
If I Want to Marry (1)

The wedding reception continued without any hitches after Tang Moyu and Feng Tianyi's meeting with Feng Tianhua and his mother. Tang Moyu and Li Meili returned to the banquet hall with Lu Tianxin. They greeted Gu Yuyao who had changed into another dress for reception.

"I heard what happened from Song Fengyan. Wang Ruoxi tried to corner you?" Gu Yuyao took both Tang Moyu's hands in hers. "Don't worry they already left. I think Wang Ruoxi had enough socializing with others." She added with a wink.

Despite Wang Ruoxi being Madam Feng for years, it wasn't easy for her to fit in with other madams from high society. People still questioned her origin, no matter if it had been years since she married her husband.

Tang Moyu sighed in relief. At least she would be spared from seeing the family she hated along with the Tang family.

"That's good to hear, Yaoyao. I'm sorry if I caused you trouble on your own wedding day." She apologized to her friend.

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