
Chapter 22: Into the Mountains

In which they leave Rivendell behind and Sara is surprised.

Their departure from Rivendell was swift and silent. Thorin led Sara through Lord Elrond's home, across the gardens, and into the woods. They were only a few steps inside the forest when Sara stopped; the trees overhead were blocking the moon's light and she could no longer see the ground.

"Thorin," she called. She heard him stop ahead of her.

"Ms. Sara," came his reply.

" Hold on for a second. I can't see; the trees are blocking the moon's light." She pulled off her pack and began to unzip it.

"What are you doing?" he asked from the dark.

"I'm getting my headlamp. I think it's right… Ah!" She held up the light and closed her pack and restored it to her back. She settled the headlamp on to her head and pushed the power button. Nothing happened. She pushed it again. Nothing. She cursed under her breath.

"What is it?" asked Thorin.

"The batteries are dead and those were the last ones I had." It was silent for a moment and then he returned to her.

"Your light is inoperable?" he asked. She nodded. A large hand encircled hers and begin to guide her along. It was slow going and after the third time that her foot caught on the undergrowth Thorin stopped them. "Get on my back," he said letting go of her hand.

"Are you sure?" she asked hesitantly.

"You cannot see and guiding you over and around everything is too slow and cumbersome," he replied. "Time is of the essence. Get on my back."

"Okay," she said. He took her hands and guided her up onto his back wrapping his arms under her legs behind her knees, staggering a bit as he took on her weight. Sara leaned forward to trying to balance but apparently it was not enough.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and lean farther forward," he said. She hesitated to move. "You and your pack will overbalance me if you do not." She leaned forward cautiously and did as he said gripping his coat and breathing in his scent as her face was pressed into his hair.

"Is this okay?" she asked. He nodded and began to walk quickly and surely though the wood. They moved swiftly now and in about ten minutes they came to a small clearing. The others are all gathered and Sara could see them now as the moon shone down on them. Thorin let her slide from his back and went to talk to Balin, Dwalin and Nori.

"We thought you would never get here," said Fili coming over to greet her.

"Yeah where have you been?" asked Kili scowling at her.

"I got taken to a council with Lord Elrond, Gandalf, Lady Galadriel, and Saruman," she said, letting her pack drop to the ground and stuffing the dead headlamp inside.

"Who is Saruman?" asked Kili.

"Saruman is the white wizard. Unfortunately he's the head of the White Council." She let out a curse straightening. "Please, please, please tell me you have my tent," she said looking at the two of them.

"I told you her pack was too light," chided Fili smacking his brother.

"Uncle told me to hurry," defended Kili scowling at his brother and rubbing the back of his head. "I grabbed everything I could find."

Sara sighed in frustration rubbing her hand through her hair. "Well you didn't look under the bed then," she said simply. "I should have packed sooner."

"I'm sorry Sara," said Kili his face falling and she felt a twinge of guilt.

"It's okay Kili," she said. "It's just it's been a long day and I have a lot to think about and try to come to terms with. It's was a very intense night and I'm afraid you got the backlash." He was still looking at the ground. She reached out and hugged him. "I'm sorry Kili," she said squeezing him again. "Really it's okay. I probably would not have been able to use it anyway. I'm not mad, just tired. Thank you for packing my things for me."

He looked up at her now. "Are you sure you are not mad at me?"

"I'm not mad," she assured. "Though it will make things very interesting for me. I guess I will just have to get used to less privacy."

"We will help you as much as we can," vowed Fili.

"Thank you," she said smiling faintly at them now.

"I did grab you an extra blanket," said Kili brightly.

"Oh?" she said. "And where did you get it from?"

Kili grinned mischievously. "I borrowed one from Lord Elrond."

"You mean you stole it," she corrected. He shrugged.

As it turned out the blanket was not all that Kili had 'borrowed'. He had also taken some extra socks, undergarments and a pair of winter gloves from the chest in her room, and a towel and cloth from her bathroom. He was rather proud as he showed her the soap he had stuffed in her bag as well. If truth be told Sara was rather glad for the additions to her pack but promised herself to try and make it right with Lord Elrond if ever she got the chance. Several of the others too it seemed were guilty of petty larceny and Sara just sighed shaking her head when she had seen the two ponies heavy laden with food.

"Elrond intended to send ponies and food with us," said Thorin when he spotted her disapproval. "He just had not intended to send them with us so soon." Sara laughed weakly. At least the mystery of the raided pantries was a closed case, and she felt that come morning Elrohir would put two and two together. Soon they were making their way along a narrow footpath by moonlight leading deeper into the valley and away from Elrond's home. For the most part, Sara and Bilbo could see once they were on the path and the dwarves were patient as they helped them along where needed. Luckily, by the time they reached the steep and winding trail along the cliff side the sun had begun to come up and full visibility returned. The path led up and out of Imladris and just before they made their final ascent Sara spotted Bilbo standing it on a small overlook a mournful expression on his face as he gazed back down at Rivendell.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," she said coming to stand beside him and share the view. He was silent for a moment.

"I'm really going to miss Rivendell," he said quietly. "Almost as much as Bag End."

"Well maybe you'll get to come back someday," she said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"He offered to let me stay," sighed Bilbo.


"Lord Elrond," he replied. "He said I was welcome to stay if I wanted to, and I have to admit that at times I'm very sorely tempted to accept his generous offer." Sara held their breath as they stood watching, waiting for his next words. "But I have signed a contract and given my word, and a Baggins is nothing if not true to his word," he said after a time. Sara let out a relieved but silent breath. She knew that Bilbo did not always enjoy their adventure and often wished to return home, and she could not say she blamed him, she too would have gone home if given the opportunity, but Bilbo has stuck it out so far. She was glad she didn't have to convince him to continue for he could not be allowed to remain here, he still did not possess the ring, at least she didn't think he did. She looked down at him studying her friend quietly.

"You are a very respectable hobbit," she said smiling at him.

"I'm glad you think so," he said frowning. "I fear my reputation in the Shire will never be quite the same."

"Perhaps," said Sara comfortingly. "But just think of all that you have done that no other hobbit has. You will have a lot of stories to tell when you get back."

"If I get back," he said lowly.

"Ms. Sara, Master Baggins," called Thorin from the path. The others had moved on around the corner and out of sight. "I suggest you keep up and stay close. Be on your guard for we are about to step over into the wild." He was watching them expectantly and Sara wondered if he sensed Bilbo's hesitation.

"Come on Bilbo," she called turning back the path. Shaking himself from his thoughts the hobbit followed after.

They travel long into the day and the further the dwarves got from Imladris the cheerier they became. They had come out of the Hidden Valley and were now making their way across the last stretch of land before they entered the Misty Mountains. Balin who was walking in the back near Bilbo and Sara had told him it would take about two days to get to the mountains and then seven to ten days to cross them, depending on the weather and condition of the path. Sara resigned herself to a lot of walking. Fili and Kili noticed as her began to flag and they had tried their best to cheer her up, but she was often caught up in her own thoughts and fears. When they had pressed her for a reason for her low mood she shook her head and smiled unconvincingly telling them she was just tired. They made camp that first day in the afternoon under a cluster of trees. Sara was exhausted as were the others from their night without sleep, but Thorin had insisted they put some fair distance between them and Rivendell and though tired she knew this was wise. Dinner was simple and early and soon they were all spread out to rest. Thorin had instructed that the watch be broken up into hour segments and all save Sara and Bilbo would take a turn, thus allowing everyone to get some much needed sleep. When Nori had question if there was to be a double watch Thorin had shook his head. He told them that Lord Elrond had been keeping watch over the surrounding lands and had seen nothing since their arrival. The elf lord and his guard had slain almost all the orc party with only one escaping back across the Bruinen River and Thorin felt relatively well assured that they would not be tracked further.

Later, Sara sat on her sleeping bag the contents of her pact strewn about as she repacked and organized what she had left. Dwalin had returned her staff to her and she had strapped it to her pack. She decided to give what remained of her meager first aid kit to Oin; this included the anti-itch cream, a small bottle of Balladry, the pack of quick clot, and the suture kit. She also gave him the empty vitamin bottle to carry herbs in for she had finished them in Rivendell. Sara had been unsure what to do with the now useless head lamp but when Gloin had expressed an interest in it, she gave it to him. She had later seen him dismantling it with tiny tools scratching his head in content curiosity. Before they retired that night the company had been keen to know what has been learned about the map if anything and Thorin and Balin had told them how Lord Elrond had found moon letters and on the map and explained what they were.

"But what did they say?" asked Kili impatiently as he flicked pebbles at Ori who was trying valiantly to ignore him as he wrote in his journal.

Balin who was standing by the fire recited from memory. "Stand by the gray stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the keyhole."

"What is Durin's Day?" asked Sara picking at her gloves.

"It is our people's New Year," said Thorin pulling his pipe from his mouth. "It is marked by the last moon of Autumn and the first sun of Winter sharing the sky together."

"Is there an exact date?" asked Bilbo from beside Bofur as pipe smoke curled around their heads.

"I would have to do some calculations to be sure," said Balin. "But as far as I can recall it usually falls mid to late October."

"And what's today's date?" queried Sara for she had quite lost track.

"July 22nd," said Bilbo without hesitation.

"About three months," mumbled Fili from beside Sara. He frowned fingering one of the beads on his mustache. "Is that going to be enough time reach Erebor?" he asked looking to Thorin.

"It should be," said replied the dwarf king from his seat across from them. "If we are careful and not waylaid."

"How far is it to the mountain?" asked Sara.

"Just over five hundred and fifty miles lass," said Dwalin from her other side.

Sara whistled. "That's a long way."

"We have already come almost four hundred miles together lass," said Balin.

"Have we really?" she asked surprised. Dwalin nodded. "Still," she said. "We had ponies then."

"You needn't worry Ms. Sara," said Thorin looking at her. "We will only travel eight to ten miles a day."

"I suppose that's not so bad then." She sighed and leaned forward to rest her chin in her hands. "But it's still a lot of walking." Dwalin chucked. It was quiet for a moment and the air was filled with the smoke from several of the dwarves pipes.

"What about you little sister," asked Kili finally breaking the silence. Thorin grimaced. "What happened to you last night?" The others too seemed interested for they all looked at her waiting for her to answer.

"We know you got called into the council," said Nori. "But what did they talk about?"

"Mostly they discussed what Radagast saw in Dol Guldur," she said picking up a stick and doodling in the dirt. "Though I don't think they took it very seriously; at least not Saruman." She hesitated before continuing. "Also they were trying to decide whether or not to let us leave Rivendell."

Dwalin cursed and some of the others murmured their agreement. "I knew we cannot trust them," said the warrior. Sara turned to look up at him scowling.

"Well I admit Lord Elrond was not too wild about our quest. He seemed really worried that we would wake up Smaug. He was concerned that the dragon would then in turn wreak havoc on the surrounding areas and people. It's a valid concern," she said looking at Thorin.

"We won't wake the dragon," said Thorin. "That is why Gandalf sent Master Baggins. He will get the Arkenstone and then we will call the others clans for aid against Smaug." Bilbo looked a bit queasy at the mention of his future task.

"I hope you're right," said Sara. The dwarves were quiet for a while. "Anyway," she continued. "After Gandalf showed the council my hand and told them who sent me Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel agreed that we should be allowed to leave."

"What about Saruman?" asked Kili coming to sit in the dirt near her.

"Saruman was still against it," she said. "He pretty much called me a liar and said I made up the whole thing so you would take me along." Dwalin snorted. Bifur said something in dwarvish brushing wood shavings from his current project.

"What did you do?" asked Kili as he watched her scratch aimlessly in the dirt.

"I showed him my phone," she said grinning.

"Bet that would have been interesting to watch," said Bofur blowing out a smoke ring.

"Did he believe you then?" asked Ori looking up from his notes. Sara thought about that for a moment. Saurman's demands that she tell him the future seemed born out of desperation not unbelief despite his claim to think she was a fraud.

"I think so," she said cautiously. "But it didn't convince him to allow us to continue."

"I thought wizards were supposed to be wise," said Ori confused. "If he believed you were sent by the Valar, why would he be against the quest?"

"I'm not sure," she said rubbing out the dirt doodle which had turned into a very intricate letter 'T'. Kili took the stick form her and began a doodle of his own. "Whatever the reason, it's a good thing we got out of there when we did. I don't think Gandalf was expecting Saruman to show up." They were all quiet thinking and Sara watched Kili draw in the dirt. There was a letter 'S' and a 'T' intricately woven together. He looked up at her grinning and she raised an eyebrow. Kili smirked and bent again to his drawing and he had completed half of a large heart around the letters when Sara's booted foot slid purposefully through the dirt and obscured his work.

"Hey!" he complained loudly, pushing away her foot but the damage was done.

"What is it?" asked Thorin looking up at the two of them. Kili tossed the stick into the tall grass behind them.

"Nothing!" said Sara quickly. "Kili's just being an idiot." Thorin raised and eyebrow at them and examined them for a moment before Bilbo yawned audibly.

The dwarf king stood and emptied his pipe. "All of you take your rest while you may," he said to the group. "I will take first watch and Dwalin the next." They all moved off to their bedrolls. Bilbo had bedded down for the night near Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur and Sara went to her sleeping bag near Fili and Kili. She removed her boots and slid inside, the boys coming to layout next to her. The sun had not yet gone down in the summer sky but Sara felt herself drifting despite this. Kili spoke into the relative silence beside her.

"I really am sorry I forgot your tent," he said rolling onto his side and propping his head in his hand. She pulled her arm from over eyes and turned to look at him.

"It's okay Kili. I know you didn't mean to. Who knows maybe Estel will find it. I hope he does. I think he would have fun playing with it." That thought brought a smile to her lips. "Besides," she said poking him in the ribs and then throwing her arm back over her eyes. "As my big brothers I guess you and Fili will just have to make sure I stay warm enough at night. Thanks for the extra blanket by the way." It was silent for a moment until Fili snored from Sara's other side, apparently already asleep. She heard Kili shift closer and jumped as he whispered to her.

"Are you sure you would not rather have uncle Thorin keep you warm at night?" Sara give a loud and exaggerated snore ignoring him while trying to suppress the butterflies that, thanks to him, were now in her stomach. "I know you fancy him," whisper Kili conspiratorially. She gave another snore this one louder. Kili shifted closer still, almost leaning over her. "I see they way you watch him," said Kili. "Especially when he was with Estel." She rolled over turning her back to him, and pulled her hood up to hide her face burning. "Who knows," he said prodding her in the back with a finger. "Maybe I will have to call you aunt some day instead of little sister." Sara reached above her head and yanked a tuft of grass from the dirt and threw in Kili's direction, not looking and got some of it back in her face or her trouble. "Hey!" complained Kili indignantly, brushing bits of debris from his hair and blanket.

"Go to sleep Kili," she ordered, rolling over onto her stomach. He laid down grumbling and soon enough she heard his soft snores mingled with Fili's louder ones. Sara lay there many minutes trying to will herself to sleep, but Kili's comments had started her mind churning once again and she could not shake the feelings of dread she held for Thorin, Fili, and Kili's fates. From his place on watch Thorin watched Sara's tossing and turning and it was only shortly before he woke Dwalin that she finally stilled and slept.

The next morning Sara woke to find a heart drawn around the letters T & S scratched in the dirt next to her head and frowning she rubbed it out. She rose and packed her bag but after breakfast when she lifted her pack to her shoulder there was another such heart beneath it, this one made of white pebbles. Stooping she gathered the offending objects and flung them at Kili who ducked grinning. This became quite the game for Kili the next few days, leaving small hearts in inconspicuous places for her to find. There was one beside her head every morning when she woke and even one drawn in charcoal on her hand the fourth morning. She had tried to get back at Kili, sneaking up on him and trying to draw on his face with charcoal but he had enlisted Fili's help and Sara had wound up with a spectacular black beard and mustache for her trouble, though the boys faces were also far from clean.

The days past fairly pleasantly for the group walking from morning till mid-afternoon and then finding a place to camp. Dwalin and Nori continued to instruct her in the evenings and she made steady improvement day by day as did Bilbo with Balin but at a much slower pace. Nori worked with her on staff technique and Dwalin gave her exercises to do and showed her how to care for her weapon. The warrior told her about the vital kill spots on the types of enemy she was likely to encounter instructing her how and where to strike her opponents. On the third day, they began to climb in elevation as they entered the Misty Mountains and Sara had to admit to herself that despite all the walking she was enjoying the beautiful scenery. They hiked through lush forests and up to the spine of a small mountain following the small footpath which Balin picked out for them. They passed beautiful waterfalls several times and on the fifth day when they camped near one Sara had asked Fili and Kili to act as sentry while she bathed and washed her clothes in one of the frigid falls. When she returned shivering, she found them shooting her two remaining hair elastics at each other and together they went back to camp.

Sara sat by the fire brushing her wet hair trying to dry it before she slept and Ori sat beside her in the dirt writing in one of his journals with one of his pens. He had already used up one and was mostly through another, and when she had learned how quickly he used them she had given him five more keeping the last one for herself. Balin sat nearby talking quietly to Bilbo and the others were also nearby engaged in various conversations or activities. Even Thorin was closer than normal as he sat on a rock across the fire from her. Fili came to stand behind her taking the brush from her hands and beginning to pull her hair back over her shoulder as Kili sat beside her fidgeting with the two hair elastics in his hands.

"What are you writing?" asked Sara, glancing at the scribe out of the corner of her eyes.

"I'm just about done describing the path we took today," he said not looking up from his work.

"Sara," said Kili. "What does eku mean?"

"Eku?" she asked confused

"Yeah," he said pointing to her chest at the college hoodie she wore beneath the leather coat.

"It's not eku," she explained. "It's E K U. It stands for Eastern Kentucky University, the college I was attending back on Earth."

"What's a College?" asked Kili.

"A school for higher education," said Sara.

"You have higher learning?" asked Ori. "What were you specialized in?"

"Well most recently I changed my major to Computer Information Systems," she replied.

"What on Middle Earth is that?" asked Kili.

"Well it's kind of hard to explain," she said frowning. "Really I guess it's all about being able to store, organize, and find the information you want on but on a massive scale using computers."

"Why would you choose to study something like that," asked Fili from behind her.

"I was hoping it would help me be able to sort through some information and find... some stuff," she said. She had in fact hoped that some of the classes she took would aid her search to find her family. It was hard wading through all the masses of information to find clues that would lead her to her parents but thus far she had only taken some finance classes and a class on computer systems. Not exactly what she had been hoping for.

"How long have you been going to school?" asked Fili.

"Well I've been going to school since about age five, but this will be my fifth year of college," she said. Kili whistled impressed.

"Since age five?" asked Ori. "What do children in your world learn about?"

"All sorts of things," she said. "Reading, writing, science, math, music, history, social studies, physical education and those are just some of the core curriculum." All was quiet for a moment as they looked at her in astonishment. Fili pulled her hair down gently making her crane her head back to look at him.

"Have you been holding out on us?" he asked. "You're not some type of royalty are you?"

"No," she said confused. "Why?"

Thorin spoke now. "Usually only royalty or those of high standing have such extensive education Ms. Sara." She looked over at him as he continued. "Most dwarves acquire some basic numbers, letters, and a few other things, but any schooling after that is specific to their chosen profession."

"Did you two have lots of schooling?" she asked tuning to look at Fili and Kili.

"Yes we did," said Fili.

"Uh, so much schooling," said Kili groaning. "It was not fun."

"I didn't mind it," added Fili.

"Who taught you?" asked Sara.

"Balin and I," said Thorin.

"Well in the United States, kids have to go to school for twelve years," she said.

"I wish I could attend one of your world's schools," sighed Ori closing his book now. It was quiet for a moment.

"Hair band," said Fili simply, holding out of hand to Kili who shot the elastics high into the air in perfect ark for Fili's hand … or at least it would have been perfect, had the breeze not picked them up and carried the hair bands right into the flames. Sara groaned as she watched them burn and melt. Kili dug into his pocket and offered two chords of letter to his brother instead. Fili took them, but not before thumping his brothers shoulder and tied off Sara's hair. The conversation had begun to flag and Ori moved off toward his brothers and bed. The princes were on watch that night so Fili he retired soon after finishing Sara's hair and Kili was walking the perimeter of the camp slowly, leaving just Sara and Thorin at the fire. She was about to go to bed as well when Bifur and Bofur sat themselves on either side of her.

"Hey Bifur, Bofur, what's up," she greeted. Bifur pointed to the sky smiling.

"Hello lass," called Bofur. "We have something for ya."

"What is it," she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Bifur placed an object in her hand. It was about the size and shape of a small loaf of bread carved out of a beautiful dark wood. She turned it this way and that, looking at all the designs on it. "Whats this?" she asked pointing to the top which bore some odd symbols.

"That yer name in Dwarvish," said Bofur.

"It's beautiful," she said. "But what is it?" Bofur chuckled and took it from her pulling a small piece of wood until it slid free and then tipped the top half back.

"It's a puzzle box!" she exclaimed excitedly. "I have always wanted one of these, they are so cool!" Bifur grinned at her as she took back to examine it further.

"It's to put that phone of yers in when yer not using it," said Bofur. "Bifur tells me ya were quite upset when ya found it had been cracked in Rivendell, so he suggested that we make this for ya to keep it and any of yer other trinkets safe." She beamed at them.

"Thank you," she said, leaning over to squeeze Bifur's hand and place a quick kiss on his cheek. "That was really sweet of you two."

"Here now lass," cried Bofur. "Don't I get a kiss too?" She eyed him skeptically and Thorin sat up a bit straighter. "Just a wee one lass?" pleaded the toy-maker tapping his proffered cheek his eyes twinkling. Hesitantly she leaned forward to kiss him, but at the last moment he turned his head and caught her full on the mouth. He reached up, quickly grabbing her face and pressing his lips to hers briefly before she squeaked in protest and shoved him away. Bifur reached around her and smacked his laughing younger cousin upside the head chastising him in dwarvish.

"Bofur!" called Thorin his voice angry as he continued to yell at the toy-maker in dwarvish. Bofur replied coolly, still in dwarvish. He must have said something that Thorin didn't like for Sara watched him grind his teeth and gesture for Bofur to follow him. Before he left Bofur leaned over and whispered into her ear. "See lass, I told ya there's a bit of envy in him, especially where you are concerned."

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