
Benedict’s Girl

Lisa's POV

I saw Dr. Inez and Ryan come at the last minute before Rich could ask the question to his girlfriend. The couple joined us at our table. I couldn't stop myself from having my tears flow like waterfalls since I saw my best friend, Maya, who was also crying for Ariana, and when I looked around, most of the women were crying as well, maybe because we tend to be more emotional than men. And we love Ariana, and that is why we are having tears of joy. I excused myself and went to the restroom to fix myself because I knew I was a mess after crying.

When I looked at the mirror, I could see the reflection of my face, and I smiled when I saw some smeared mascara, and I got a tissue to wipe it, and I put on some face powder and lip gloss before I got out from the restroom, and I bumped into Jake who looked dashing as ever.

"Hey, Lisa! It is nice to see you, and now I confirmed the rumor was true." He said, and I raised an eyebrow.

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