

The sweat was falling from her head. Aira is doing her morning jogging, hearing some good music. She saw from long a tall person is coming running towards her. That is none other than her beloved Lar. Aira stopped jogging for a moment. She stood there looking at him and went to the dreamy world as seeing her beloved one in the morning. He is looking more handsome and hot. Aira smiled a little.

His muscles are showing with a sleeveless t-shirt. Aira saw some girls looking at him.

Aira said in mind, 'he is showing off, Hmm. How dare these girls looking at him.'

The jealousy is spreading on Aira's face, and the possessive Aira is so cute.

But her smile went to the sad one when she saw Rave is with him.

Aira back to the normal world, and she started to run, and both Lar and Aira crossed each other without looking at each other. It's completely like a stranger.

She sat near Dilna, who is lazy in running and waiting for Aira to come.

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