

Once Sevin jumped into the fight with Aimero, it became easier for the two of them to fend off Zhang. Sevin almost seemed like he was acting on his instincts. His claws were out, rising up to his shoulder. He had a deep frown on his face, and his eyes were dark.

When Zhang was concentrated on Aimero, Sevin raised his right claw, slashing down on the drakkon's back. Zhang hissed, and turned his body back, throwing a ball of rock at Sevin, successfully smacking him on his stomach.

Sevin growled as he fell onto his back. His attack had given Aimero the opening he needed to launch an attack on Zhang.

However, Zhang noticed the water that was positioned to pierce his back. A smirk pulled his lips up as he twisted his back in the last second, and raised his hand to touch the shard that was directed to his back.

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