

The empress walked back to her office, her steps lighter than they were before. As she walked into the office, the first person to reach her gaze was her son. Unlike her, he looked every inch like his father did. His skin was dark and his hair was dark blue. There was a frown on his face as he looked down at the papers in his hands.

"Did something happen at the morning court?" she asked as she removed the golden crown that was still resting upon her blue tresses.

The boy looked up, "The number of cases has increased significantly mother empress. There are quite a few citizens who have realized that there is something going on in the shadows. There is no doubt that they might find some fault if we are not careful."

His dark skin glowed in the morning light which filtered into the room as he spoke. His eyes were pulled up, very much like her own. However, his lips were full, very much like his fathers.

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