

Timaeus paused his steps and looked up at the sky. The sun had already set on the horizon, but the sky had yet to turn completely dark. Instead, it was a dark purple color that enhanced the shining star which looked like bejeweled gems in the sky.

It was a tranquil evening without any cloud in sight. Even then, there was a pack somewhere that was being attacked. His attention drifted back to the phone call that he was on, as he hastily ran up the short stairs which led to the house.

"Understood. How many survivors are there? Who is attacking?"

The teenager continued to speak. His voice was slightly trembling as he spoke, however, not once did he stutter. "I am not exactly sure who the attackers were. Our pack has not had many scuffles with other packs in the past few years." The voice paused as the sound of a child crying reached Timaeus' ears. By this time, he was already taking the steps two by two up to the room that his sister used as her office.

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