
Chapter 6-4: The Howling Winds

"That can't be." Aiden said with a catch in his voice. "Even something like wind isn't allowed to pass through the barrier."

Ren shook his head as he stepped closer to the magical wall that separated them from the rest of the world. "I can feel the wind." He whispered. Hesitantly, he reached towards the breeze. His fingertips touched the blurry barrier before him. The young man shivered as the cool breeze touched his skin.

"It's coming through here." He whispered. How was this happening? Nothing could pass through the barrier, not even air. "We have to report this." He said wide eyed. "If this gets worse," he added as he stepped away. "The 'purity' of Arkon will be compromised." He glanced at Princess Iris. "And the High Council will take action."

The crown princess stood there for a moment, wide eyed and pale. "That can't be allowed to happen." She whispered. Aiden gulped and nodded. "Let's go." He said softly.

"I'll go on ahead." Ren suddenly said, before bolting towards the main building, where the headmaster's office was. He passed the woods like the wind and within minutes, arrived at the main gate. He ran through the crowds and the chaotic blobs of mana surrounding them.

A short while later, he'd arrived at the headmaster's office. The large, wooden door was intimidating, not because of the intricate engravings on it, but because of the person waiting behind the door.

He knocked three times, then waited. A short moment later, Principal Auria's voice sounded. "Come in."

"Excuse me," He said as he pushed the door open stepped inside. He immediately shivered as the Principal's freezing mana was covering the room. Soon after he stepped in and closed the door, she masked her mana, allowing him to breathe out in relief.

Now that the ice-cold, blue mana wasn't blocking his vision, he could see the room and the Principal properly.

She was sitting behind a large, oak desk. The only window in the room was the one right behind her. The rest of the walls were covered with bookshelves. At a glance, he could tell the books were meticulously organised. Next to one of these bookshelves were two couches facing each other, with a low table in between.

There were no decorations. No paintings, no tapestry, nothing. The only thing that could be considered a decoration was a fist sized crystal on her desk.

Ren took a deep breath and looked into her crimson eyes, then placed his hand on his heart and bowed. "My respects to the Seventh."

"Hello, Ren. I'm glad to see you've pulled through the night." She calmly said. Her voice was low, but it was enough to fill the room.

"Thank you." He hesitated. "Please excuse my rudeness, but I have something important to report." He said as he straightened himself before she'd given permission. She visibly flinched as soon as their eyes met.

"What is it?" She asked as she stood up.

"There is a breeze coming though the barrier, I felt it at the northern courtyard." He raised his hand to which the breeze had touched. "Wildmagic hasn't passed through yet, but I still believe this is dangerous."

"Are you absolutely sure?" She asked as she took her spear and walked around the desk to stand right in front of him. Ren nodded, but didn't meet her gaze. "Lead me there." She said after a moment of silence.

"Of course," Ren said and headed for the door. As they passed through the halls, he could hear the whispers among the students. The Principal was rarely seen leaving her office. Now, she walked among them with spear in hand. They were naturally worried.

"Ren!" Aiden's voice sounded. He and Princess Iris ran towards Ren and principal Auria. "Oh, Principal." Princess Iris said with a bow of her head, while Aiden scrambled to salute her properly.

"You two, gather the other instructors." The Principal calmly said. "Then, make sure no one approaches the northern courtyard. Condor, alert your uncle." With those words she stormed off. Ren rushed after her.

It didn't take too long for them to reach the courtyard. As soon as they stepped onto the weathered stones, Ren felt Principal Auria's mana spread around them. It enveloped the entire courtyard and formed into a simple spell that would alert her any time someone touched her mana.

She glanced at Ren, who was watching the movements of her mana intently. "I wonder," She softly said, "What do you see?"

Ren flinched. "My apologies." He said quickly before gesturing towards the barrier. "It's here." As soon as he stepped close enough, his hair began to blow in the breeze.

"Step back." She said as soon as she saw his hair move. Grasping the shaft of her spear, she approached the spot Ren had shown her. "I'd never seen something like this happen." She glanced at him." Who else knows about this?"

"Only Princess Iris and Aiden." He answered. He wasn't stupid enough to tell this to anyone and neither were they. "Principal," he said hesitantly. "May I ask what the standard procedure for this situation is?"

She sighed. "There is none." She hit the ground with her spear as her mana shifted and changed. Ren watched her mana flow into the ground. Soon after, bright blue runes appeared. "This has never happened before. Not in my lifetime, at least."

He flinched. He had no clue as to how old she really was. She could be hundreds of years old, for all he knew. After all, she was one of the people who'd achieved a longer life. She'd mastered her own mana, allowing it to change her body to something more than human.

"If anyone knows, it will be the First." She whispered as she glanced at Ren. "I assume her highness had visited you this morning?"

Ren flinched with the sudden change of topic. What they had talked about in his room wasn't safe. Openly criticising the High Council was forbidden. "I'd like to be able to tell you to not worry," Principal Auria said, choosing her words carefully. "But you do need to worry. You have great potential; you need to find a way to realise it."

Ren hesitated. "I don't know how." He clenched his fists. "I'm nothing but a failure."

"If that were true, the First wouldn't have taken from his valuable time to come here on the day of the opening ceremony, would he?" She smiled. "The man who disliked the public eye, came here on that day to make a speech."

"I…" Ren lowered his gaze. "I did nothing but waste his time." He whispered. He touched the hilt of his tachi. "I'm a mess."

Principal Auria gently pushed his hair back. "You've been through things no one else has. Despite that, there are few who can be your rivals when it comes to swordplay. You are a mess because you only see your shortcomings and dismiss your triumphs." She raised her head and stared behind Ren. "And now you will see our shortcomings." She softly whispered as the other battlemages stepped into the courtyard.

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