

"Well, like I've told you, there isn't advancement to light as there is in this world of yours. Therefore, such a stone is a good gift for someone going to battle monsters, or a warrior. When they lightly pour their energy signature into it, it will shine with a bright light. However, since it puts a strain on the maker, you won't find it sold to the masses."

"It is called roho because it is quite literally the heart of a person. In our world, the energy signature of a person is sacred. No one is allowed to mingle their energy signature with that of another, be it family members or not, without their consent. Also, since a person's energy is something so sacred, no person would make this jewel for just anyone."

"I see." Lexine continued to concentrate on the stone that was in her hand.

"Since your energy signature is much higher than my own, then it should take you less time to make it." Kivuli continued to explain as they poured their energies into the gem.

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