
Went for her neck

"It's me Ruby" Ruby

"Ah come on in" Kira responded, right after the door was pushed open, Kira looked back to see what Ruby wanted, but what he seen surprised him a little. It was team RWBY and team JNPR.

"What can do for y'all" Kira

"Kira what was that in the lunch room" Yang

"Yeah what happened to you're voice" Ruby

"Awww did i scare you, come here it's ok" Kira said, he then proceeded to wrap Ruby in a hug, she struggled at first but stopped after a few second's.

"Ahem" Weiss did trying to catch their attention.

"So is that all y'all wanted, because i'm about to go to sleep" Kira

"No, the water how did you control it" Weiss said in a snobby tone.

"Alright first of all, change you're damn tone. We aren't friend's, i will not hesitate to send you to meet you're grandfather" Kira said, everyone looked at him in shock.

"Kira, that was uncalled for" Jaune spoke up this time.

"You do realize that you all came in my room, and asked me about something that is none of y'all damn business, and on top of that, this white headed, flat chested, walking time bomb of daddy issues has the nerve to bark at me like she is the top bitch around here, but i'm sorry, you aren't the top bitch around here, you're just a bitch, now all of you get out of my room before i make you" After getting that off of his chest Kira proceeded to kick them all out.

"Ruby if you want to know how i controlled the water i'll tell you, it was my semblance {Elemental control} i can control all element's, now have a good night Ruby" After Kira was finished he planted a kiss on Ruby's forehead, when he retracted he saw Ruby's face was as red as a cherry, he laughed at this and closed his door in everyone's face's, once the door was closed everyone sat there in shock, but the one that was the most shocked was Weiss.

"D-did he really just.... call me flat" Weiss

"Really that's what you got out of all that, you don't care about him calling you a bitch" Blake said snapping everyone out of their shock.

"H-he kissed me" Ruby said while putting her hand's on her forehead, hearing this Yang got angry.

"That asshole, i'll teach him not to kiss my sister" Yang said, she then proceeded to kick Kira's door in to yell at him, but once she stepped in, she froze. Seeing her freeze got everyone intrigued so they stepped in, and just like Yang they all froze. There Kira was in all of his glory, Kira was frozen just like the other's, he did not expect this outcome.

'HAHAHAHAHAHA oh shit the look's on there face's are fucking priceless' Venom said snapping kira out of thought.

"Well can i help y'all" kira said snapping everyone out of the stupor, once he did this everyone blushed hard. and as if instinct everyone looked down at Kira's manhood.

"See something y'all like" Kira

"It's huge" Ruby mumbled to herself, but everyone heard it.

"Jaune,Ren, are y'all looking at my dick, i mean i'm not judging but like, if all of you keep looking at it and it's going to wake up" As if on Que Kira's manhood rose up, ready to battle.

'Damn something rose and it wasn't the shield hero' Ban

'Oh damn hey Ban, what's up it's been a while, how have you been' Kira

'Ah you know same old same old' Ban

"I-i wanna poke it" Nora said, pulling a stick out of god know's where.

"W-wait did you just call me and Ren gay" Jaune asked

"Well you was staring at my dick, and still are, plus you're talking to me while i have my dick out sooooo" Kira

"Aaaaahhhhh" Weiss shrieked after that everyone was about to leave when they heard Kira say something.

"Just in case you all wan't to know, 10,inches. well have a great night" Kira said kicking them out once again, he then proceeded to fix his door, after he was finished with the door he hopped in the shower and cleaned himself. he then got out of the shower and put on his sleeping pant's and wen't to bed.


It's been a couple of day's since the 'incident' everyone was awkward after the it, but they soon forgot about it, well they tried to at least. One night Kira was late to getting back to his room. he was walking down the hallway when he heard Ruby and Jaune talking.

'It seem's Cardin didn't learn his lesson, hmm i guess i will let the story play out.' Kira thought

'Ban watch over Jaune and report to me what you find, if i'm not mistaken were going to be leaving for the forest in a couple of day's' Kira

'Understood' Ban said, Kira then summoned Ban.

"Hey y'all what are you talking about" Kira said walking over to the two.

"Oh hey Kira, we were just talking about something, nothing you should worry about" Ruby

"Yeah it's nothing important, well i'll see you both tomorrow" Jaune said, he then got a message on his scroll.(A/N for those who don't know what a scroll is, it's this world version of a phone)

Jaune just sighed and proceeded to walk away.

"Well see you tomorrow Ruby" Kira said, as he began to walk off Kira felt a tug on his shirt sleeve. Turning around Kira seen it was Ruby.

"What's up Ruby, you need something" Kira

"I know i shouldn't tell you this but, Jaune is being bullied by Cardin, so do you think you can do something about it" Ruby

"Well, i don't know" Kira said in return Ruby hit him with her puppy dog eye's.

"Please Kira, it would mean the world to me" Ruby

"I-i'll see what i can do" Kira

"Yay thank you" Ruby said, she then gave Kira a hug goodnight, Kira then proceeded to go to his room to go to sleep for the night.


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote]


[Exp: 5372/10,000

[Shop point's: 42,372]

[Stat point's: 0]

[Health: 760]

[Strength: 140]

[Agility: 100]

[Vitality: 100]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Wrath of Death: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging:A} {Spider sense:SS} {Water bending} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart}]


There y'all go i hope you all enjoy.


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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