
Chapter Two

♦ September's POV ♦

"Lena, get dressed, we're going out," Cyril says to my twin, ignoring my existence.

"Umm... Uh," I stutter, "can I tag along?" I ask in a small voice, shriveling as they both turned their eyes to look at me. I'm never shy around my siblings but I've never asked before if I could go out with them not that they wouldn't allow me, I was just nervous I guess.

"Thought you'd never ask." Selena scoffs, eyes twinkling and she smiles, not a smirk, not an evil grin but a genuine, honest to God smile. "Now you need a makeover, a total makeover." She drawls, half dragging - half carrying me as she sped upstairs to her room.

When we get there, she moves faster than my eyes can track ripping my 'curdled blood' colored dress off my body. She held a rope in front of me

"Now what's that supposed to be? Underwear?" I ask baffled.

"No, it's a suicide rope." She replies sarcastically rolling her eyes, "now get your ass in it."

"Okay," I mutter under my breath, "this is it right here," I keep muttering. "I'm gonna die."

"September," Selena says tearing through a humongous shoe rack. "Stop muttering like a witch and get dressed, we haven't got all day." She snaps at me diving back into the sea of shoes.

'Here we go,' I say mentally, dying and resurrecting again as I squeeze my poor body into the tube - leather dress, which after all my pulling and prodding did not go beyond mid-thigh. "Isn't this the same dress you're wearing?"

"Umm... Yeah," she answered coming up with knee-length, high-heeled boots. "Put this on too."

"Now a little bit of this and that and those as well," she chanted turning me into her exact look-alike.

"Now for the fun part," Selena comes up holding a hair straightener.

"Don't you dare," I spit out quickly grabbing a poker from the faux fireplace, why the hell does it even have a poker?

"Gah..." She scoffs. "Oh, I will now come over here your hair looks like werewolves are fighting in it."

"Not on your life," I reply brandishing the poker. "En garde," I warn her falling into the position deeply engraved in our minds.

'anddd...thrust, parry, thrust, thrust, block...'

'SELENA,  SEPTEMBER!!!' Cyril screeches in our heads - Oh and did I forget to mention that my brother has the ability to telepath.

'I GET UP THERE AND YOU AIN'T READY, YOU'LL BOTH BE SORRY.' He projects even louder, stomping up the stairs.

"Uh - oh," Selena and I echo, peeling our hand from our bleeding brains, we run to get brushes and yank them through our hair.

"Did you say something?" Elena asks indifferently as we stand looking bored - like we had been waiting forever when Cyril burst in.

He sees the trap on time and allows his anger to evaporate like steam, "no, I doubt I did." He answers quietly, his voice pouring innocence.

"Are you ready?" I ask innocently, feeling an evil smirk come up behind my fake - innocent facade. 'Man, I feel awesome, I'm getting badder'

'Really now,' Cyril replies in his head, leading the way to his black convertible.

Ignoring his jaunting comment, I slide into the back seat of the convertible while Selena takes hers beside him.

  "Buckle up ladies." Cyril announces, "we're going to club 'Xhex'."

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