

Lexine's eyes widened. Did all this really happen? Were humans really this bad? It was really hard to believe that humans were the ones to do all that she had learned in the past two days. If it was really so, then she completely understood why they were wary of her. Sylphs were sold like merchandise, the dragons were killed for their riches and now she had just learned that a whole werewolf pack was destroyed by humans. It was all too shocking.

Despite this, her housemates had agreed to help her and protect her if ever the need arose. Yes, it was probably because they followed the instructions of the Headmaster. Even then, they probably would have made things difficult for her. They did not. They had just achieved a level of respect in her eyes.

"I'm sorry for all that happened to your ancestors."

Sevin shrugged and gave Lexine a smile, "It is alright. It all happened years ago, and none of it had anything to do with you."

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