

Mason didn't know what to feel as he watched his foster sister, Belle, slowly make her way down the aisle with her arm hooked onto Diana's. She looked stunning in her wedding dress that swept across the floor when she walked and clutched the bouquet of white roses tightly indicating her obvious nervousness. His chest tightened uncomfortably knowing that, in a sense, he'd have to share his sister with another man but another part of him was delighted that she'd finally get the happiness that she deserved. He concluded that he was just afraid to lose her even though that was a silly thought in itself.

There were a few gasps when Belle's groom easily lifted her veil and exposing the beautiful woman that she had bloomed into.

Mason watched in silent awe as her electric blue eyes sparkled with adoration when her gaze landed on her husband-to-be, Will. He could read her so well and it was evident that she loved him. And it seemed like Will loved her too.

But if he broke her heart then he'd be a dead man. Mason had gotten to know him the few times that Belle had brought him over but that didn't mean that he'd have to accept his bullshit too.

Family comes first. Never forget that.

He had heard those words so long ago from Leo and he'd never forget them. As the thought of his older brother crossed his mind, he frowned slightly and felt his throat tighten up. He had to swallow his emotions back down so that nobody would notice.

This was Belle's special day and he wasn't going to let his past interfere with that.

Although, the last time that Mason had seen his brother was when he had been taken away and thrown into a jail cell. He could still his screams right now. It had been 5 years and it would be another 5 more until he'd be able to see his brother again. There was nothing that he could do to make his absence hurt any less. The loss of his brother had left such a massive void in his heart that he hadn't been too sure could ever be filled again. However, Belle had helped to ease the pain in his heart and she was the closest thing to family that he had right now.

He had to leave his past behind him and move forward. No matter how much it haunted him.

Mason then plastered a small smile on his face when he felt Sarah's eyes on him. It was probably because he looked so moody and was slouching in his seat. He had promised to be on his best behavior today for Belle but it was getting difficult to stay still. He hated wearing suits and his shirt was rubbing uncomfortably against his neck. His hand itched to unbutton the top button of his shirt but Sarah shot him a warning look and he huffed knowing that he couldn't win this battle.

Without a doubt, the wedding ceremony was beautiful, even Mason had to admit that. Though he found himself yawning every now and then because it was starting to get a little tedious.

When the priest finally handed them the rings, Mason sat up knowing that the ceremony would soon be over.

When the priest declared that Will could finally kiss his bride, Mason's stomach growled loudly which caused all eyes to land on him. He could hear Jeremiah & Harry trying to hold in their sniggers whilst Mason just smiled sheepishly and shrugging his shoulders at his foster parents.

Great timing.

Belle smiled at him knowingly and rolled her eyes before reaching out to Will to kiss him. Mason exhaled feeling relieved that all the attention was taken off of him when everyone erupted into cheers and applause.

Mason's breath was momentarily caught in his throat when his eyes locked with Amanda's who trailed behind Belle & Will with the other bridesmaids.

It had been 2 months since they had broken up and since he'd last seen her and it didn't hurt any less. It hurt even more seeing her dressed up and looking more beautiful than ever.

Mason hadn't thought to spare this information to Belle and it seemed that Amanda hadn't had the guts to tell her either. Amanda & Belle had become great friends over the time that she and Mason had been together and he didn't want to ruin her special day with his relationship drama.

Belle would find out soon enough once she sensed the tension between the two of them and Mason could never lie to her no matter how hard he tried to.

"You look nice." He stated truthfully.

Amanda jumped a little when she realized that he was talking to her and she tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

" Thanks." She said, " So do you. " She responded.

She was nervous as he had first expected. It seemed clear that he had caught her off guard with his compliment because he had been so hurt and confused when she had ended their relationship. All that he had been feeling recently was anger towards her.

He was angry that she didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt to know what he had done wrong. He was angry that he still cared about her. He was angry that he still couldn't get her off his mind.

But how do you forget someone who gave you so much to remember?

He was particularly angry that he still felt something towards the girl stood beside him. He had known that there was something special about her from the moment that they had met from the glint in her eyes when she looked at him to the mischievous smirk that seemed to be naturally set on her lips.

He had loved everything about her and as much as he wished to erase her from his mind, this wedding was a painful reminder of everything that he had lost.

Sensing his unease, Harry placed a protective hand on Mason's shoulder and sent a deadly glare Amanda's way causing her to hurry away from them both.

"What were you talking about?" Jeremiah asked Mason, his dark brown eyes looking concerned.

"Nothing." Mason sighed and politely shook Harry's hand off of his shoulder. Harry was so overly protective of Mason that it annoyed him sometimes but perhaps he had good reason to be.

Amanda had brought him nothing but pain and wasted time.

He still was unsure about how he felt about her absence. She was the last person that he wanted to talk to right now but he also knew that he needed answers for closure.

At least, that's what he told himself. But, deep down he knew that he'd never be able to forget her. He'd never be the same Mason again and that was all down to her.

However, he quickly snapped himself out of his mood remembering the significance of today.

" We were just catching up." He started trying his best to fool Jeremiah that everything was okay. Just as he wished, Jeremiah believed in him and walked off in search of something to eat.

Harry however would need more convincing. He knew too much which made it difficult for Mason to lie to him.

"Stay away from her." He warned, "She's only going to bring you down again." He added before walking off in the direction that Jeremiah had left in leaving Mason alone with his thoughts.

Seeing an opportunity, Mason unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and loosened his tie slightly allowing him to rub his sore neck from where the shirt had been rubbing against his skin.

" I knew you wouldn't last long," Belle said playfully which caught Mason off guard. She smiled softly and he enveloped her in a hug, feeling comforted by her presence.

"I forgot to tell you that you look beautiful today," Mason said stepping out of her embrace.

" Tell me something I don't know," She said smugly. "But anyway, we're going to the wedding venue now. Diana & Sarah have been waiting for ages in the car." She said shaking her head slightly at him and dragging him behind her as if he was still a child.

Normally he would have pushed her or something but he didn't want to risk ruining her hair. Belle's temper was fiery and even he had to admit that she was scary when she was mad. She was lucky that it was her wedding today otherwise nothing would have stopped him from scrapping with her.

"Amanda looks pretty today, don't you think?" Belle said. " You're quite lucky but not as lucky as Will." She smirked causing Mason to roll his eyes at her.

" I think she's the lucky one," Mason said easily.

He hated lying to her but he had to play along so that she wouldn't suspect that anything was up between the two of them. It was only a matter of time before she found out anyway.

Belle scoffed at his response but seemed pleased with his answer.

They then went their separate ways and Mason opened Diana's car to find a nervous Amanda sat in the back seat. He was about to question what she was doing here but held his tongue and determined that Belle had thought that they'd want to be together.

" Where have you been young man? I've been ringing and ringing you for ages because we're supposed to be there by half-past but now we're 15 minutes late." Sarah demanded.

Mason untucked his shirt from his trousers and sat comfortably when he noticed Amanda stiffen beside him. After this wedding, he would most definitely tell Belle the truth. Amanda was just everywhere today and it was driving him crazy. He didn't know whether to kiss her or hit her.

"My phone was on silent, sorry." He replied scrolling through the multiple notifications on his phone. He tutted his teeth when he saw all the unread messages from the group chat that Harry had made for the three of them.


Where the fuck are you guys?

Thanks for leaving me btw now Sarah's pissed.

Mason typed out the messages a little angrily.

Why did he have to befriend two idiots who only cared about their stomachs?


We stopped at McDonald's lmao.

I'd save you some nuggets but nah.

I think I'll have them all myself :)

Mason read the messages and rolled his eyes again. He couldn't believe that they had left him on his own and he was a little hungry himself. There had been no time to eat breakfast this morning and both Harry and Jeremiah knew this.

Mason: Fuck off.

He needed new friends though not many were willing to put up with Harry and Jeremiah. They would be lost without him.


A few minutes later, the car stopped indicating that they had reached their destination and Mason jumped out of the car as quickly as possible. He did it partly because he needed to get the hell away from Amanda and partly because he was starving that he could eat anything.

Sarah looked him over a few seconds probably taking in his loose tie and untucked shirt but didn't say a word. It was a miracle that he'd even agreed to wear the suit in the first place.

When they entered the wedding hall, Mason didn't waste any time filling his plate from the all-you-can-eat buffet that Belle had organized for her guests.

He caught Diana's eye more than once but like Sarah, she didn't confront him.

They fussed way too much for his liking. It was an all-you-can-eat buffet for a reason but to them, he probably seemed greedy.

Mason was just worried that Harry & Jeremiah wouldn't be full of their little trip to McDonald's. Their appetites made Mason look like an amateur.

Belle and Diana were gushing over the 2ft wedding cake causing Mason to finally take in the wedding venue. He wanted to whistle as he looked around him. He couldn't even begin to imagine how much this wedding must have cost. Everything was so ridiculously fancy.

Mason found his allocated seat which was close to where Belle & Will were the seat and almost wanted to scream once he realized that Amanda was placed beside him. He let out a deep breath, willing himself to stay calm at the fact that he couldn't get rid of her today.

Just a few more hours and then this'll all be over, he told himself which seemed to settle his nerves for a bit.

The wedding guests began to fill into the venue and Mason began devouring the food that he had piled on his plate. He had to get rid of it before Jeremiah & Harry returned. He wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Sharing is caring bro," Jeremiah said before snatching a few canapés from his plate.

Mason glared at him whilst he chewed at a chicken leg, "That's rich coming from you two."

His anger soon diminished when Harry dropped a McDonald's bag on his lap.

A smile slowly reached his lips and he pushed his plate towards them knowing that a fight was going to start between them.

A live band started playing causing people to get out of their seats and make their way to the dance floor.

Amanda left the table mumbling something about needing the bathroom even though they couldn't care less.

Mason tried his best to not meet Belle's gaze as she danced with Will, her laughter ringing in his ears. She'd most likely drag him onto the dance floor with her.

No sooner than the thought came into his head, then he felt himself being pulled by a pouting Belle and he groaned, feeling annoyed at her.

" You know that I don't dance," Mason argued.

" I'm quite aware but Amanda has been looking a little down. I'm sure a dance with you will lift her spirits." She grinned.

It was taking all his power to not argue against her suggestion but he stayed silent.

Belle owed him big time.

The upbeat music was then replaced with a slower song that Belle had most likely suggested and Mason grabbed Amanda's hand, her palm feeling limp in his. All their actions were fake and he knew it. They weren't together anymore and things could never be the same between them again.

Mason then led her to a more discrete part of the dance floor so that they wouldn't get noticed too much. He placed his hands on her hips and made no attempt to bring her any closer to him or to start up a conversation.

" Why did you want to dance with me?" She asked curiously.

" I'm not doing this for you." He spat. " I'm doing this so Belle doesn't ask any questions about us. She doesn't need to know. Not yet anyway." He explained.

Amanda stayed quiet and swayed along with him.

"Why did you lie to me?" He said. Amanda stared at him, stiffening a little at his question.

" Why did you let me love you when you weren't even sure how you really felt about me? Tell me the truth this time." He demanded.

He watched as the tears filled her eyes and she looked away from him trying her best to keep composure.

"I do love you, Mason." She admitted, " But I don't love you the way I love Harry."

He stepped away from her feeling the need to keep his distance. He shook his head and frowned at her, his breaths shaky.

" So, all this time I thought you were loving me when you were in love with my best friend." He said his voice cracking a little.

" He doesn't know." She said. " Please don't tell him." She pleaded.

" I can't be around you anymore." He felt his heart break a little more at her confession."Stay away from me." He snapped before walking away from her, trying his best to not give in to his emotions.

He felt so angry yet so hurt at what she'd said to him. How could she love Harry and not him?

He dug his fingers into his hair, pulling at the strands a little. His eyes stung and he knew it was a matter of moment before he'd break down into tears.

This was so fucked up.

How could she do this to him?

Why had he fallen alone?

Why was he hurting alone?

He began to punch the wall of the corridor releasing his anger before resting his forehead against the cool surface, tears streaking his face. There was no point in trying to keep up a front anymore. He was hurting and there was no point hiding it. All the progress that he'd made in the past two months had been worth nothing.

" Mase?"

Mason turned his head feeling a little devastated that Belle had to see him in this state.

" Go back to Will. I'll be fine. I just need some time." He said looking away from her concerned gaze.

"You're more important to me. You'll come first; always." She said pulling him into a tight hug. Her words had triggered such emotion into him that he cried a little harder resting his head on her shoulder.

" Why do you care so much about me? We're not even related you, weirdo." He said laughing a little.

She placed her hands on his shoulders with a serious look on her face.

" There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while." She started which caught Mason's full attention. What was she so nervous about?

She took a deep breath and said, " Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Of course I do." He replied.

"What did you think about me then?"

" I realized that you were annoying but I didn't mind you too much. I kind of thought that I'd seen you from somewhere before but that was silly."

Belle bit her lip and blurted out, " What if I told you that we really are brother and sister?"

Mason stopped breathing for a second and frowned at her.

" I don't have a sister. I only have Leo. What are you saying to me?"

"I'm saying that I'm your long lost sister. Did you really remember me?" She asked.

Mason shook his head feeling confused.

" I don't understand. Why did I never know who you were?"

"Our mum had an affair whilst she was married to your dad.

Leo had already been born by the time I came about but your dad had no idea that I wasn't his for the first few years of my life. Our mum kept it a secret because if your dad found out the truth, our whole family would be broken.

It was only when my real father came looking for me that your dad found out the truth. She kept me a secret from him too.

Your dad wanted to get rid of me and our mum so that they could get divorced but they made an agreement between them.

I was sent away with my real father whilst our mum stayed with your dad because she was having you.

That way, their marriage could be saved and it would seem like I had never existed.

By the time I was sent away, you were only a baby so I knew that you would never really know who I was.

My real father treated me like crap. He was hardly at home and when he was it was torture for me.

Because of him, I had to grow up quicker than most and learn to look after myself.

And then he got arrested for an armed robbery and that was when I was fostered by Sarah and Diana.

Ever since the first day you came to Sarah and Diana's, I felt that there was something special about you. I felt like I had known you forever and when I saw that picture of Leo and your family, I was sure that I had found you again."

Mason was astonished by this new information and stared at her mouth gaping. Her eyes were as bright as Mums had been and he was able to point out similarities and differences between the two of them.

He wrapped her into his arms feeling a wave of happiness hit him.

" I love you, Belle. I always will." He said sincerely.

She kissed his cheek and wiped them dry.

" I love you more, brother."

He smiled widely at the name and slung an arm over her shoulder.

He then led her out of the dark corridor feeling a lot more comforted and then said,

"Come on sister. Your husband's probably sent out a search party for you."


So it seems that Mason and Belle really are brother and sister!

What do you think about Amanda’s confession?

Do you think she has a chance with Harry?

fatim_fxcreators' thoughts
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