

The housemates looked drily at the body of the woman who had refused to give them any answers about where Lexine was. There was a frown on all their faces as they looked down at her. None of them wanted to be the first to speak up, therefore they kept their lips shut. There was a solemn feeling surrounding them as the sun filtered in front of them.

The dead bodies of their attackers began to melt as before, leaving only a small silver film as proof of their previous existence. The smell became even more nose disturbing after the bodies melted.

"Now that that is taken care of, we need to find out our next cause of action is to get to the town." Artin looked up from where he was gazing as he said these words.

There was a spot of red on his cheek and his eyes glowed a soft red color.

"But..." Quira began to speak.

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