

This sent Arkien down another spiral of laughter, "Alright, I shall do as you instruct." He brought the hand that was still holding his own up, and pressed his lips to the back of her hand, just above her fingers. Through the connection of their skin, he poured his energy signature into her hand.

Leilani felt as if her hand, at the point his lips had touched, was burning. She tried to pull her hand out of his grip, but he had a tight grip on it. Just when she was prepared to smack him using her free hand, the burning feeling on her hand stopped. Arkien raised his hand, and looked down at her hand, a satisfied smile on his face.

"What did you just…?" Arkien moved his head up, allowing Leilani to look at her hand. "Just like there is a proof of engagement, there is a proof of being promised to someone in my species. This will prove to everyone that you have someone who is promised to you."

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