

As the egress grew larger, Lexine picked up a small knife from the dining table. There was a small hope in her that those who were coming were sent by Headmaster. However, there was a larger fear that those who were passing through the egress were actually here to harm them.

Kivuli pushed Lexine behind him, and the shadow weapon in his hands manifested into a large sword. His dark hands tightened around the hilt and his purple eyes focused on the slowly opening egress.

Lexine shivered slightly, feeling as if the egress was taking forever to open. However, after a few seconds, the egress was completely open, and the sight on the other side of the egress made him breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Quira." She muttered out lowly, moving from behind Kivuli. The familiar lilac locks and short stature made Lexine subconsciously smile. She took a few steps forward as Quira, who had heard Lexine mention her name, looked back as well.

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