

The sun set on the horizon, coloring the sky a beautiful plethora of colors. In the stillness of the evening, there was the slashing of a weapon in the backyard of one of the houses.

Christana slashed her sword up before doing a backflip with her sword. The elaborate swordplay was something taught only to the drakkon kind. Cardial and Raveer watched quietly from the sidelines.

Cardial had a deep frown etched on his face. He had instructed her to rest since she had yet to recover from the wounds she had received during the fight with the werewolf. However, Christana was very stubborn. She would not listen to reason, saying that she would chop his manhood off if he did not get out of his way.

He tried to stop her once more, only to have a sword brought to his neck. With her intention loud and clear, he moved aside, and let her practice, with him acting as supervisor.

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