
Route 4 and Journey through Coral Cave

So I took pokeballs of Hydreigon, Beldum, Kirlia M, Pidgeot and Ursaring, then we all three left professor's lab. To reach route 4 we had to walk north of the town, we took that path and there I caught few pokemons on route 4 as route 4 was grassy area so I got grass types their and 2 regional starters which I saw in anime, Bulbasaur and Treecko, other grass type I caught were, Hopip, Budew, Exeggcute, Lotad, Oddish and Seedot. I asked others if I can train my pokemons there for few days and than we can continue and finish our journey in 1 or 2 days. They agreed for that and we all three trained are pokemons there for next 4 days in in the meantime I also battled many trainers around route or those who were crossing route, I battled many powerful trainers who were really hard to beat but I beat them as well with help of my aces in current team and that training gave power to my other newly caught pokemons as well and in the 4 days training only my 2 regional starters evolved to 2nd stage.

Now list of Pokemon I had was,

Hydreigon, Metang, Kirlia M, Pidgeot, ursaring, Ivysaur, Grovyle, Jumpluff, Roselia, Exeggcute, Lombore, Nuzleaf and Gloom.

We reached at the entrance of the cave named coral cave in morning itself as we were training close to that dungeon, because the road around that case was giving our pokemon boost in battling mountain terrain. We entered the tunnel, after battling few trainers in the cave we advanced further and as cave was not that big so we were aware that we can reach by 3 or 4 in afternoon, as we started our journey through cave by 7:30 am. After walking a little further we heard a cry and it was cry of a pokemon, some baby pokemon so we started walking towards the sound. When we reached there we saw a small pokemon who was of white color and his lower body was looking like it was still in egg, from its appearance I got that it was togepi, we saw that togepi was surrounded by 4 trainers and he was shivering and crying for help.

"Hey move aside I said and leave that pokemon alone or else you will regret your visit here" I said in anger.

One of them turned around to see me and he laughed, "Hey kid don't mess around or we will beat you and take your pokemon" he said.

"Leave that pokemon or you will have to battle us" I said.

One of them came forward, he was looking like their leader as they all stepped aside when he came forward, the guy said "Listen kid, you are picking fight with wrong people. Just leave now and we will spare you" He said and turned back.

"We are not leaving untill you leave that pokemon" This time it was ankita, she was really angry. 'Even I who has beaten two teams can't think about messing with ankita and now she is angry, no one can save them' I thought.

"Bring it on now, and don't say that we didn't warn you" Leader said.

They sent their pokemons, Onix, Arcanine, Machamp, Weezing. 'These pokemons are weak as per I sense their aura, even my metang can beat them all alone' I thought.

Ankita sent her Charmeleon and her newly caught Bunery with swinub which she caught earlier, though I wanted to catch that but she insisted so i let her catch that pokemon. Also she had one Pinsir from start which I came to know after we entered in relationship, that time she collected that pinsir from professor and asked me to help her in taming, which we both did.

Now this battle was so easy for Ankita's pokemons and she not only defeated but destroyed those punks. "Now you leave or I will ask my charmeleon to burn you to ashes" Ankita shouted.

'Yeah ujjawal keep quite or she will finish you as well' I thought and looked to aniket who was also silent as no-one can mess my girl when she is angry. Trainer ran from there, then, ankita went near to that pokemon and said "Don't worry we won't hurt you, we will help you in searching you parents" on this line that pokemon again started crying. Me and Aniket we both were confused but waited as I know ankita can handle pokemons.

"Are your parents dead ?" Ankita asked. that pokemon nodded, still sobbing.

"These people killed your parents?" Ankita asked again, he nodded again, "I did grave mistake leaving them alive" She said with anger. "Don't worry my friend, you can come along with us if you want, we can be your family" Ankita said putting her one head towards togepi, for which togepi gave a headbutt. Ankita hugged togepi and than turned to us, and said "Now we have a baby in our team, we all have to take care of him" And we both nodded in agreement. I was happy with this demonstration by ankita, I was sure that I have chosen perfect girl for me.

We continued our journey through the cave which was named after coral town, Coral Dungeon, We crossed the dungeon easily within one day, we could have reached coral town by afternoon but I saw a shiny onix and shiny noibat and noibat were rare in this region as, when I saw in pokedex, I could only see data of first three region and few from other regions but only when they migrate, I caught those two and few others like, Geodude, Sandshrew, Aron, Zubat, Lunatone, Solrock and whismur (Which evolved to Loudred while battling). We reached at 7 pm to the pokecenter.

We reached coral town after a total of 5 days and than we went first to pokecenter where I healed my exhausted pokemons and than I checked in my pokedex to see the gym type and pokedex said that current gym leader uses water type pokemon, 'It's obvious as this town is near to sea' I thought. Pokemons that gymleader mainly uses are,

Starmie, Golduck, Blastoise(Mega Evolve), Swampert(Mega Evolve), Feraligatr, Lapras, Tentacruel and Gyarados (Mega Evolve).

'This gymleader has 8 pokemons and out of those 3 are able to get mega evolved' I thought.

I planned for a team of 6 as I was not aware of what battle gym leader will as for as in previous battles he had used all kind of battle except for 1v1. I thought of choosing, Raichu, Lucario, Grovyle, Hydreigon, Pidgeot and Gardevoir/Gengar/Alakazam. out of these 8 I will choose as per situation. Than I sent my current pokemons and collected these 8 from professor, I was planning that after gym battle I will train,Grovyle, Gible, Metang and Noivbat by my own as they had potential to reach great heights in team and for all others to reach atleast upto Max Ultra Level my Max Champion level pokemons can train, as now Lucario and Tyranitar were at Initial Master Level and Charizard, Gengar, Blastoise, Pidgeot, Gardevoir, Alakazam and heracross were at Max Champion level. So they can train all new recruited pokemons to best level and that will ease my work, i thought. After this battle I was planning to keep team stable and I was planning to go with Grovyle, Gible, Metang, Noivbat, Lucario, Tyranitar, charizard, Hydreigon and Kirlia M. This all I planned and than I went with my chosen pokemon for gym battle to the battleground of pokemon center and I trained there till mid-night. Then I asked my pokemons to take rest for the day as I was planning to train for another 2-3 days before gym battle.

What will happen in gym ? Will share you my experience in this gym.

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