
The Rescue Mission

Miracle's POV

"Let me talk to my daughter! Can you remove the duct tape on her mouth!" My father demanded the kidnappers, but all of them shake their heads.

"You are asking too much Mr. White, remember the life of your daughter is in our hands, you better hurry now, if you want to see your beautiful daughter, and one more thing, no police, the moment we heard something within the vicinity, I will not hesitate to shoot your precious daughter, are we clear Mr. White?" Ryan said, I can't still believe that he is evil, I thought my first impression of him was wrong, but now I could say that my instinct was right.

"Okay, I understand, but please I am begging you, don't hurt Miracle." Dad said, this is the first time I saw my father so vulnerable, his demeanor has always been strong, fearless and powerful, but today I saw a different man, he looked so helpless.

"We are giving you three hours Mr. White, or else say goodbye to Miracle right now." Ryan said, then I can see it in his eyes that he is smiling, I don't understand why he is enjoying watching the agony of my father, it seems he doesn't have a heart at all.

"Don't worry, you will receive your money, I believe that you are a good man, young man, please let my daughter live, and use the money that I will give you for a good cause." My father said weakly.

"Enough Mr. White, I do not need your sermon right now, all I need is your money, I know what to do with the cash Mr. White, adios." Ryan ended the call, I can feel my whole body is shaking because of my anger, though there are times I wanted something like this to happen so that my father will realize that I am important to him, but right now I just want to be with my Dad, I don't care if he only has little time for me as long as we are both safe.

I love my father with all my heart, I know raising me is hard for him, yet he raised me well, and I could say I am a good daughter, except the time I broke his rules just to spend time with Amanda and Jaxson. My captors have a meeting, they keep their voices so low, I can hear their murmurs but I can't understand anything. Maybe they are discussing who will kill me after they receive the ransom money.

I have never been so afraid in my entire life, but facing death in this way makes me stronger, I conceal my fright, right now there is nothing I can do, but to accept the reality that no matter how rich and powerful my father is, I am still going to die, money is really nothing in this dreadful situation, my life now is numbered and it is on the hands of my abductors.

"Well, I know you have a lot of questions now Miracle, but thanks to you all our problems will be solved, but one thing is for sure Amanda will inherit everything from your father, you are his only daughter, but your death will give Amanda the chance to get close with him, and in time he will totally forget you, and Amanda will become his daughter." Ryan said, then they all erupted in laughter, he abruptly removed the duct tape on my mouth, I can feel the sting but I ignore it.

"My father will never forget me Ryan, and you will never get away from this, all of you will rot in hell!" I shouted at him, I am not afraid anymore, I am going to die anyway, so there is nothing can stop me now from telling him everything that I feel, my fears will be useless.

"Mira! You are so naive about reality Miracle, once you are dead the people you love will totally forget you and they will continue to live and move on, you will be forgotten and you will be the one who will rot, don't worry we already decided that I will be the one to kill you, since we know each other and I will be the future husband of your cousin, and the moment your father adopted Amanda. We will let him follow you peacefully, and don't worry we will kill him softly, he won't feel pain Miracle."

"Damn you Ryan, you will never succeed, you will suffer the retribution of all the bad things you have done." I said angrily.

"Wow! Really? Do you believe in that Miracle? There is no such things as punishment Miracle, if that is the case why there are a lot of evils roaming around the world freely." He said, I can feel the sarcasm in his voice.

"Here have a drink first, I think you need water to journey to the other world, I heard stories that when you die you will feel so thirsty walking in the valley of death." He said, then he forced me to drink the mineral water, I tried to resist drinking the water, because I don't want to urinate in front of this people and be humiliated before I die, it will be too much, I wanted to die with honor, I cough for I tried to spit all of it, yet Ryan didn't remove the water bottle on my mouth. I can hardly breathe, at last he let me go. I really hate him, how I wish I have the power right now to end all of this.

He stands up, and he seated at the center of the room, I am not sure where I am, but judging the condition of the room I am in, I think we are in a dilapidated building in a deserted area. I can see cobwebs on the ceiling and I can feel the dust that entered into my nose and mouth. I felt so tired and hungry, but I don't want Ryan to pity on me. I am hoping that my father will contact the police, they are going to kill me whatever it takes, this is their plan all along, at least if the police come there is a chance that I will survive.

I don't expect Amanda to be so cruel and merciless, I felt sleepy and I lay down on the cold floor once again, I curled up my knees, this is how it feels like when you know you are dying, I thought I would die old, but no one really can say about the future, I wish I had more time to enjoy life, to experience real love.

I suddenly think about Jaxson, I am hoping that he is happy right now, her mother's health is starting to get better, I hope he will have a happy life ahead of him, and I wish that he will find a woman who will love him until the end, Jax is a good person, Amanda is the wicked one, I felt sorry for Jax that he became her willing victim, he deserves someone better. I love Jax, but he hurt me and if he really cares about me, he should have told me the truth before I found it myself.

I have a lot of plans, I wanted to ask my father to spend my summer at my grandmother's house, but she will never know that her granddaughter, Amanda is the reason of my demise, Aunt Minerva, the mother of Amanda is my mom's elder sister. Dad said they never get along, I don't know the reasons of their misunderstanding that is why I wanted to be closed with Amanda, I don't want us to have a grudge with each other like our mothers.

I don't want to sleep because I want to know everything that is going on around me, but I can't fight the dizziness I felt, I know that Amanda put something on my drinks that is why I was unconscious and when I wake up I am already in the hands of Ryan, I think the medicine that she used is very strong, or maybe Ryan put something on the water that he forced me to drink.

I felt so groggy when suddenly the door opened widely with force, then I saw him, my eyes were filled with tears, Johnny came for me, he is wearing black suits, and he is carrying two guns on his hands, my bodyguards are here, I can't control the tears that keeps flowing on my face, I still have a chance to live, then suddenly the whole place became chaotic.

Then the next thing I heard is the series of gunshots, I saw the bodies of my abductor fall to the ground, then I felt someone grabbed me from behind, and he makes me stand up on the floor, my whole body felt like jelly, I can't stand properly, but my captor kept me standing on the surface, he is pointing the gun on my head, while his strong left arm is around my neck trying to suffocate me, I can't even breathe properly. Only Johnny and Ryan are now left standing facing with each other, I can see the look of horror in Johnny's eyes.

"You better put your gun down man, or I will not hesitate to kill Miracle, our sole purpose is to kill her, but I wanted to get extra cash, it will be a long term process before my girlfriend can get the money she wants, the rumors are true you are excellent, but you were duped by a young woman, well Amanda is clever and wise, she has great potential, that is why I like her, she is very young, yet she is so evil already." Ryan said.

"Release Miracle at once, or I will shoot you!" Said Johnny.

"Oh! Really, how about this." Ryan said, then he shoots me in my right leg, I writhe in pain and I screamed loudly, my tears are streaming down on my cheeks, I can't explain the pain that I felt, I can see my own blood gushing from my flesh and it flows on the floor.

"You son of a bitch!" Johnny cursed under his breath the moment he saw me in blood, but I smiled at him weakly, I don't want him to lose his focus, I want Johnny to stop Ryan at once.

"Do you think I am playing games Johnny? Give me some credit buddy, you maybe a skilled bodyguard, but I am a notorious person, I don't have proper training like you, but I am as good as you, now if you don't give me your gun I will shoot this beautiful girl again, and the next wound will be on her vital organ, or it is better to shoot Miracle in the head perhaps, or her heart so that she will die immediately." Ryan said sardonically.

"You may come from the Army, but right now, I am telling you, you don't need experience to be a bad boy John, all you need to do is hurt someone, and then you are in the right path, I am just wondering why you want to protect the heiress of the White empire, she is nothing Johnny, you better walk away from here right now, or it is not too late, we can do this together, you and me can be partners, we can split the money, since my comrades are all dead, what do you think John?" Ryan said, I can't believe him, he is still thinking about the money, I am losing a lot of blood already.

"I regret to inform you Ryan, I am faithful to my employer, and I love Miracle like my own daughter, it is not about heroism Ryan, but it is all about loyalty and trust, look at you? You trusted Amanda? Yet she double-crossed you Ryan, she told Mr. White everything and the police are on their way, you better surrender now, for you will be in jail hours from now, all your plans will be wasted." Johnny said, I don't know if he was bluffing, but I can feel the sudden change of Ryan's heartbeat, he is buying it.

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