
Chapter 28- Event Announcement

Mylo step out of the capsule and did his usual routine. He took a shower, made his food and headed towards his desktop.

"It's been awhile since I've been to the game official forums. I wonder what's hot topics right now."


[Popular Topics!]

1-[Second Chronicles Official PvP Event Coming Soon!]

2-[Second Chronicles Official Player Ranking (Daily Updates)]

3-[Second Chronicles Official Guild Ranking (Weekly Updates)]

4-[Best Build for Beginners Guide!]

5-[Easy early coin farm Guide!]




"Huh? An event already? It hasn't even been a full week since the official release of the game."


[Second Chronicles Official PvP Event Coming Soon!]

Dear Players,

We hope all is well. We at 'Second Vision Corp.' would like to first welcome every single player that are playing and enjoying their time in Second Chronicles. Second Vision main mission was to allow the world to perceive itself through another lens and it was for that reason that Second Chronicles was created. Second Chronicles is the lenses that allows someone to see the world filled with magic, demons, treasure, adventure and many more fantasy like elements. We are interested to see what makes you different from the 'You' in the First World and the 'You' From the Second World. Are you as ordinary in the second world as in the first or are you the next Hero, King, Villain, etc. that would shape the history within Second Chronicles?

As such we would like to announce our very first, Player vs Player Event. Show us, show the world! What differences yourself from the rest. Down Below will be the date, rules and rewards of the event.

Best of luck!

Second Vision Corporation.


1- Players must be level 25-30 in order to participate.

2- Any class can join the Event

3- Consumable items are disabled during the Event

4- Any number of Players can join the Event as long as the level required is met.


*Event will take place in 7 In Real life days (14 days In game).

*Duration of the event will last for 1 day.

*Players that are eligible to participate will be teleported into a different server. The main server will not be paused or stopped from its activity during the duration of the event. Player must make sure to prepare any relevant issues before leaving the server.


1st- Random Luxurious Skill Book (Passive or Active to select from), 500 Reputation and 10 Gold Coin

2nd-Random Uncommon Skill Book (Passive or Active to select from), 250 Reputation and 5 Gold Coin

3rd-Random Common Skill Book (Passive or Active to select from), 100 Reputation and 2 Gold Coin

Participants- 50 Reputation


"Seven days! What? It took me six days to reach level ten, how the hell am I supposed to reach twenty-five in seven? I doubt other players are any closer then i am from reaching the required level. Let me verify the current player ranking."


[Player Ranking]

1st- Zero Lvl 23

2nd-Lexx Lvl 20

3rd-Ulyle Lvl 19

4th-Eadward Lvl. 18



"It's not my fault, none of the quest I got give experience points and I did not have the time to grind monsters. That Zero guy is already more than double my level. I might not be able to participate in this event. It infuriates me just thinking about Lexx getting one of the top three reward, this would give him a great power advantage. One that I cannot allow."


"It's decided, I've resolved myself. For the next two days I'm going to grind out my levels to participate in the event. My main goal, stopping Lexx from getting into the top three spot. I'll need to halt my workout routine until I reach the required level."


[Welcome Back to Second Chronicles. ]

[Buff has been granted for 1 hour: Increase movement speed by 20%]

"I should head over to a level twenty hunting ground. Since my attribute stats are relatively high, I should be fine challenging a higher levelled zone. The additional experience earned from them would help me reach level twenty-five faster.":

Mylo left the Inn and started heading towards the Forest. The moment he set foot inside the forest a sudden notification popped in front of him.

[Valsea's Guardian curse has been activated. All mobs will rush towards you the moment they see you, even the most docile inhabitant will chase you. All usage of active skill has been sealed.]

"I forgot about the guardian's curse. Now that I think about it, it might be more of a fortuned situation disguised as an unfortunate one. Having this curse would accelerate my grinding speed, it was as if I had a passive taunting skill. Let's stealthy walk toward the higher level zone, I do not have the time to waste around low level monsters."

"I cannot wait to be level fifteen, wearing the stealth ring would make it easier to navigate the curse, just like a loop hole of some kind."

A few minutes passed, Mylo managed to reach his destination without any accouters with low level monsters. He was currently in the level 20-22 Valsea forest zone. Most players were in other areas farming monsters level 15-18. As for the higher-ranked players, none of them where currently present within the parameters."

"I have two days of grinding to do before I have to head back to Efferus. Let's get started shall we!"


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