
Chapter 6

Beyoncé POV

As I minced the onions and put them into the oil to sautee them as I wait for Shawn's arrival Unfaithful by Rihanna begins to blare through the speakers

Taking me back to that night

Shawn and I had broken up two weeks before the wedding because he had cheated on me with my best friend Kelly

I went to a local bar to clear my head and ended up getting drunk until I seen this group of girls come parading into the bar sporting army clothing

Thinking nothing of it I continue to guzzle down my rum, until someone sat down next to me

"Hey." The voice said and I turn to look and I was blown away one of the girls dressed in the army attire was sitting next to me with no shirt on

Her muscles flexed with every movement she made, her breasts look scrumptious the way they're sitting up in the army colored sports bra she has on

"Um... Hi." I said shyly not use to be approached by a woman

"I never seen you before." The girl says and I shrug my shoulders not knowing what to tell her

"Are you from here?" She asks me and I roll my eyes

"No I was born and raised in Texas, my parents moved me here when I was four." I said and she nods

"Why you seem so angry?" She asks this time looking at me giving me a heavenly view of her face

I don't remember much of the conversation all I know is we ended up in a upscale hotel room I remember the way her fingers felt as they learn every part of my body

Remembering how good she felt thrusting in and out of me while my legs wrapped around her to keep her from stopping her actions

The way her cum felt as she came inside me

After that I left and vowed to never speak of it to anyone Shawn and I still got married of course and few months later we found out I was pregnant, but I knew the kids were not his so once I gave birth to the twins my handsome son came out first then his beautiful sister

I name them after her

Kaiden Zamarion Parrish and Kahmonie Dehlila Parrish

Kaiden is starting to look more and more like her with each passing day while Kahmonie looks more like me

I smile at the beautiful angels me and her made, but the guilt settles in she doesn't even know she's a father because I ran from her after she fell asleep

"Ahh." I sigh softly as I carefully lift the two pound steak onto the fine china plate coating it in the sauteed onions while fixing it I heard keys jingling and he barges into the house with a scared expression until he sees me and calms down

"Damnit Beyoncé why weren't you answering your phone?" He asks as I felt anger begin to surge through me

"If you knew me Shawn you know I listen to when I'm cooking so no I didn't hear my phone ring." I said lying perfectly through my teeth knowing that I heard each and every one of his calls and deleted all the voice messages

"Beyoncé I'm sorry I just been on edge lately work has been completely stressing me out." Shawn said apologizing trying to kiss my lips I move letting him kiss my check letting out an innocent little giggle

"Its okay well here is the dinner I made for you." I said him his plate marching upstairs

"You're not gonna eat with me?" He asks and I smile

"I had already eaten I'm just gonna head up to bed." I said to him blowing him a kiss goodnight as I dream about me and Kehlani

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