
Apartment 21. Aiden Jenkins. Community (Part 3)

"Do you think this will work?" Ash asks Mrs. Gomez as the group comes together in a corner of the room. 

"We just hope that it will, I guess," I answer him when Mrs. Gomez doesn't look like she is going to say anything. Her hands are shaking as she clasps them together in front of her, the colour has drained from her face, and it looks like she is having a hard time focusing. 

"Mrs. Gomez, are you alright?" Brad holds out his hand, about to steady Mrs. Gomez, but Mrs. Gomez waves her hand dismissively and puts a thumb and forefinger to her forehead, on the spot in-between her eyebrows. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine, honey," Mrs. Gomez says. "I just need to sit down for a bit." 

Brad helps her sit on the ground and she slumps down quickly, resting her head on her folded knees. "You did a great job with the speech," Brad tells her.

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