's to Spawn character's from the show. Such as Salem, Ozpin, Ozma, Qrow, Raven and so on]

"That's awesome, wait does that mean that i have a chance to fight Ruby" Kira

[Indeed it does] Ayano

"Wait can i use Death's Call in the Dungeon" Kira

[Yep, you can also have you're summons there to help them grow] Ayano

"All right, let's start off with something easy, ID Create Zombie" Kira said as he waited for something to happen

"Hey dumbass, you do remember that the dungeon's don't change where you are right" Ban

"Y-yeah i knew that" Kira said as he then heard a sound coming out from the tree line around the cave

"Alright everyone, spread out and conquer, and remember were inside of a Dungeon, so you can go all out" Kira said as he rushed towards a Zombie who had finally appeared out of the tree's

"Bout time, i've been getting tired of holding back it's no fun" Ban said as he lunged forward and disappeared into the tree's, with the other two going the opposite direction of each other

"Ayano set i timer for when i have to arrive back at Vale, if i'm not mistaken if we kill Five hundred of these zombies then a boss will spawn" Kira

[Understood] Ayano said as she set a timer to remind Kira when he has to leave for Vale


"It's only been five minutes" Kira said as he seen all the zombies forming into a bigger boss zombie

"I know right" Ban said as he and the other's arrived next to Kira

"So who want's it" Erza said

"I'll take care of it, then we'll go onto the next dungeon" Kira said stepping forward

"Oh come on!" Ban said throwing his arm's up

"What?, we both know that any of us could absolutely destroy this thing, and besides i want to try something" Kira said as he walked forward, arriving a little away from the other's he called forth on of his new skill's that he has been itching to use

"Susanoo" Kira said as he was consumed in a black and green swirl of flames, the flames then started to take form as it swirled higher into the sky, until finally it was done and the end result was a 135.35m giant Black and Green warrior with flames that is colored the same it.(A/N O-ok so apparently the Susanoo is fucking gigantic, because 135.35m equals 444 feet, this fucking thing is 7x Kira's great ape form, and i'm referencing this thing off of Sasuke's Susanoo, let me say this, in dragon ball z Vegeta's great ape from is 30 feet at the fucking maximum, like holy shit, that is all)

"Holy shit" Ban said as he looked up at the towering figure

"Amazing, even without the Mangekyō Sharingan, he's still able to access the Susanoo" Itachi, Kira could be seen inside of the Humongous figure, Kira then noticed that his Susanoo had a katana like sword in it's hand, so Kira seeing his target in front of him, raised up his sword and quickly brought it down splitting it in two with absolutely no effort, he actually kinda felt bad, the thing never had a chance

"Alright onto the next dungeon" Kira said as he dispelled his Susanoo and grabbed the loot the Boss dropped, Kira then realized something

"Hey, did y'all grab the loot you're Zombies dropped" Kira said making two of them look away, then Itachi said

"I did, here" Itachi said handing Kira a bag full of item's and Lein

"Woo, you're the best Itachi" Kira said as he and the other's left the Dungeon, Kira then decided to make a Combined Dungeon since the last one was to easy

"ID Create Combined" Kira, this one is the Zombie, and Ghost Dungeon Combined, Entering the dungeon Kira told them the same thing, and they all went there separate way's, not even five minute's later, the bosses spawned, this time there was a Giant Zombie and a Giant Ghost, Kira decided to let the other's take care of them this time, since every thing in this dungeon is a higher level, he had already leveled up, and everything his summons kill also give him EXP, so he can just sit back and let them take care of it, the bosses were both level 50 so it should be a little challenging if they don't work together... ok who am i kidding Itachi could one shot both of them if he wanted.

After about two minute's of the other's playing around with the bosses they finally killed them, they then grabbed there drop's and brought them over to me, on of them was a Skill Book. So Kira decided to use it


[Energy Drain: A technique possessed by some middle rank and above undead that can absorb life force, It absorbs the target's life force, and adds it to the User's life force, With training, it is possible to transfer the User's life force to allies]


"Ooh cool, oh wait Ayano how much could i have sold that for" Kira

[that skill is worth 7,500 System Point's, as it allows one to basically become immortal] Ayano

"Well then i guess we should probably grind this dungeon as it will level me up, and i can earn some System point's, Ayano sell all of the item's i've gotten out of this Dungeon please" Kira

[Understood, you have received 4,184 System Point's] Ayano

"Oooh yeah were gonna stay here a while" Kira said as he reset the Dungeon and got to work with the other's not stopping all day and night, until he was told by Ayano that he had two day's let until he had to go back to Vale

"Phew we've been at it for two whole day's" Kira said as they hadn't stop since he woken up on Wednesday and it's now Friday, Kira had to be back at School on Monday so he was going to leave on Sunday since he can easily get to vale in the matter of minutes, maybe even second's if he tried.

"Hmm Ayano status" Kira said as he hadn't checked in the pass couple of day's


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote/Original Devil]


[Exp: 2,668/10,000

[Shop point's: 169,925]

[Stat point's: 60]

[Health: 1,050]

[Strength: 192>197]

[Agility: 148>153]

[Vitality: 175>180]

[Summons: Ban, Erza, Itachi]

[Girlfriend: Ruby Rose]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Death's Call: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending: S} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: S} {Fire Bending: A} {Dragon Fist: B} {Hell's Gates: D} {Devil's Charm: D} {Demonic Magic: D} {True Desire: D} {Demonic Contract: D} {Telumkinesis} {Energy Drain: A} {ID Create: EX} ]

[Transformation's: {True Demon King: Stage One} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Susanoo: S} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} ]


"Great well i think we should head into the Rwby Dungeon" Kira said as he and the other's stood up and waited

"ID Create Rwby" Kira said as they suddenly found them self's surrounded by Grimm, ranging from Beowolf's to Nevermore's to Deathstalker's

"Well then, look's like we have quite a welcoming party here" Kira said as he took out Sky Killer

"Alright, you know the rule's, whoever kill's the most win's" Kira

"Hm, prepare to lose" Ban

"You've said the every time and haven't won yet" Itachi

"Oh yeah you son of a bitch, how about me and you go at it, and see's who win's" Ban

"Still wouldn't be you" Erza

"Oi shut up you" Ban said as he rushed forward at the pack of Grimm causing everyone else to do the same, It took them about twenty minute's to find and destroy all of the Grimm's. that's when the Boss finally spawned, and seeing who it was Kira could only say one thing

"Fuck" Kira

Bet y'all wasn't expecting this huh, TWO IN ONE DAY BABY


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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