
Gone Viral

"Listen to me Astra, nothing is going to happen. You're not going to lose your job. I'll take care of this okay? I just need you to trust me."

Unlocking my phone and pulling up the messages between Dillon and I, I hand the phone to Alexi.

"Can you let Dillon up here? He forgot to ask where we are and he's looking for me"

"Sure. Let me call the front desk and have them let him up. He's going to need authorization to get in here."

While he talks on the phone and let's Dillon know where to go, I walk over to the bartop and look inside the mini fridge for something easy to drink. My heart is about to burst from all of the stress and I need to slow it down. Grabbing a chilled mini bottle of some vodka and a coke, I shoot the vodka strait and chase it with the coke.

"Astra, it is eleven in the morning. You need to slow down."

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