

Lexine remained seated after Headmaster left. The students began filing out of the room one by one. Lexine heard a male speaking in a loud voice to her right. "I wonder why they are included in training and group spars. It is no secret that they are weak. They should concentrate on being our servants." The owner of the voice was a tall muscular male. He had an ugly look on his face as he sneered at the anthropoids who walked out of the hall with their heads low. He was speaking to a tall girl with light blue locks. Her nose was turned up as if she had smelt something nasty.

She nodded, agreeing with his words. "They should not even be included in the Academy. Headmaster is just too kind." By looking at their uniform, Lexine could tell he was a werewolf and she was a drakkon.

Desire frowned at their actions and her eyes landed at Lexine to see how she had reacted. Although her energy signature was high, she was still a human, and that made her lower in the chain than anthropoids. To her surprise, however, although Lexine had turned to see who had said those words, her eyes were icy calm and she had her usual frown on her face. It was almost as if those words did not affect her one bit.

Not waiting for Taevlin to stand first, Lexine suddenly stood. She glared down the two who were speaking with her icy glare. They subconsciously cowered and took a small step back each. Lexine did not speak a word but walked away with her head held high. The remaining of those in the top eight rankings were shocked by her blatant disrespect and waited for Taevlin to get furious. Not one sylph had left the hall because Taevlin had not yet left. If one dared leave before he did, it would be seen as disrespect to their strongest and was punishable by whipping.

To their highest shock, instead of getting angry and sending someone after her, he raised a brow at her as she left, mirth shining in his eyes. This made them wonder even more who this sylph was.

Lexine, on the other hand, was terrified. She had glared at a werewolf and a drakon. Her life span had definitely reduced by a few years because of the aftershock of her actions. The plan to keep herself out of trouble had flushed itself down the drain. She groaned and slapped her cheeks. She really wanted to die, didn't she?

She was just angry that they could speak about someone behind their back like that. It was infuriating when someone undermined another because they were physically stronger without looking at other strengths. 'I am not going to involve myself in issues that do not involve me.' Lexine berated herself slapping her already red cheeks.

Aurinda and Adley saw Lexine slapping her cheeks and whispering to herself. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were wide. "Isn't she going to harm her body sister?"

Adley nodded, agreeing with her sister. Why was she slapping her face that hard? She could get hurt if she was not careful. "We should stop her."

Aurinda bounded over to their human housemate without another word. She immediately pried her fingers from her cheeks. "Lexine, are you not harming yourself? Be careful. Your cheeks have become red now. Does it hurt too much? We can take you to the infirmary."

Lexine was pulled out of her self-deprecating thoughts when Aurinda called out her name. Desire's words rang in her head. 'Hold your head high.' Lexine remembered these words and raised her head to look at Aurinda. She did not smile. Her roommates had told her that her energy signature was high, meaning that she was theoretically stronger than most in the academy. That meant they would shy away from angering her to avoid her harming them.

Lexine did not know how strong she was exactly, but she could at least slightly trust the words of her housemates. She nodded at Aurinda, "I'm fine."

Aurinda did not stop fussing over Lexine as she placed her cool palms over Lexine's cheeks, almost smooshing her face. Lexine mumbled over the palm that was over her mouth but Aurinda did not let go of her. "You should not harm yourself. If you have anger you need to let out, there is a yard at the back of our house, you can spar with me instead." Since Lexine was unable to speak, she nodded her head.

Quite a number of people were staring at them. Who was the being Aurinda was fussing over so much? A few of them who had seen her seated with Lord Taevlin and Lady Desire answered that she must have been a high ranking sylph to be so close with Lady Aurinda as well. She even had the gall to stand before Lord Taevlin did.

This brought a frown to most of their faces. How dare she disrespect the second strongest person in the whole student body. What angered them, even more, was the fact that Lord Taevlin had not uttered a word against her. Who was she to garner such respect from the Lord Taevlin?

They would not have known that Lexine did not have a clue about the rules that all Sylphs followed to the letter. It was also too far from their imagination for them to know that she was human. That was unthinkable.

"You told me you'd take me to see Headmaster and get my schedule?" Lexine reminded Aurinda after she collected herself together. It would seem like the shock of being dragged into this new world and getting subjected to their way of life was finally getting to her. She nearly had a panic attack in front of many people. The latter nodded and hooked her arm with Lexine's.

Adley stared after them as they left. Her sister was better at comforting and understanding others than she was. She looked up at the sky, covering her eyes from the sun using her arm. If anything, she hoped Lexine was not out to hurt her sister in any way else she would be the one to end the human. No one was allowed to harm her sister.

Aurinda led Lexine down a cobbled pathway that was familiar. Lexine remembered it as the path they had used to go to Karl's office when she had been kidnapped. Aurinda had used a path that was covered by vines and flowers to the side and could easily be passed if someone was not looking for it. They went through the wooden door and walked up the stairway. At the door that was up the top, Aurinda knocked thrice, paused then knocked twice.

A voice sounded in their heads making Lexine's perfectly cold mask fall for a second as she cringed, "Enter."

Aurinda led them inside the room. Headmaster sat facing away from them and did not turn to face them as they walked in. His attention was taken by a stack of papers on his desk. A short woman stood opposite the desk. Her hands were on her hips and her lips were pulled down in a frown. She had her long light green hair tied up in a ponytail. It fell down her back in waves and flowers were weaved into her hair in a crown. She was dressed in a light yellow wrap-like shirt that covered her breasts like a bandage that left her belly bare. Over this was a long-sleeved loose, green, sheer shirt that fell to her hips. She wore a flowing green skirt that fell to her ankles that just barely covered her bare feet.

She spoke no words with her mouth but her face was pulled down in a frown, her eyes were getting darker, and her eyes glowed blue. That is when Lexine noticed the lip ring that was pierced on the left side of her lip. The gem was blue and it seemed to glow softly as well.

It seemed they were having a mental conversation, so Lexine followed Aurinda's example and stood by the side. Out of nowhere, she clapped her hand twice. Headmaster's desk suddenly grew a branch that had its tip shaped into a stake that pointed itself at the headmaster's neck. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down and his gaze finally landed on the sylph in front of him. He sighed and spoke up, "Do not act like a youngling Wilma."

She glared at him with a frown on her face. "It is you who is acting like a youngling Arkien." Her voice was heavy and she had an accent that sounded scarily similar to a Russian's. "I give you three days, then I will be back with Sylph mother and Papa. You will answer this to them. I did not want it to go to this, but you leave me no choice."

Without another word, and with a swish of her skirt, she left the room.

Headmaster groaned and ran a hand through his hair. Lexine was confused, all this time she thought his name was Headmaster because that is what everyone kept calling him. So his name was Arkien, not Karl either. It was very confusing.

After collecting his thoughts, he turned to Lexine and Aurinda who were standing in the corner quietly the whole time. His carefree but calculating smile came back to his face. Lexine frowned at the smile she remembered was hell-bent on making her stay in that large mansion when she went to that party with Ceeret. She really disliked this Sylph. She could never gauge what he was thinking and that did not sit right with her.

He spoke up with the smile still on his face, "I am guessing you are here for your schedule Miss Woods." Lexine nodded with the frown still on her face.

He sorted through the papers in front of him as they walked to the spot the sylph woman, Wilma, had previously stood.

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