

Five hours passed and the sun began to set on the horizon. Aurinda knelt in the middle of the backyard staring blankly into the black hole that she had made. There had been no movements from the other side. A sheen of sweat stuck to her forehead. She was beginning to get worried. If someone stayed too long in the realm of shadows, it could prove dangerous to their spiritual energy. As if she was possessed, she stood, her eyes staring blankly at the hole. Without a word, she ran to her room. From underneath her bed, she removed a small box. She carried that box back downstairs with her.

Adley had still not returned. 'Adley you fool. You know you are not supposed to spend more than three hours inside the shadow realm. I swear to the gods after I get you back here, you will never hear the end of it.' She thought as she ran to the yard.

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