

Lexine silently giggled at the seemingly exaggerated bow that Quira had at that moment. "Quira?"

Quira looked up, her tear-stained face staring at Lexine who had a small smile on her face. Lexine extended her arms out, "Can I at least get a hug?"

The question took Quira back, and she raised a brow. "A hug?" She asked dubiously. Lexine had shown time and again that she really did not like having physical contact with anyone. Although she did not explicitly say it, Lexine would notice the small times that Lexine would ensure that she was not in contact with other people.

The only exceptions to this had been the redhead female that they had met at the movie theater and the time she willingly carried Taevlin before disappearing with him. Quira did not answer Lexine for a few seconds.

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