

The empress immediately agreed with Arkien's words. It would be better if they went and checked on their children on their own. At the same time, they would be able to gauge the humans to see if they are worthy of making relations with them.

"I refuse!" the emperor immediately dished out. He turned and bowed his head to speak to the empress. "Do you really want to go to the place where the humans live? It could be dangerous."

The empress raised a brow at his question. "I do not think I fear them. Aren't they just humans? Headmaster, tell us, is it as terrifying as the books make it out to be? If so, we may need to bring more soldiers over."

Arkien bowed his head. "I may not be the best to answer that question, empress, but I would not carelessly leave the empire's prince and princess to their own devices without being sure of their safety."

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