

Cardial Gramin Zephrami was not used to waiting. Yet a measly human had the gall to make him wait. It was already ten minutes past four, however, the human had yet to make an appearance. He was not doing any of this out of the goodness of his heart. In fact, he was willingly searching for a way to monopolize the human as his tea maker should the opportunity ever arise. If he took her back to his pack, she would be disregarded because she was human. Most probably she would live in the stables with the horses and only be permitted into the main packhouse to make him the tea.

When he had informed Sevin of his brilliant idea, he had been smacked hard on his shoulder. He had gotten furious at his actions, however, Sevin had reminded him that that was an idiotic idea that would surely make his soulmate detest him for practically enslaving another being. That had snapped him out of his atrocious thoughts as it was the one thing every werewolf feared, being hated by their other half was a signature of death on its own as none could live without the other.

However, this action Lexine had just pulled tugged ferociously at his anger. He clenched his hands into fists. It was a clear show of disrespect if someone inferior made you await their arrival. To add insult to injury, he had been waiting for twenty minutes. If it were not for the risk it held when a male passed through the gates placed at the girl's floor, he would have gone and dragged the human out of bed himself. If it weren't for the patience Sevin seemed to hold for the human, he would have already left and begun his morning laps.

His chest rumbled in a growl. A glance at Sevin, however, reminded him to pull a reign on his anger. Between the two, Sevin was clearly the more level headed one. He was more cheery and sported a smile on his face more than half the time. When they first met, Cardial was sure the Alpha werewolf was a pushover who did not deserve the title of Alpha. However, a sparring exercise with the blonde werewolf proved his prowess. Sevin's personality was a contrast with the way he carried himself in a mock battle. He could even say that the younger werewolf was a tad stronger than he was, not in front of others though.

After another five minutes, Lexine came down the steps supporting Aurinda. Angry, Cardial failed to notice the terrified look on Aurinda's face. Instead, he began to chastise Lexine, "You are fifteen minutes late Woods."

It was then that Lexine turned her eyes to him. One arm was around Aurinda's waist and the other was supporting them both on the banister. "Sorry. Aurinda just hurled in my room. I had to clean it up. She doesn't seem too good though."

Cardial then noticed Aurinda. Her mocha face was pale and she was trembling. Sevin was the first to react. He walked halfway up the steps and helped Aurinda down and out of Lexine's arms. She held his hand in a vice grip.

"What happened. Shall I send for your sister?" Sevin was very much like a mother hen, checking her for possible physical wounds.

Aurinda's eyes jumped to look at him in the eye as she shook her head sharply. That was the last thing she wanted. "I will be fine by the time breakfast arrives. I just need to lie down."

Lexine fiddled with her fingers as the two werewolves half-carried Aurinda to the living room and lay her on the settee. "I am going to get you something to drink." Without waiting for Aurinda to refuse, she grabbed Cardial's wrist and pulled him to the kitchen with her. She got a stick of chocolate from the storeroom.

Cardial did not move to stop her actions, shocked by the fact that she dared pull him with her. Did she disregard her life as much or was she just stupid? He reigned in his anger. If he harmed this human, his mate might be displeased. "What do you need the chocolate Raveer uses when making treats. Are you making Aurinda a treat this early in the morning?"

Lexine shook her head as she cut a piece of the chocolate. She tasted a bit of it and cringed. It was bitter but that was perfect. She cut it into small pieces which she placed into a pot. "I'm making her a cup of chocolate. Mom makes it for me when I'm having a stomach upset. Can you help me turn this stove thingy on? I don't know how to."

Cardial turned his nose up at her request. She really was thick-skinned, asking for his help after she had pulled him into the kitchen without his consent. "Why should I?"

Lexine looked at him curiously, "You don't know how to? I'm sorry. I'll ask Sevin then."

Cardial's face turned red with anger. How dare she insinuate that he was incompetent!

Before she left the kitchen, he poured his energy into the heat rocks and they lit up. Lexine nodded her thanks, a frown on her face. If he knew, why didn't he just do it in the first place?

She melted the chocolate before adding the water and sugar. She let it boil for a few minutes as she stirred then poured it into a mug. Cardial peered into the pot where there was a little hot chocolate left. "What is this? It does not smell like tea."

Lexine rolled her eyes at his antics but poured the remaining into a small cup and handed it to him. "It isn't tea. It's hot chocolate. Have a try."

He tasted it and his eyes widened in shock. This was even better than tea! Lexine noticed his reaction and smiled. "It's good, isn't it? I am sorry for making you wait. We can leave after I give Aurinda this. If you don't mind that is."

Cardial nodded, distracted with the second sip of hot chocolate. He had never had such a drink before. In fact, all sweet drinks were usually made from fruits. However, this human had made two drinks that were delicious, however, none were made from fruit.

Lexine left him to his thoughts and went back to the living room. Aurinda lay on the couch, her eyes wide open. Sevin was rummaging through a large wooden wardrobe that looked suspiciously like her own. However, she was very sure hers was upstairs and that if it needed to be dragged downstairs, it would make a lot of noise. She placed the mug on the small table that was next to the couch. "Here Aurinda, drink this. It'll calm your stomach. My mom makes it for me at home. Although most people would disagree with this, it's really nice." With Lexine's help, Aurinda sat up and took the mug in her cold fingers. It warmed her up immediately.

From the wardrobe, Sevin removed a quilt and placed it over Aurinda's shoulders. She smiled up at him and thanked him. Lexine looked dubiously at Sevin's wardrobe. It was exactly like hers, but it was so heavy, how did he get it downstairs so quickly without making noise. "Sevin, how did you get your wardrobe downstairs so quickly? Wasn't it heavy?"

Sevin looked at her as if she was the crazy one. "Don't you have a Walking Wardrobe Lexine?"

"I do, but I can't get my wardrobe downstairs in less than ten minutes."

Cardial, who had just walked inside, rolled his eyes at the human's ignorance. How did she not know about the walking wardrobe? He chuckled. "Do you not know of anything about the Academy? The Walking Wardrobe is somehow the core element for students here."

Lexine chuckled nervously, "I know some things. Like the fact that no one apart from me can open my wardrobe and that I can get my clothes from it. It was made by the doormakers or something. At least that's what Christana told me."

Cardial clicked his tongue, "Only she can give information about something and leave out the most important part." He walked over to the wardrobe in the middle of the room and patted it, "Do you know where the name 'Walking Wardrobe' comes from?"

Lexine shook her head and shrugged, "I honestly thought it was the fact that you guys have terrible naming senses."

Cardial caught on to her sarcasm and glared at her, "Believe it or not, it does have a meaning behind it. Since the walking wardrobe uses our essence to work it, it becomes a sort of a part of you, like a limb, so to say. This is what Eirene academy is most popularly known for."

Lexine cocked her head to the left, utterly confused. Cardial sighed and pinched his nose in annoyance. How hard was it for her to understand something as simple was beyond him. Sevin pushed him aside smacked his shoulder, "You are worse than Raveer in explanation Cardial. What he means is, it is called the Walking Wardrobe because wherever you are, you can summon it to you, wherever you are. That is how mine is here."

"You mean I can summon my wardrobe to me. That means I would not need to buy clothes ever. How does it work?"

"We are already behind our schedule because of you Woods. We depart at once."


Cardial did not wait for her to finish her statement before leaving the room. Lexine frowned and Sevin laughed. "I am even shocked that he has not yet left. He has a short temper."

Lexine shrugged, "I gave him hot chocolate?"

From outside, Cardial shouted, "Do not make me wait more!"

Sevin chuckled again, "Let us go else he will have our heads."

Lexine nodded and turned to Aurinda who was staring blankly at the floor in front of her. She had not taken a sip of the chocolate and was completely spaced out. The mug was gripped tightly in her fingers. "Aurinda, please have a sip." She pushed the rim of the cup to Aurinda's lips, forcing her to drink the sweet liquid.

Aurinda's attention was taken off of the floor and to the drink. Lexine smiled softly as she watched her housemate drink the chocolate. She seemed better than she was before and that made Lexine happy.

'Time to go to my doom.'

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