
Please leave him!!!

"Are you sure that it's a good idea not to tell your first brother that we are here..That in a club?" Rose said flipping her hair back side.Her slightly brown hair was loosened around her neck and chest with some curve that added a slightly more wild look on her charm.

Veronica rolled her blue eyes.Her dress was as usual short and revealing her beautiful curves.Rose took a good look of her.Normally she doesn't like to wear this kind of dress but she had no choice rather than admiring Veronica's beautiful sculpted structure.in a word,its true that,she was really beautiful and Rose already admitted to herself the dress just now she was wearing is only looking so beautiful on her and nobody can wear this so gracefully as her.

Veronica shook her head.

"Of course.I don't think so it's necessary to tell him.We just came to a club.What to worry about this so much?" She said with annoyance.

"Don't you think he will be worried?"

"What to worry about here?"

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