Today is Halloween. I'm getting ready to go out with Dalton. We are going trick or treating for the last time in our life until we have kids. Next year we will start going to college Halloween parties or passing out candy to little munchkins. He and I decided to pair up. We are going as milk and cookies. He is the milk, and I'm the cookie. My parents will stay home and pass out candy while we go out and enjoy our time.
Emily had to come over and join to keep watch on us because she is an adult. She is only two years older than me. She turned 19 on the 20th. I can't believe they trust her to watch my 17-year-old self. I'm far more mature than she will ever be. Her hobby is going to parties since middle school.
"You guys got your pillowcases or buckets?" My mom says, walking us out to the door.
"Yeah, I pulled some off of my bed."
"I had some old ones you could have used." She says, holding her bowl of candy.
"It's okay." I smile. "Anyway, we won't be long. We are just getting a little stash to snack on."
"Be safe, all of you."
"Thanks," I say, walking out. I twist around to my door and ring the doorbell.
My mom opens the door with her right hand holding the candy.
"Trick or trick!"
She laughs. "Shoot!"
"Give me one to eat on the way," I say, requesting.
She hands me a small snickers bar.
"Thanks, mommy," I say, walking off and opening the wrapper.
We approximately went to thirty houses, and we were about done. Emily continued complaining about how her feet ached. She is wearing black heels and is kinda dressed like a slut, but it's Halloween, so that's when girls can dress however they desired, and no one judges. Emily dresses ridiculously every day, so I have the right to judge quietly.
"Yeah, I will be there soon," Emily says, hanging up the phone. "We are going to a party."
"I don't want too," I say, throwing my bag of candy over my shoulder.
"I don't care what you want. Let's uber to my house and change your clothes."
"I will call my mom."
"Taddle tale. Dalton, would you like to come with me?"
"Uh..." He says, looking at me. "I have always wanted to go to a party."
"Fine! Will go." I shout.
Emily ubered us to her house. I'm sitting on her bed with Dalton as she is looking for a cuter outfit for me. She doesn't want me going into the party dressed as a cookie. She gave Dalton a pair of men clothes that he and I don't know where it came from. Emily pulls out a white skirt and a beautiful white floral top with a halo and wings.
"Why do you have a devil costume and an angel costume?" I wonder.
She grins, throwing me the clothes. "Couldn't choose."
Emily is wearing black, tight leggings with a small red top that shows half of her upper body. She additionally has a black choker and a silky glistening devil headpiece on with a lot of makeup. I get dressed in the downstairs bathroom. The skirt is not my precise length, and I keep having to pull it down. The top is like hers but shows less skin. I stare at myself in the mirror, and to be honest, it's cute.
"Okay, cute!" She says, coming up to me and fluffing up my curls. "Let me give you lip gloss and
then we can hit the road."
We arrive at her friends party. The music is blasting down the street. Vivid lights are flashing
everywhere, and all sorts of alcohol are lying on tables and the floor.
Emily kisses a random guy on the cheek and hugs him. "Sick party!"
"Glad you could have come!" He looks over to Dalton and I. "Who are your friends?"
"She is my cousin Bella and next to her is her friend Dalton."
He strokes my hair and looks me up and down. "Beautiful girl." He says in a deep Italian accent. He turns to Dalton. "You not so bad."
Dalton looks at me and then him. "Uh... thanks, I guess."
"I'm Eli, welcome to my party! Drinks are over in the kitchen, or any place you can find any and
games are over there." He says, pointing.
"Okay, thanks," I say, smiling.
"Talk to you peeps later. Let's go, party babe!" Eli says, swinging his arm around Emily's neck.
"Now what?" I say, turning to Dalton.
"Let's go into the kitchen. I want to try something."
"And here I thought you were a shy guy," I say, taking his hand.
He looks at the bottles on the table. "There is vodka, rum, beer, and tequila."
"Are you trying anything?" I ask.
"Yeah, I will do half vodka and Gatorade. What are you having?"
"Let's drink our first sip of alcohol together."
"Okay, why not!"
"Thata girl!" He says, grabbing two cups.
We sipped our drinks and walked around. There is a pong table, people playing suck and blow and people chilling inside and outside talking.
"How are you guys doing!" Eli says, coming up to us. "I see you got your drinks."
"Yeah, it's quite good," Dalton replies.
"Are you enjoying your time?" Eli askes me.
"Awesome! Let's all play a game. Spin the bottle, okay?"
"Sure," I reply.
"Eek! Let's go!" Emily says, grabbing my hand.
Dalton, a few of Eli's friends, Emily, Eli, and I sit in a circle with a beer bottle in the middle.
"I will start!" Emily leans over to the bottle and spins it. "Come here!" She tells one of Eli's
They kiss. That guy spins the bottle, and it lands on Dalton. Dalton hesitated but did it. It was funny to watch. Dalton spins the bottle, and it lands on me. He probably has been dreaming to do this since that homecoming night.
"Ready?" He says softly.
"Y-yeah," I say, leaning in the circle.
The kiss was a few seconds longer than the others. I enjoyed it, and it seemed like how I imagined it would be. Stop thinking about what you are thinking. Since I have gotten closer to Dalton and that night when he tried to kiss me, I couldn't stop thinking about what it would feel like to kiss him, and now I know. His lips are thin, but a tad plumped, and they are moistened and not dry. I take the bottle and spin. It lands on Eli. I look over to him in nervousness.
He shifts his body towards me. "You ready, baby girl?"
"Y-yes," I say with butterflies.
Eli's lips are remarkably soft and full. His kiss was passionate. It gave me shivers down my spine. The kiss lasted longer than Dalton's.
"Wow, look at Bella. She is getting two guys. You are getting freaky just like me." Emily points out.
We ended up doing another round.
"Shit, my mom is calling," I say, running outside. "Heyyy, mom! What's up?"
"You said you wouldn't stay out long. Trick or treating ended an hour ago."
"Oh, yeah! We just went to get a quick bite at a diner. We will be home soon!"
"Okay, love you."
I go back inside. "My mom called and wants us home."
Dalton gets up from the carpet.
"I will drive you all home. Let's go." Eli suggests.
Eli parks a block away from my neighborhood. Dalton and Emily get out.
"Wait a minute Bella."
"Can I have your number? I had a great night tonight."
"I don't want to date anyone right now, and you are much older than me."
He laughs. "By four years! And who said I wanted to date. I just want to start off as friends, and maybe we can be something more."
"No, thanks."
"I'm kidding! But I really mean it when I say I want to be friends."
I let out a deep breath. "Oh, alright!"
I type my phone number in his phone and I hand it back to him from the back seat.
"See you later, sweet cheeks." He says, winking at me.
My mom asked where Daltons and my costumes were. I told her we walked to the restaurant after getting told we couldn't enter with our costumes on, which was ridiculous. So we ubered to her house and changed. She didn't believe it at first because of what I was wearing. Emily stepped in and said she wanted me to match with her. Of course, my mom believed anything that comes out of her mouth. What also sucks is that I left my candy at her house and I can't get it back until tomorrow. So much for snacking on it.