
Darkest Day

We all were shocked by that sudden blast, we looked at each other than we hurried towards the blast. It was in the museum. When we reached there, we saw few people in Dark suits having D written on that and there was a guy standing Infront of them who must be around 55. We saw daniel also near to museum, he was injured and was lying on ground. We hurried towards daniel.

"That weakling thought he can beat team dark" One of those said.

I just looked at him, anger filled in my eyes and then checked Daniel, he was still breathing. I knew battling these guys is going to be more difficult than that with Team Mind as they defeated a gym leader very easily. I didn't want Ankita or Aniket to get hurt so asked them and all people around to leave place safely and go towards the Pokémon center, Now after proposal Ankita was more caring towards me so she was afraid but she knew that I can beat them as I already had beat Team Mind, so this is not going to be difficult. So, she agreed with what I said and they left with Daniel. I waited till they disappeared safely than turned around to team dark.

"You all will pay for this" I shouted.

"Another weakling, you will also knee down before us like that gym leader" One of them said and laughed.

"We will see about that, but we will fight in Route A as I don't want anyone else to get hurt" I said.

"Why do you think we will listen to you" That guy, who seemed to be their leader said.

"because I think Team Dark never say no for a challenge, if you think you can't beat me than just knee down before me and leave, I will spare you all" I said Cunningly.

He Clenched his fist and with anger in his eyes he said "I think you want to die kid; I will make your wish come true" He said.

Then we all left towards route A, we reached near a clearing and I asked all trainers around to go to poke center, then turned towards them and said "Now we are here all alone and I am ready to beat you all" I said.

One grunt came forward with one Mightyena who was beaten easily by my Lucario and I threw him on ground where he fell unconscious.

Then I beat all the grunts and turned towards their leader and said "I thought you are powerful but you guys are just pathetic".

He got triggered by those words and sent Crawdunt, Sharpedo, Absol, Houndoom, Sableye and all 5 were beaten easily by only Lucario. 'He is weak than I thought'

He sent his last Pokémon, who was Hydreigon, 'How he has Hydreigon in this region' I thought.

Hydreigon was tough but eventually he was beaten as well than I knocked that admin down and repeated what I did with Team Mind and Then asked their Pokémon to join my team and they agreed. Now I got,

Crawdunt, Absol, Houndoom, Sableye, Hydreigon, Sneasel, Mightyena, Bisharp, Honchkrow, Weavile and Malamar from them and all other who were not that useful, I released them in wild.

I had already asked them all to listen to my pokemons in professor lab who will train those who are there in lab and they agreed with that term as well.

I returned to Pokecenter and when I reached Ankita and Aniket came to me and they both hugged me. Then we went to daniel who was now awake, he thanked me and then I went downstairs after telling ankita and aniket to stay there and I called professor, she was looking at me in little shock.

"Ujjawal how you got this many new pokemons ?" She asked.

"Professor you can say a good day, by the way I want to send my Gengar and Gardevoir and Collect Hydreigon and pidgeot." I said.

We collected pokemons than I went to battleground where I called out my all pokemons and they met with each other. Pidgeot was happy seeing me, she was always caring toward me and now they got another female leader hydreigon, my pokemons make anyone good friend so soon. My Lucario and Tyranitar know about that dark secret about getting these powerful pokemons but they always have faith in me and they know that these powerful pokemon cannot be left in wild as they might kill trainers and those goons also cannot be left after beating as they might attack back with more force, so with my this planning they always agreed and charizard was one who use to burn them all so she was also aware of all this fact. Those three were most powerful pokemon in my team and my most trustworthy and they knew that. Though others were also loyal towards me but except pidgeot all others feared my power so they respected me but my pidgeot was caring towards me.

I checked power of Hydreigon who had moves, Dragon Breath, Dark Pulse, Dragon Claw, Head Butt, Outrage, Tri Attack, Dragon Rush, Work Up, Screech, hyper Beam, Nasty Plot, Crunch, Fly and Rock Side

Quite some moveset and also, I got to know that she was at Initial Champion level so that meant that she was so powerful equivalent to pidgeot. Others pokemon i received were atmost max Ultra Level. So, they can reach by champion level guidance of my other best pokemon by 5-6 months and they can also max their champion level by 3 months, so I was happy with that, I was waiting for egg to hatch which seemed to hatch by night or by tomorrow morning.

Pokedex of this region shows updated moveset and power level of My pokemons stored at Lab as well so that will be easy for me to track status of my pokemons.

After checking all this I went upstairs to meet ankita, aniket and daniel than we went to lobby together and had our dinner as it was almost 9.

"Ujjawal I can feel one new powerful presence around you" Daniel said.

Daniel being a ghost gym leader and also this much experienced was able to feel powerful aura around him.

"yeah it's just a new pokemon I caught" I said.

"You caught new pokemon" Ankita said.

"yeah and I will show you all after dinner" I replied.

We finished our dinner and then went to battleground there I called out Hydreigon. All three were in shock.

"A Hydreigon" Aniket Said.

"This is so rare" Daniel Said.

"It's cannot be seen in this region, how you caught this" Ankita Said.

I wanted to make another story as I know my friends will never be happy if I tell them that I forcefully made him to join my team, though hydreigon was standing peacefully, I went near to him and kept my hand on his neck and patted her a little, then said "When I asked those goons to battle in forest so no-one will get hurt, they agreed and then our battle caused her to awake and she started rampaging, to stop her from destroying forest I beat her and caught her and you never see a hydreigon in this region daily" I Laughed a little.

"Thats really great ujjawal" Daniel and Aniket said.

Ankita remained quiet, I knew she had doubt since my first encounter with Team Mind and I told her that i caught gengar and gardevoir, she said yes but I could see that she has doubt on me, I remained quite as I was ready for questions in night. We all talked for a while more and in whole conversation ankita was quiet, she also left after a while than I said good night to Daniel and Aniket and went to my room where ankita was already waiting for me with many questions.

"Ujjawal I know you are doing something wrong" She said.

"What are you trying to say" I said trying to ignore her questions.

"Ujjawal you catch these powerful pokemons after encountering those teams and it happened second time, tell me what you are upto" She said with tears in her eyes.

I went near to her trying to console her and then said, "I am not doing anything wrong ankita" I said.

"Then tell me how you get these powerful pokemons" She said.

I just looked in her eyes, and then asked her to come downstairs. It was 10 in night I called professor and asked if she can send me Gengar back, she did that than we both went to battlefield where I called out Gengar, Hydreigon, Lucario, Tyranitar, Charizard.

I asked Lucario if he can contact to ankita through aura as well, then he agreed to give it a try. I told him to hold for a while and then turned to ankita, I will brief you everything.

"Ankita, Last time when I encountered Team Mind, I beat them in battle but I was in fear that if I leave them than they may come in future and try to harm me and you as well, at that time I might not be prepared. So, to protect us, after beating Team Mind I tied them to a tree and asked Charizard to burn them," I said, Charizard was standing bowing her head down. I continued "No need to be sorry charizard, you all were doing this to protect us" Than turned back to ankita and said "Ankita, we both love pokemons and see them as our friend, so how can I kill some innocent pokemon for deed of their trainer, As a pokemon is never wrong they do what their trainer ask them to do. So, I didn't kill any pokemon along with those goons but the pokemons Team Mind were having were so powerful that if I leave them in wild, they might hurt trainers and eventually get killed by group of trainers so I asked them to join my team instead. That's how I got Gengar and Gardevoir" Gengar was Looking at me.

"So, you force them to join you, but that may hurt them ujjawal, I know you are thinking about humans around but what about pokemons" Ankita said.

"Lucario will help in communicating with Gengar and Hydreigon and they will tell you their feeling" I said and turned to Lucario, who focused his power on both of us and gengar was holding his hand so he can communicate.

'As master said, our old trainers were bad and we had to do very bad things to please them, but master helped us in realising our worth, that's why I joined him without even a battle and as you saw today afternoon in gym battle, we were battling for master as we know that he thinks about all pokemons, whether they are with bad trainer or good. I have aura power as well so i can feel his aura which made me realize his nature. He was transmitting positive aura and he still do' Gengar said.

Then I turned to hydreigon who came forward and hold lucario's hand and said 'I was little unsure about Master Ujjawal, but now when I heard his feelings towards us and why he spared us and asked us to join his team instead, I know he is a good person and he is powerful trainer as well as I saw him in battle, so am happy to join his team. Also, after hearing what gengar said, I am now surer that this time I am with a good trainer and Master ujjawal I will always be loyal with you no matter what situation comes and I will always protect you and fight for you. I am also gonna help you battling bad humans around' She added.

This brought tears to my eyes, Ankita came and hugged me tightly, she was sobbing.

"Now do you trust me?" I asked.

"I am luckiest person in this world that I got you as my companion and my future life partner" She said and gave a peck.

We all sat there and chatted a little, my pokemons also respected ankita and she also loved them and mostly lucario and charizard, in her view they are most caring for me. But I knew that my all pokemon care for me as I do for them.

At 11:30 we returned to our room and ankita hugged me once more than we slept together as we had to plan our next destination next morning.

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