
Reason #9: My family has a dangerous history (4)


The Girls Fight Back


After Gracie shared her plans, the girls began to put their escape plan into action, and the first step was to get rid of the two guards outside their room.

The guards were currently enjoying their peaceful watch duty with their beer as neither of them believes that the girls would dare to escape under so many watchful eyes.

So as they continue to relax without a single care, a sudden shout from the girls' room immediately made them spat out their drink in surprise.

"Pffffft—!!!! Damn it!" They cursed as the beer drench their shirt.

With a mean look on their faces, they rushed into the girls' room and yelled, "What are yu...?"

But they suddenly stop their urge to scold them for the moment they opened the door, they saw the girls hugging each other in their undergarments while they shivered above the bed.

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