
'1.3' The stars will be waiting...

My heart races a bit, but I don't know why. Tuffnut walked over and swung his hand over Hiccup's shoulder. "Oh! I am glad you asked my friend. Imora here just gave an inspirational speech about...uhh, what was it again Ruff?" Tuffnut asked looking at his twin sister.

" 'A trap is a trap and a fool is a fool'.'' She quoted with her finger in the air."Yeah, that." Tuff said smiling. " Oh, uhh that's... great." Hiccup said unsurely. I avoided his gaze and focused it on the game. " So you can play Maces and Talons?" Hiccup asked walking closer with a suspicious look on his face.

I glanced at him giving a small smile. " Y-Yeah." I stutter. " And where did you learn it?" He requested narrowing his eyes at me. " Uhhh... My... Father likes playing it in the hall... Against my ... mother?" I answered unsure of my answer.

" Against your mother?" He repeated. " Why do you sound so unsure of your answer, Imora?" Astrid teased. I gulp unconsciously. What would Loki do? What would Loki do?..lie? " Yeah, they don't like people knowing that they play Maces and Talons... I usually just watch from the sidelines." I lied a fake expression guilt on my face.

" Uh-huh, sure. Or did you learn it from Viggo?" Heather corrected. Yes. Yes, I did. " What are you so obsessed with this Viggo guy?" I asked with an almost mock expression.

" Well, I mean the chances pretty good you are a dragon hunter. Since we found you on a cliff with no information of you and Viggo just attacked there... But then again Viggo could have attacked you so that's why we found you on the cliff... I just realized the irony of the situation." Ruffnut ranted. I gave her a dumbfounded look.

The sun's ray above the horizon shone painfully in my eye. I quickly moved to the shadows. " And how good are in it?" Dagur asked, appearing out of nowhere.  " Uhhh I'm average? I guess?" I said still stunned about his arrival. Seems like everybody except me can just appear out of nowhere when they want to.

" Oh, goodie! I've been waiting for someone to go head to head with me; Dagur the Deranged!" He cheered. I furrow my brow. He really lost his mind. " Want to have a go?" He asked clasping his hands together.

" Uhh..." I look around trying to find an excuse to not play but was unsuccessful. I sigh. " Sure." I shrugged. He made a strange gigging sound as he walked to the table with me following behind. I sat on the chair and started organizing the board.

When I finished, everybody gathered around the table in anticipation. I moved first, my mind already scheming of all the possibilities because of one little piece. He moved his dragon to the side of the board, smiling. I copy his action, seeing the same strategy he's using. Viggo's.

Not long after, his pieces were discarded on the table and his Chief outplayed. He was able to capture one of my pieces; the Wing maiden. I smirk in victory, but a voice buzzed in my head. What if the others had seen this strategy from Viggo too? My nerves were getting the best of me as the smirk that was on my face a few seconds ago, was discarded to a worried expression. Out of the blue, I got an idea, it was stupid, but I had to do it.

Out of my mouth came an awfully loud yawn, drawing everybody's attention. I smile nervously and stood up with dignified speed. I shuffle towards the door and giggled anxiously. " Well...uhh I'm going to.. go to sleep. Yeah, uhh see you tomorrow." I finished and hurried out of the hut before any protests could be made.

My breathing was what I was focusing on, as I slowly took another look at the island. It was a beautiful island, way better than mine. In fact, mine just had gloomy forests, poisoned water, and cages that were scattered over the island.

Not really a pleasant place to be, well, that is, unless you're a Dragon Hunter. I sighed. I don't know how to feel anymore, this was a nice place which brought up my spirits, but the stress of constantly looking over my shoulder; got my head spinning.

My thoughts tumbled over each other as my legs continued to carry me to Hiccup's hut. I heard a sudden creak of wood near me and jumped in surprise. A low growl made my nerves calm down a bit.

I hated being so jittery al the time, I was completely out of character. " Is it you?" I asked the darkness unsurely. The familiar blue eyes came out of the shadows -something my nerves were glad to see-.

I smile a bit and gestured for her to follow me. Was she waiting for me all this time? Guilt pricked at my heart as a frown took his place on my face.

Soon, I was in bed, laying on my back; staring at the ceiling. My back was aching but something just wanted me to stay. I glance at the small window, eyeing the stars gratefully. Ever since I was young, the stars were something that always fascinated me. I don't know why though.

Sometimes it just felt like they were the only one's guiding me through life, brightening my dark and singing me to sleep when the voices in my head were restless. I sigh once more and turned to my side, having a better view of the stars. As much as I hate to admit it, this... was... kind of... nice, in a way, I can't explain.

It felt good having friends, even though they're suspicious of you. There was just something on the edge that my home couldn't offer. Socializing maybe?

After all, I only really had guards to talk to and I was lucky if Viggo and Ryker weren't too busy. Funny enough, I only now realize how lonely it was back home. No one to talk to about my problems, no to hold me when I get sad... I was the only one there for me, I guess that's why I don't like trusting people. One second their fighting alongside you, next thing you know, they're the one fighting you. Ironic, I know.

A small tear slipped down my cheek and raced down to the pillow. I sniffed and rubbed my nose with my sleeve. Just one more day, I encouraged myself. I already have plenty of information, hopefully, enough to satisfy Johan and the others.

My thoughts got slower and quieter as the night stretched on.

My eyes drooped as I take one last glance at the stars. 'One day, I'll be among you. Shining when the world seems dark, guiding someone in need. And finally having a place that no one can take away from me.' My thoughts whispered, but I heard it and smiled falling into a well-deserved slumber.

" Hello?!" I yelled to the darkness. No one answered. " Hellooooooooooooooo?!" I yelled again, just hearing my voice echo further to what I can not see. I huffed and crossed my arms. I was in the dark. Complete and utter darkness, well, except for the little light shining in the distance. " I hate the dark," I muttered hoping the darkness didn't hear, otherwise they would take my little light away too.

Thankfully, Viggo showed up, walking from the shadows with his hands behind his back. He stopped in front of me and looked away. Behind me, footsteps echoed. I turned around thinking it was Ryker, and I was right.

His muscular form elegantly trotted from the shadows. I gave a relieved sigh. " You scared me." I smile lightly.

" I told you she would fail." Ryker snarled at Viggo. Are they talking about me? " Yes, such a disappointment. I'm afraid she'll have to go." Viggo sighed. " Wait, what?" I asked dumbfounded. " It's been a pleasure working with you, Imora. But I am afraid you'll have to go." Viggo answered politely.

" Wait, go where? What are you talking about?" I requested, my heart rummaging in my chest. Ryker handed Viggo something as I stepped away, fearing what they said. Out of nowhere, two hands held my hands to my sides, taking away my ability to draw and fight with daggers. I squirmed in the cold and unfamiliar touch. The light in the distance grew until it was just behind my brothers. Words couldn't form in my mouth so no sound came out.

I struggled to move like my body has been turned to stone. Tears gathered in my eyes as I watch Ryker stepped through the light. Viggo watched him and turned to me, holding a Maces and Talons piece in his hand.

I couldn't make out what piece it was before Viggo snapped it in half with an angry face. He grew a smirk as he saw me struggling against the mysterious figure. He turned around and moved towards the light. I yelled but only a faint scream could be heard. My limbs felt like jelly, but my heart took the worst beating. I could barely feel it beating in my chest, the words that were spoken was making it slow down... until it stopped moving...

Thank you soooo much for 4k!! I really appreciate your support!❤️

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