
Dead Of Night(Part One)


 Lucas Moonstone had been busily writing away at his desk when a servant had burst through his door. It took a moment for him to catch his breath, but the man had managed to get out; "People! Hundreds! Hundreds of'em headin' this way, me lord!"

 "What?! In this weather?!" Lucas bellowed as he got up, and practically ran to his window.

 Astonishment overtook him as he watched men, women, and children heading towards his castle. As his stomach twisted in knots, the servant asked; "What should we do, me Lord? Should we turn them away? Or-"

 "Of course not! Fer the love of the gods, there's children out there! Go! Now! Open the gates! And wake the other servants! Tell them to pull out any blankets or linens they can find! And get the cooks extra help in the kitchens! Move it, laddie! Those people are probably half-frozen ta death!"

 "Sh-Should I wake the Lady?" the young man asked nervously.

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