

"Say cheese!" My mom calls, holding her camera.

I laugh. "Last one. We really gotta get going."

Dalton stands behinds me and places its hands on my waist. It brings me back to when Lucas would always do that.

"Okay, let's go," I say, walking to my car. I get in and closed the door. I roll down my window. "Bye, mom! Love you!" I say, driving off.

Dalton and I are all pampered up. We went to the hair salon yesterday. I got light brown highlights to go with my brunette hair, and Dalton got a small perm. I love his black hair Korean hair. I sprayed on my favorite perfume champagne rose. Dalton likes it. He complimented me on it. The cologne I bought for Dalton is on him now, and it smells so good. I wonder if Lucas will be dressed up. Lucas told me that he is chaperoning, and I can't wait to see him.

We arrive at the packed school. I parked out in the street by a house, so it's easier to get out at night. We join the long line of our peers. We have our IDs and tickets ready. We walk past the black and silver metallic stringy star curtains. The inside is so lovely. The school did a great job. It's into the stars theme. There are silver, gold, and black balloons everywhere along with silver and black shooting star danglers above us. There is also a star stand frame that is made of silver balloons. My favorite is the to the moon and back photo booth background. And oh my gosh, my school actually has a snack table with punch. I thought that they only did that in movies.

"What should we do now? Dance?" Dalton questions.

"I don't dance."

"You are going to dance tonight, whether you want too or not."

"Goodluck with that."

"I'm going to go get a cup of punch. Shall I get you a cup?"

I smile. "Sure. I will wait over here."

I'm waiting by a wall. My phone makes a loud notification from my purse. I forgot to turn my phone to silent. I like having my phone silent in public. It puts less stress on me. It's a social anxiety thing. The notification is from Lucas.

L: "You look ravishing tonight."

I look up from my phone and looked around. I spotted him by the bleachers. I smile.

B: "Thank you, handsome. Oh, and Dalton is just here as a friend and this is a great way to have people think we're dating. It will get whoever off our backs."

L: "No need to worry. I trust you love."

B: ":)"

"Here is your cherry punch."

I stick my phone back into my purse. I smile, taking the cup. "Thank you. Can we go find a seat?"

"Yeah." He looks around. "Let's go to the bleachers."

"Bleachers? Okay!" I say, getting tugged away by Dalton's hand.

Dalton is leading right to Lucas. We sit on the bleachers drinking out punch. Lucas isn't seen to be anywhere. He must have left.

"Good evening to you two. How are you guys doing?" Lucas says, coming up to us.

I guess I was wrong.

"We are good. Just got us some punch." Dalton says, holding up his cup.

"Are you guys going to dance soon?"

"I want too, but Bella won't."

I take a drink from my cup. "It's not my thing!"

"I'll leave you two to think about it. Have a good rest of your evening."

"Bella, please? I will show you my rad moves."

"Oh, look! It's your friend Robert. Go join him."

"Don't change the subject."

"I'm not. Robert is really waving."

He turns to the group of dancers and waves at Robert. He turns back to me.

"Go! Go dance. I will maybe join later." I say, smiling.

He gets up and runs to his friend. I lean my back on the bleachers, finishing my punch. I take out my phone so I don't look like some weirdo at the dance that is alone.

L: "Go dance. I would like to see you dance"

B: " No"

L: "Go dance like if you are dancing with me"

B: "Now that's something to look forward too"

L: "Go!"

B: "Wait, where are you?"

L: "Go Bell. You will spot me sooner or later"

I turn off my phone and stuffed it back into my purse. I pull down my dress and walked to Dalton into the crowd of horny teenagers. They are all grinding on each other.

"I'm glad you decided to join," Dalton says, smiling. He clutches my hand and twirls me around.

I glide alongside him. I spot Lucas in the rifts of the crowd. I wink at him. He told me to dance like I am with him, so I'm going to give him that. I gave him a luring look before going erratic and out of my comfort zone.

I take my body and pinned it against Dalton, grinding on him like the other girls were doing to their boyfriends. He suddenly sets his hands on my waist, seizing it tight. I close my eyes, still flowing in a rhythm of the music with Dalton imagining Lucas is behind me. I turn back around with his hands still on me. I dance like any other teen having a fun night. My dance moves are strange. I don't know how to dance, but Dalton looks like he is having a good time. I slowly move away to get more room to dance. Out of nowhere, Eric corners me onto his friend. He gets real close to me giving me anxiety.

"Get off, Eric!"

I look over to Dalton and he doesn't hear me. No one can because of the powerful music. Out of the blue, Lucas grabs Eric's collar and pulls him off of me. "Are you drinking, Enderson!"

"N-no, sir."

Lucas hauls him out of the crowd by his neck.

"Are you okay, Bella!?" Dalton says, rushing up to me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm going to go sit down for a bit."

"Do you want me to come with?"

"No, it's okay. Stay here with Robert."


I get out of the sultry circle. It reeks of sweat in there. I go back to the bleachers and set myself down. "I told you to stay with Robert."

"Is that what you want?"


"Then, I'm staying."

I smile and lean on his shoulder. "Can we get food?"

"Of course, let's go."

We head for the table of goodies. The school did great on the food. I grab a plate and loaded it with the jimmy johns party bites, Cheetos, and potato chips along with a Gatorade. When I was done eating, I checked my phone. It's about time for the party to end. We have been here for four hours. It seems less than that.

"Ready to go?"

I get up. "Yes."

I toss out my trash on the way out. We get into the car without the crowded parking lot. We get back to my house and I pull into my driveway.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask him.

"No, not tonight. I have to get home."

"Alright... Well, thank you for the wonderful night." I say, kissing him on the cheek like any friend would.

"I have one last gift."

"What is that? You?" I say, giggling.

He walks me over to his car that is parked in the street. Dalton leans in his car and pulls out a bouquet of sunflowers.

"Dalton! These are beautiful!" I say, sniffing them.

He moves closer to me and goes in for a kiss on the lips. I back up immediately. "Dalton I can't..."

"S-sorry." He says stuttering. "I should get going now." He says, sliding into his seat.

Shoot, he's embarrassed now...

"Um, I will see you Monday. Thank you for the flowers. I love them."

"No problem..."

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